One thing is for sure, unless the Dems learn from all this they ain't winning in 2020.
There's even rumours of Hillary running again. Feck my life if that happens. Jeez Trump would think all his birthdays had come at once.
One thing is for sure, unless the Dems learn from all this they ain't winning in 2020.
There's even rumours of Hillary running again. Feck my life if that happens. Jeez Trump would think all his birthdays had come at once.
One thing is for sure, unless the Dems learn from all this they ain't winning in 2020.
There's even rumours of Hillary running again. Feck my life if that happens. Jeez Trump would think all his birthdays had come at once.
I'm sure the thought has crossed Hillary's mind. Although I seriously doubt there is anyone in the Dem establishment that wants to deal with 2016 all over again. My sense is this will be between Bernie and someone like Biden.
I just hope lessons are learnt because there are some amazing candidates and I think that the Dems could form a truly special government. Not only that, on most issues like healthcare, immigration and gun control, the people actually want changes and are in line with Democratic policy. So the will of the people is already there and on side. With a clusterfeck and embarrassment like Trump in charge, it does seem ( at the moment) like 2020 much like 2016 is more for the Dems to lose than the Republicans to win.
Fantastic post and I tend to agree...She was an awful candidate. Any Dem should have been able to destroy Trump. She's arrogant, condescending and she's completely untrustworthy. Worse still her hawkish foreign policy stance like her position on Iran is possibly even more dangerous than Trumps.
However, she was a better choice than Trump AND she was treated unfairly by Trump, the Republicans and a lot of the media. Also, the constant attacks on her just for being a woman were and still are completely disgraceful and unacceptable in this day and age.
Still though, the fact she ignored and insulted a large part of the country is ultimately what cost her the Presidency. I don't hate her I just think that many of her supporters are no different than Trumps in the way they choose to ignore and even defend many of her obvious flaws and failings. Truthfully she wasn't really a great POTUS pick at all, if she was she would have won.
Personally I wish she would just feck off already and enjoy retirement. I don't think her being around all the time (and stunts like reading from Wolff's book at the Grammy's, no matter how funny) are helping the Democrats.
If my hunch is right, then it looks like she is still interfering with whats going on at the DNC.
The biggest turning point was Comey's letter to Congress couple of weeks before the election. He gave the whole Benghazi/email thing legs again and caused a 3-5% swing in the polls.
There really is a lot of bad feeling toward HRC, and the Clintons in general over here. I have close friends that are staunch democrats but they hate Hilary. She was a really good POTUS nominee in my eyes, I really like her. Just don't get where the hate comes from TBH. They literally dislike Hilary as much as most people hate Trump now.
But for a lot of people, even people on the left, a populist on the right was better than an establishment, corporate stooge on the more mainstream right
Fair enough, I am probably wrong about that.That is not accurate. As a Bernard Brother myself, I know plenty of other leftists who despised Hillary. I would guesstimate 90% voted for Clinton, 10% didn't vote for either candidate and 0% voted for Trump.
I actually think she somehow has less self-awareness than Trump.She's so smug & condescending that I even found her Grammys cameo annoying.
This is not even in the realm of truth (I'm guessing the double negative is a typo).I read that 85% of black voters who voted for Obama did not not vote Clinton which would probably surprise her but not me.
I have always felt she comes of as very entitled and seemed to think everyone would vote for her without her having to win people over .
She was the same when she ran against Obama thinking there was no way she could lose and never learned from her mistakes when she ran against Trump.
Surely you have to try and appeal to voters a lot more than she did .
She's so smug & condescending that I even found her Grammys cameo annoying.
I think I'm right in saying more Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 08 than Sanders voters voting for Trump. Can't remember the exact figuresThat is not accurate. As a Bernard Brother myself, I know plenty of other leftists who despised Hillary. I would guesstimate 90% voted for Clinton, 10% didn't vote for either candidate and 0% voted for Trump.
I d consider myself center left by most standards, in other words - Clinton territory- but I absolutely cannot stand her. I agree with the sentiment that she just seems to not be much different from Trump with regards to having an apparent complete lack of self awareness. The DNC should really tell her to stay out of the limelight or something. Dems should be able to destroy the repubs in the midterms but she s not helping anyone but putting her face out there again. Imho of course.She's so smug & condescending that I even found her Grammys cameo annoying.
dressing like an ambassador to outer space
How dare she crack a joke when families are being torn apart?
