What Do i Watch?

Hahaha your the major reason i watched this show. You were persistent in your Shield praises down in the newbs :lol:

I only did it as the lot of them were spunking over Heroes and 24, and it's the best show I've ever watched. Glad you liked it.
For someone who's not watched it yet, and without giving away any spoilers, would you people recommend Breaking Bad?

Just to give most people an idea of the type of shows I watch, these are the shows that I've seen every single episode of so far with the ones in bold the ones I absolutely LOVED.

24 (till last season)
Curb your Enthusiasm
The Office (UK and US)
Boston Legal
How I Met Your Mother,
Two and A Half Men
Rules of Engagement
The Wire
The Shield
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The West Wing
30 Rock
Peep Show

So uhh, just asking, if people on here think it's the sort of show I'll like?
And by going through the list of shows I watch(ed), any recommendations of other shows I've missed out on that I might like? p.s I hate Sci-fi and fantasy, so big NO shows like Heroes etc..
For someone who's not watched it yet, and without giving away any spoilers, would you people recommend Breaking Bad?

Just to give most people an idea of the type of shows I watch, these are the shows that I've seen every single episode of so far with the ones in bold the ones I absolutely LOVED.

24 (till last season)
Curb your Enthusiasm
The Office (UK and US)
Boston Legal
How I Met Your Mother,
Two and A Half Men
Rules of Engagement
The Wire
The Shield
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The West Wing
30 Rock
Peep Show

So uhh, just asking, if people on here think it's the sort of show I'll like?
And by going through the list of shows I watch(ed), any recommendations of other shows I've missed out on that I might like? p.s I hate Sci-fi and fantasy, so big NO shows like Heroes etc..

HBO's a hell of a common denominator for quality. If you liked The Wire then David Simon also made a miniseries about the first 40 or so days of the invasion of Iraq in 03... and last sunday his new series Tremé premiered. Oz is also quality, for at least 3-4 seasons. I really liked Six Feet Under as well.

As for Breaking Bad... it's good, and it's interesting... but it builds quite slowly and takes its time in every way. Can't tell how highly I'll rank it till we start seeing where the third season is going, though.

Oh! And Deadwood... Deadwood is based on a prospecting town in South Dakota... has a rich gallery of characters, a crassness mixed with lofty and lovely language... is good for laughs, has one, if not the coolest bad guy ever in Al Swearengen, and I was sad when the third season ended. Quality.
For someone who's not watched it yet, and without giving away any spoilers, would you people recommend Breaking Bad?

Just to give most people an idea of the type of shows I watch, these are the shows that I've seen every single episode of so far with the ones in bold the ones I absolutely LOVED.

24 (till last season)
Curb your Enthusiasm
The Office (UK and US)
Boston Legal
How I Met Your Mother,
Two and A Half Men
Rules of Engagement
The Wire
The Shield
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The West Wing
30 Rock
Peep Show

So uhh, just asking, if people on here think it's the sort of show I'll like?
And by going through the list of shows I watch(ed), any recommendations of other shows I've missed out on that I might like? p.s I hate Sci-fi and fantasy, so big NO shows like Heroes etc..

Good mix there. Dexter is an obvious one which I'm pretty sure you'll be hooked on after the very first episode, there's True Blood too. You'd also probably like Arrested Development and I'd also give Hung a go.

If you really appreciate a well made production try Band of Brothers.

And yes Breaking Bad is recommended.
Good mix there. Dexter is an obvious one which I'm pretty sure you'll be hooked on after the very first episode, there's True Blood too. You'd also probably like Arrested Development and I'd also give Hung a go.

If you really appreciate a well made production try Band of Brothers.

And yes Breaking Bad is recommended.
What's true blood about?
Zain, based on those comedies you listed, you have to watch Arrested Development.
What's true blood about?

Vampires. It's set in a small Louisiana town in a world where vampires live amongst humans. Being a small town, it gets it's first vampire resident who quickly forms a love relationship with the main character Sookie, a waitress at the local. Then people start dying and theres lots of hot sex.

It's good because the characters are addictive plus it's dark yet comical at the same time.
you definitely want to watch Spartacus "Kill them all" tonight. It promises to be deadly and bloody.
You might as well add Fringe to you list. Great show.
Fringe is pretty good havent been keeping up that much with the second season but it seems to be episodes are unrelated this season outside
of this huge arc that his son isnt really his soon
For someone who's not watched it yet, and without giving away any spoilers, would you people recommend Breaking Bad?

