What Do i Watch?

The Shield
Breaking Bad
Prison Break
Heroes (pukes)

Entourage or The West Wing..

but give both shows time to pick up..either way, I guarantee you they'll be one of the best tv shows you've seen right up there with The Shield...

or if you want some excellent comedy..

Modern Family (only 1 season aired though)
Never got into the Entourage. Tried a bit of the first season but got pretty bored of it
I agree wholeheartedly with The Wire but just to throw something a bit different into the mix, because I happened to come across a few clips of it yesterday and was reminded of it's brilliance, how about Red Dwarf.

It's a bit of a cult comedy which was show throughout the nineties on the BBC, the first 5 series are near perfection for me, series 6 is excellent, with series 7 & 8 you can clearly see a drop in quality but they are still worth a look.

This is from series 3 I think, but there aren't really any spoilers in it, it's fairly typical of it's humour especially for the first couple of series.

Leverage is ok, it's easy viewing but nowhere near the class of BB, Dexter etc. Gina Bellman is just :drool:

Yes yes very much :drool:

It's a fun show. If you can leave out the stupidity of the show it's good entertainment.
Never got into the Entourage. Tried a bit of the first season but got pretty bored of it

I make you a promise..

watch till midway in the second season, and you'll start loving it..

I actually hated the first season of Entourage myself, but now I can safely say its the show I look most forward to watching.
Exactly. I find the 1st season terrible. Well I'l try getting through it somehow.
Anyone here tell me about True Blood?

I'm guessing its a bit of fun and not to be put up on the same pedestal as Wire, Shield, Dexter, Breaking Bad etc. but is it worth watching?
I think you can put in on the same level as of The Wire and The Shield. Dexter and Breaking Bad are not on that level in the first place. It's amazing!

I have to warn you that season 1 is a bit slow though.
I've been watching The Wire in the last few weeks, I've just finished season 3. It is very very good but I think Sopranos is better.
want to start a new marathon
breaking bad , the west wing or the shield?
If you don't like Entourage from the first season, you'll probably never like it, the first 2 seasons are it's best by far.

However, you should definitely give The Wire time, I loved it from the off, well at least close enough, I started watching around about season 2 so I watched all season 1 in like 3 days on replays and yeah I loved season 1 straight off the bat, but lots of people say it needs time, so yeah give that time.

From the shows you listed on the first page, I'd say Chuck which is awesomely fun without being too heavy on drama, I notice that all the shows you listed don't really rely on their drama, but more their hook, so yeah I guess Chuck. I don't know what else really I can recommend off the shows you seem to like, maybe Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, True Blood etc, all great shows really if your not looking for overly dramatic stuff.

Freaks and Geeks(shortlived but great, if you like this go with Undeclared which is no way near as good, but still worth your time)
The West Wing(even if you are only mildly interested in politics it's still great)
SportsNight(if you like these two, then Studio 60 is a obvious watch after them)
The X-Files(but I'd assume you know enough about this anyway)
Firefly(again shortlived so not much effort here)
ok guys thanks for the input
Zen i already saw the wire , and dit not really like entourage so breaking bad is my next one
The West Wing most definitely!

Followed by The Shield..

Breaking Bad is a good show, but comes nowhere close to the 2 above..
If you don't like Entourage from the first season, you'll probably never like it, the first 2 seasons are it's best by far.

However, you should definitely give The Wire time, I loved it from the off, well at least close enough, I started watching around about season 2 so I watched all season 1 in like 3 days on replays and yeah I loved season 1 straight off the bat, but lots of people say it needs time, so yeah give that time.

From the shows you listed on the first page, I'd say Chuck which is awesomely fun without being too heavy on drama, I notice that all the shows you listed don't really rely on their drama, but more their hook, so yeah I guess Chuck. I don't know what else really I can recommend off the shows you seem to like, maybe Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, True Blood etc, all great shows really if your not looking for overly dramatic stuff.

Freaks and Geeks(shortlived but great, if you like this go with Undeclared which is no way near as good, but still worth your time)
The West Wing(even if you are only mildly interested in politics it's still great)
SportsNight(if you like these two, then Studio 60 is a obvious watch after them)
The X-Files(but I'd assume you know enough about this anyway)
Firefly(again shortlived so not much effort here)

Yeah I will watch The Wire at some point of time.

Loved The Shield :drool:

I saw one episode of Pushing Daisies. Nothing great but entertaining.
just watched the braking bad pilot and all i can say that it looks promising
Check out Community as well.
Watching Modern Family and It's always sunny in Phila. Great shows
finished breaking bad
it was great with a couple of downs and boring filler parts, but allround it was ok
cant wait for season 4

the bug/fly episode , what was that about ?
finished breaking bad
it was great with a couple of downs and boring filler parts, but allround it was ok
cant wait for season 4

the bug/fly episode , what was that about ?

That was just a brilliant episode :lol:
Loads of new shows starting and old shows returning tomorrow :D

On the comedy side, Two and A Half Men,Modern Family, How I met Your Mother, Rules of Engagements and the Big Bang Theory all return. Then a new show Mick and Molly starts.

House and Chuck return as well and the highly anticipated (sort of ) The Event starts off as well. Criminal Minds too I think. And Dexter next week ofcourse :D
Just finished watching Breaking Bad on the advice of someone here and I absolutely loved it but now I'm stuck on what to watch next.

I've seen all the usuals, The Wire, Sopranos, House, Entourage, Dexter, West Wing

Anymore ideas ?
So TBBT, HIMYM and House returning this week? My cock can't take anymore today.

You bring the 'Lester Freamon' name to shame watching this garbage. Sorry bruh. But Lester would only appreciate true quality.

Boardwalk Empire
Mad Men
The Walking Dead(October 31st)
True Blood
Friday Night Lights

Theres your top dramas currently airing.
Hows Friday Night Lights? I've seen 3 episodes of the first season. Seemed decent.
Walking Dead
Breaking Bad
Big Bang Theory
Terra Nova