If you don't like Entourage from the first season, you'll probably never like it, the first 2 seasons are it's best by far.
However, you should definitely give The Wire time, I loved it from the off, well at least close enough, I started watching around about season 2 so I watched all season 1 in like 3 days on replays and yeah I loved season 1 straight off the bat, but lots of people say it needs time, so yeah give that time.
From the shows you listed on the first page, I'd say Chuck which is awesomely fun without being too heavy on drama, I notice that all the shows you listed don't really rely on their drama, but more their hook, so yeah I guess Chuck. I don't know what else really I can recommend off the shows you seem to like, maybe Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, True Blood etc, all great shows really if your not looking for overly dramatic stuff.
Freaks and Geeks(shortlived but great, if you like this go with Undeclared which is no way near as good, but still worth your time)
The West Wing(even if you are only mildly interested in politics it's still great)
SportsNight(if you like these two, then Studio 60 is a obvious watch after them)
The X-Files(but I'd assume you know enough about this anyway)
Firefly(again shortlived so not much effort here)