Just to give most people an idea of the type of shows I watch, these are the shows that I've seen every single episode of so far with the ones in bold the ones I absolutely LOVED.

24 (till last season)
Curb your Enthusiasm
The Office (UK and US)
Boston Legal
How I Met Your Mother,
Two and A Half Men
Rules of Engagement
The Wire
The Shield
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The West Wing
30 Rock
Peep Show

So uhh, just asking, if people on here think it's the sort of show I'll like?
And by going through the list of shows I watch(ed), any recommendations of other shows I've missed out on that I might like? p.s I hate Sci-fi and fantasy, so big NO shows like Heroes etc..

The Sopranos, I guarantee it will join the bold selection.

PLAY has a bargain on The West Wing box set at the moment.

I'm tempted myself after hearing all the positive feedback on it. Is it really that good?

The West Wing is an absolutely brilliant show, really well written and the acting is excellent. It really depends on your own tastes though, I've recommended it to some friends who've loved it and others who just found it boring

In my opinion Mad Men is the best show on tv at the moment, I've just finished watching the first two seasons on dvd and its superb
Nobody has mentioned The Thick of It, its superb.

The Sopranos is top quality television, highly recommended.
you definitely want to watch Spartacus "Kill them all" tonight. It promises to be deadly and bloody.
You might as well add Fringe to you list. Great show.

Yeah listen to this man, Fringe is excellent. Like the X-files but in more focused concentrated form.

Fringe is pretty good havent been keeping up that much with the second season but it seems to be episodes are unrelated this season outside
of this huge arc that his son isnt really his soon

Yeah you get to find out where he got his son from, i'd already figured this out during season 1.
Finished Lost also now. So got nothing to watch. What do I watch now?

Is fringe really worth watching?
The Sopranos. Best TV show of all time for me.
I don't know man, literally EVERYONE I know who's watched this show recommend it and speak highly of it. I watched season 1, it wasn't all that, just a generic guy-in-a-bad-spot-and-has-to-take-care-of-his-family drama. I should really watch season 2 then.
^^ Yeah I got the same feeling. Everyone loves it but I just could not get into it for some reason.
Yeah never found that interesting either.

Really can't decide what to watch now. Fringe also I'm not really sure about. Gues il give i a try. Still got lots of Numb3rs to watch too.
Numb3rs. :lol: I think it is the worst T.V. program I've ever seen, if you can call it that.

I watched season 1 of Fringe too, that's so shit. The ending just takes the cake. Useless, clueless, fecking morons run around for 30 minutes, and in the end that retarded scientist breaks the case because in the 60s the U.S. government had asked him to make XYZ and the bad guys are using it right now, and to break XYZ, you have to do 123. They do 123, and the episode is over.

Get on The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, True Blood, or Nip/Tuck.
Numb3rs is a good series to watch a one off episode if you got nothing to do. I got the DVD of season 1 somewhere with me so mayb eil watch some episodes.

Yeah I know I'm not sure I really want to watch Fringe.

True blood again does not really interest me. I'l try re watching The Wire maybe or try the Pilot of Fringe. ANy other recommendations?
These are the ones I've watched, every episode of every season, some (The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, Entourage, Scrubs, Arrested Development) twice. I can vouch for these bar the ones with a "*" at the end.

The Sopranos
The Shield
Six Feet Under
True Blood
Arrested Development
Prison Break
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
One Tree Hill :nervous:
The Wire
Peep Show
30 Rock
Mad Men*
Dirty Sexy Money :nervous:
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Flight of the Conchords

Take your pick. Alternatively, I have Deadwood, Carnivale, and Sons of Anarchy I've yet to watch, we could start one of them together.
I'l just take a loook at that list in a bit, by the way how is "Lie to Me"?

Seems interesting.
These are the ones I've watched, every episode of every season, some (The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, Entourage, Scrubs, Arrested Development) twice. I can vouch for these bar the ones with a "*" at the end.

The Sopranos
The Shield
Six Feet Under
True Blood
Arrested Development
Prison Break
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
One Tree Hill :nervous:
The Wire
Peep Show
30 Rock
Mad Men*
Dirty Sexy Money :nervous:
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Flight of the Conchords

Take your pick. Alternatively, I have Deadwood, Carnivale, and Sons of Anarchy I've yet to watch, we could start one of them together.

Jericho is awesome ! Was gutted when it got cancelled, still haven't finished season 2 though.