What Do i Watch?


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008
Coming to the end of The Shield now.

I'v watched all seasons of Dexter, Prison Break, House, 24 and Heroes. Done with all of them. What would you people recommend now?

I tried Breaking Bad and Mad Men and The Wire but never really somehow got into them.Same with Entourage.

What else is out there worth watching?

How are the likes of Burn Notice and Lost?
Try The Wire again.... If you can sit through Heroes/Prison Break/24 then you owe it to yourself to watch something to make up for all that tosh ;)

Other than that. Sopranos would be my next suggestion.

Lost is worth it for sure.
Go for a walk.
Try The Wire again.... If you can sit through Heroes/Prison Break/24 then you owe it to yourself to watch something to make up for all that tosh ;)

Other than that. Sopranos would be my next suggestion.

Lost is worth it for sure.

Lost worth watching? Iv heard a lot of mixed stuff about Lost. Some people really love it while the rest feel it's shit.
Lost worth watching? Iv heard a lot of mixed stuff about Lost. Some people really love it while the rest feel it's shit.

When I started watching LOST from the first series I loved it. Then it became obvious that they were messing around with the plot line to make the series last longer (to make more money) great episodes thus became good episodes and I lost interest. I still would like to see what happens in the end... but around season 4/5 It all got a bit silly and far-fetched.
If you've watched and liked Prison Break and Heroes there's no reason why you won't like Lost. Its alot better than both those shows.
Oh and all those shows you mentioned that you couldn't get into, are all superb. Give it 4-5 episodes and you'll get hooked to them all.
If you've watched and liked Prison Break and Heroes there's no reason why you won't like Lost. Its alot better than both those shows.

Heroes was absolutely terrible after the first season. Just watched it for the sake of watching. Even Chuck is a million times better.

Prison Break was brilliant for 2 seasons but even that went down :(
Oh and all those shows you mentioned that you couldn't get into, are all superb. Give it 4-5 episodes and you'll get hooked to them all.

Hmm maybe il give The Wire another try.

Any other shows?

Anyone here watched Burn Notice?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

It's like Seinfeld on crack.
If you've watched and liked Prison Break and Heroes there's no reason why you won't like Lost. Its alot better than both those shows.

The first 2 seasons of Prison Break is some of the best TV ever made.
wr8, not sure what type of show you are looking for but I also would recommend Lost. The first two Seasons are fantastic, I've never become as obsessed with a show before and haven't since. It does get a lot more sciency and can be confusing towards Season 4 onwards but I think it's all kept grounded by the character development and such. Each char is great in their own right and it's a really engrossing show. If you can stick with it it's well worth it imo. Even Elvis understood it.
The first 2 seasons of Prison Break is some of the best TV ever made.

Yeah. And then the rest of the show happened.

Point I was making was if he could stick with Prison Break after it got crap he should have no problem with the rare dull spell in Lost.
If you liked the Shield I'd definitely give the Wire another go...

It takes a couple of seasons before you can tell exactly how grand the scope is, but no show has rewarded my attention more than the Wire.
Coming to the end of The Shield now.

I'v watched all seasons of Dexter, Prison Break, House, 24 and Heroes. Done with all of them. What would you people recommend now?

I tried Breaking Bad and Mad Men and The Wire but never really somehow got into them.Same with Entourage.

What else is out there worth watching?

How are the likes of Burn Notice and Lost?

Try the Wire again and this time make time for it. Try making time to watch at least 5 episodes back to back and then see what you think.

Also as a little bit of an unusual suggestion if you like Sci-Fi try Fringe which is a great show.
I found Southland has somewhat smoothed over my withdrawal symptoms from The Shield. Not as frenetic as The Shield, but quite a good show in it's own right. It's also set in LA, so has a lot of the the same flavour to it.
Try Supernatural. First couple of seasons were good, and this season has been kind of better than the last two. That makes it a total of 5 seasons.

I rate Lost over most of the shows. It got a bit stretchy at times in the last 2 seasons. But has been a brilliant season so far.
I myself am going to start watching Pacific soon.
Coming to the end of The Shield now.

I'v watched all seasons of Dexter, Prison Break, House, 24 and Heroes. Done with all of them. What would you people recommend now?

I tried Breaking Bad and Mad Men and The Wire but never really somehow got into them.Same with Entourage.

What else is out there worth watching?

How are the likes of Burn Notice and Lost?

Serious heavy hitter shows, the best of the best for me
The Wire, Sopranoes, Breaking Bad, OZ, State Of Play

Amazing comedy
Arrested development, trailer park boys, its always sunny in philly

I say go back to Breaking Bad though, watch 5 eps, that should change your mind.