What Do i Watch?

It's criminal how often Supernatural gets overlooked. Seasons 4 and 5 especially are just fantastic television.
I'l just take a loook at that list in a bit, by the way how is "Lie to Me"?

Seems interesting.

It's just ok nothing special. On the same basis give Leverage a go, it's not brilliant but can be entertaining, and stars hotty Gina Bellman. Worth watching for her alone.

It also came to my attention that you may not have caught any sunlight (or fanny for that matter) in the last two months. Get out wr8.
First two seasons were the best in my opinion. They have dragged some bits in the last two seasons. Classic soundtracks too.

First two seasons were great, but it was really just Sam and Dean going round killing ghouls and ghosts. From season 3 onwards it's really taken off and the story line is becoming more epic than imagined. My one gripe with it is every episode is basically a stand a lone. They never have a two parter, and I know there is always the underlining theme of Lucifer and Michael, but it does seem like each episode is individual to the others some times. Last episode of season 5 was mega, though I can't help feel the last few seconds ruined it abit.

Where Sam was back in the real world. Should have bought him back in Season 6, not at the end of season 5. Completely ruined the whole build up of the last episode and the drama and emotion of Sam plunging himself into hell. What's the point if you're going to bring him back 20 seconds later? Let the audience stew on it for a few months 'til September and season 6 at least.

Anyway season 4 & 5 are better than the first because they have Castiel, who is brilliant.
I think it was because of the first 2 seasons it gets overlooked. I know it's meant to be brilliant now but i can't get passed the first season to be arsed catching up.
Day Break is pretty decent. What made me watch it over the summer was that it was only scheduled for one season, so in 13 episodes the whole thing was resolved. Decent show to watch just to pass time without having to start following it afterwards.

Oh, and The Wire is a must-see show. Best show I've ever watched, and I also had trouble getting into it for the first three or four episodes due to the huge amount of characters introduced in the initial episodes.. But you'll get into it and love it, I promise.
I've enjoyed watching the first series of Ashes to Ashes.
I am going to download this one. Been hearing a lot of good reviews on this on here. Should I be watching Life on Mars before I start watching A2A.

First two seasons were great, but it was really just Sam and Dean going round killing ghouls and ghosts. From season 3 onwards it's really taken off and the story line is becoming more epic than imagined. My one gripe with it is every episode is basically a stand a lone. They never have a two parter, and I know there is always the underlining theme of Lucifer and Michael, but it does seem like each episode is individual to the others some times. Last episode of season 5 was mega, though I can't help feel the last few seconds ruined it abit.

Where Sam was back in the real world. Should have bought him back in Season 6, not at the end of season 5. Completely ruined the whole build up of the last episode and the drama and emotion of Sam plunging himself into hell. What's the point if you're going to bring him back 20 seconds later? Let the audience stew on it for a few months 'til September and season 6 at least.

Anyway season 4 & 5 are better than the first because they have Castiel, who is brilliant.
I know. I was a bit surprised about that part. I'm pretty sure Eric kripke had thought of finishing the series with the death of Sam if not for this new season. Every season had some form of surprise element in it like Dean being sent to hell.:nervous:. Keeps up the anticipation level.
Castiel was by far the best addition in the latest seasons.

What i found great about the first two seasons were the picturizations even though it revolved around random supernatural events.
Day Break is pretty decent. What made me watch it over the summer was that it was only scheduled for one season, so in 13 episodes the whole thing was resolved. Decent show to watch just to pass time without having to start following it afterwards.

Oh, and The Wire is a must-see show. Best show I've ever watched, and I also had trouble getting into it for the first three or four episodes due to the huge amount of characters introduced in the initial episodes.. But you'll get into it and love it, I promise.

I watched Day Break when it was new and yeah it was pretty decent. I had completely forgotten all about it.
I think it was because of the first 2 seasons it gets overlooked. I know it's meant to be brilliant now but i can't get passed the first season to be arsed catching up.

Same here. I even have the first 2 seasons of Super (if this is what your talking about) and I just can't be bothered to catch up on 6 seasons of it.

Seen bits and pieces of the first season though
^^ Eh dunno about that. The Pilot of Lie to Me was very very good but Mentalist is a brilliant show too.
I am going to download this one. Been hearing a lot of good reviews on this on here. Should I be watching Life on Mars before I start watching A2A.

I know. I was a bit surprised about that part. I'm pretty sure Eric kripke had thought of finishing the series with the death of Sam if not for this new season. Every season had some form of surprise element in it like Dean being sent to hell.:nervous:. Keeps up the anticipation level.
Castiel was by far the best addition in the latest seasons.

What i found great about the first two seasons were the picturizations even though it revolved around random supernatural events.

The only thing I can think, besides Kripke originally deciding to end it at 5 seasons, is that it's not Sam, it's Lucifer and Sam is still in the the Devil's cage. They never showed Michael though, so I suppose there is still a lot that is unanswered. It's a shame we never got to see Michael and Lucifer come to blows. I was expecting it to happen with Michael getting defeated as Adam isn't as powerful a vessel as Dean or something. It's interesting they way Kripke has twisted it so that Dean, the petty thief, alcoholic and womaniser is the vessel for Michael and the one person strong enough to say no to him. Was gutted they killed Gabriel as well, I was at least expecting the fight between Lucifer and Gabriel to have a few more special effects. A sort of precursor for the big showdown between Gods two most powerful children.

Was also pretty disappointed with the four horseman, they were ridiculously easy to stop despite being nearly as powerful as Lucifer himself. The only oen who put up a fight was the Horseman's stable boy!

Yeah I can agree with that I guess. I can also sort of see what Gambit said about how the first two seasons might put some people off, but it's clear now Kripke was using them to develop Sam and Deans characters. It's amazing when you watch the series through the transformations they have gone through, really well done. And though I guess you can take up watching the show from Season 4, I don't think you would have the same feeling for the characters as you would if you watch it all the way from the first seasons
The only thing I can think, besides Kripke originally deciding to end it at 5 seasons, is that it's not Sam, it's Lucifer and Sam is still in the the Devil's cage. They never showed Michael though, so I suppose there is still a lot that is unanswered. It's a shame we never got to see Michael and Lucifer come to blows. I was expecting it to happen with Michael getting defeated as Adam isn't as powerful a vessel as Dean or something. It's interesting they way Kripke has twisted it so that Dean, the petty thief, alcoholic and womaniser is the vessel for Michael and the one person strong enough to say no to him. Was gutted they killed Gabriel as well, I was at least expecting the fight between Lucifer and Gabriel to have a few more special effects. A sort of precursor for the big showdown between Gods two most powerful children.

Was also pretty disappointed with the four horseman, they were ridiculously easy to stop despite being nearly as powerful as Lucifer himself. The only oen who put up a fight was the Horseman's stable boy!

Yeah I can agree with that I guess. I can also sort of see what Gambit said about how the first two seasons might put some people off, but it's clear now Kripke was using them to develop Sam and Deans characters. It's amazing when you watch the series through the transformations they have gone through, really well done. And though I guess you can take up watching the show from Season 4, I don't think you would have the same feeling for the characters as you would if you watch it all the way from the first seasons
Exactly. For anyone interested i would suggest starting with the first season.
As they got on to the final showdown there have been lot of duds like the no-show of the Horsemen/death or the precursor to gabriel's death. However, I liked the intro to the final horsemen. Nothing novel but good nevertheless. The scriptwriters would be breaking their heads about developing this God-angel thing without being predictable. Well, next season is the last and this series will be one for collection.
The West Wing

I concur. The best TV drama ever made. Even beats 24. You cant go wrong and it lasts a full 7 seasons!!

Im in the same position as the OP.

Lots seem to be mentioning the wire and the shield. What are they both a about?
The Shield is definitely worth it. Brilliant show.

The Wire is something everyone recommends so I'l give it a grow. I saw the Pilot of Fringe and it was decent enough.

Lie to Me is really good too.

So it's Wire and Lie to Me for now I guess.
The Shield is definitely worth it. Brilliant show.

The Wire is something everyone recommends so I'l give it a grow. I saw the Pilot of Fringe and it was decent enough.

Lie to Me is really good too.

So it's Wire and Lie to Me for now I guess.

Get the West Wing too. you cant beat it.
Exactly. For anyone interested i would suggest starting with the first season.
As they got on to the final showdown there have been lot of duds like the no-show of the Horsemen/death or the precursor to gabriel's death. However, I liked the intro to the final horsemen. Nothing novel but good nevertheless. The scriptwriters would be breaking their heads about developing this God-angel thing without being predictable. Well, next season is the last and this series will be one for collection.

I just wish they would go for a two parter or something. Really splash out on the effects and battles. It shouldn't have taken a 40 minute episode to defeat each horseman, the battle between Gabriel and Lucifer shouldn't have lasted 15 seconds. And before fighting Gabriel, Lucifer shouldn't have been able to kill the Gods of the other religions so easily, which also made little sense in the first place when you think about it. I can applaud them for taking on such a large scale script and bringing in such huge characters like the Devil himself, but really they can't expect us to just believe Sam and Dean can beat War or Pestilence as easy as they do an average ghost. In fact most of the supernatural beings they have faced have proved to be more of a fight than the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Or the seven deadly sins in season three, which really were not much different from any other demon.

It is a bit of a shame, because it all looked so promising in Season 4 when Anna showed up and the full battle between Angels and Demons began to emerge. And the episode in season 5 where Dean wakes up in the post-apocalyptic world in the future, where he meets himself, was one of my favourites. I can't help but feel it was building up to something monumental, and never quite reached it and we've already seen a lot of the big hitters. Though I do wonder if we will see God, I have a feeling we have possibly already met Him.

All that said though, still a fantastic series and the scale of the plot is immense, as is the character development. I have really high hopes for season 6, and hopefully it will cover some of the things season 5 was lacking. Especially considering Castiel now seems to have been bought back as some sort of souped-up, mega-angel.
Is the first episode of Breaking Bad a bit boring or am I the only one?
You are the only one you massive weirdo :lol:
Ok on second viewing I found it much better.

The first 20 minutes or so I found massively boring the first time so I din't really much get into it. This time it was pretty decent.

Need to get a better quality download though instead of online streaming. :D
Is the first episode of Breaking Bad a bit boring or am I the only one?

Nope, as i said it takes about 4-6 episodes to get going but once it does and you have the emotional connection it sure as hell can't be beat.
7 episodes is the entire first season! But I enjoyed the 1st episode more than i did on my first viewing
Done with Breaking Bad. Thank god I stuck with it. Bloody brilliant show.

Now I have the same problem though. Dunno what to watch. Watching a bit of Lie to Me and White Collar to pass the time
Anyone watch Leverage? What kind of show is it?
And how is "The GOod Guys"? From the creator of Burn Notice..
Leverage is ok, it's easy viewing but nowhere near the class of BB, Dexter etc. Gina Bellman is just :drool:
Leverage is ok, it's easy viewing but nowhere near the class of BB, Dexter etc. Gina Bellman is just :drool:

Yeah that's why I thought I'l watch it. Some timepass stuff to watch..

Hows this Louie show that just aired? It's been getting great reviews everywhere. Has anyone seen it?