How dare she crack a joke about how she lost to a rapist with a wet log for a brain. She lost because she was completely out of touch with most of the country, hired advisors who were completely out of touch with most of the country, picked the most forgettable VP nominee in decades, was incredibly unpopular and ran a horrible campaign centered around "get a load of this guy". Then after she blew it she had the nerve to criticize the participants in the women's March for not doing more for her. She should take her millions and do something productive like Jimmy Carter did. The least she could do is shut the feck up about politics. Her opinion is literally worthless. She lost to a junior senator with a name that sounded like an amalgamation of every boogeyman the country hated at the time, she ran a racist campaign against him and then a sizable chunk of her voters went over to mccain. She then had a few years as secretary of state where she helped turn Libya into an open air slave market. She used a private server for official government business, which is not a huge deal but absolutely an example of clintonian paranoia. And then she lost to a dementia addled game show host. She and her team legitimized trump and hoped to face him and then used the same strategy that didn't work for the Republicans. She said single payer would never ever happen. Her boy Schumer said their strategy of alienating working class voters would pay off when they got twice as many country club Republicans to cross over and vote for her. Well guess what, they fecking hate her and they hate Democrats and the fact that these absolute weapons thought it might just shows how out of touch they are with normal people in this country. Why do they think people are Republicans? Because they care about small government? No its because they hate Democrats, they hate effete snooty libs who spend thousands of dollars to see Hamilton. They hate poor people. They hate people who read the New Yorker. They hate gays. They hate blacks. They hate foreigners. The republican party is the party of resentment and trump is the personiication of that rage. They would never have gone to her and her team would have known that if they had even one person whose career path wasn't unpaid internship > think tank > congressional staffer > dnc leech. They would have known that if they bothered to think about and listen to people in this country who dont have trust funds or who didn't go to Wellesley or Cornell or Northwestern. The Clintons helped turn the supposed left wing party into a party that stands for wall street, imperialism and drone strikes but sometimes they wrap the drones in rainbow flags before they blow up wedding parties half way around the world. They would have known how much people hated them if they ever spent time outside of the acela corridor that wasnt a VIP trip to Lollapalooza.
What I dont get is how you people arent more mad at her than I am. I hate her and everything she stands for. I think she would have been a terrible president who directly caused a ton of human misery. You guys like her. You guys think she would have been a good president. How can you not be so angry at her for blowing the easiest election ever? How can you laugh when she posts glib remarks about how she lost the election to the hamburglar? If Bernie got the nomination and blew it by running a bad campaign with a discredited strategy I would never forgive him. But for you guys it's like there is no culpability on her or her team. She fecking blew it. She's a terrible politician and a terrible person and the least she could do is shut the feck up about it.
Yea she lost when half of your own country men who are supposed to live up to a higher moral calling through their religion bit their teeth and voted for a pussy grabber while dream chasers like you voted for Harambe. You had two on the ballot and you were supposed to vote for the less dangerous. Don't worry, in 4 or 8 years time, we'll vote in a Democratic leader, a true liberal leader to undo Trump's shenangians. Till then, let's bite through the collateral damage caused by him and Clinton's jokes.
Moreover, what do you expect? Yeah she fecked up, so she should die?? While you may not get me, I also don't get you. As much as Republicans are culpable, those separated children's cries are on your hands too for voting Harambe.
IQ=/=Decency or a well rounded, rational moral center. Most serial killers and successful despots were likely of above average intelligence.Oddly enough, he was elected president through the votes from idiots. I live in Florida and it is massively obvious that residents of lower intelligence, either innate or learned, put him in the WH, the most contributing constituency being ignorant (non college educated) white male thumpers.
Why do you believe that?IQ=/=Decency or a well rounded, rational moral center. Most serial killers and successful despots were likely of above average intelligence.
College educated whites were the people that put Trump in the position where he is today.
Not one of you could do a better job than trump has done.
IQ=/=Decency or a well rounded, rational moral center. Most serial killers and successful despots were likely of above average intelligence.
College educated whites were the people that put Trump in the position where he is today.
On point.How dare she crack a joke about how she lost to a rapist with a wet log for a brain. She lost because she was completely out of touch with most of the country, hired advisors who were completely out of touch with most of the country, picked the most forgettable VP nominee in decades, was incredibly unpopular and ran a horrible campaign centered around "get a load of this guy". Then after she blew it she had the nerve to criticize the participants in the women's March for not doing more for her. She should take her millions and do something productive like Jimmy Carter did. The least she could do is shut the feck up about politics. Her opinion is literally worthless. She lost to a junior senator with a name that sounded like an amalgamation of every boogeyman the country hated at the time, she ran a racist campaign against him and then a sizable chunk of her voters went over to mccain. She then had a few years as secretary of state where she helped turn Libya into an open air slave market. She used a private server for official government business, which is not a huge deal but absolutely an example of clintonian paranoia. And then she lost to a dementia addled game show host. She and her team legitimized trump and hoped to face him and then used the same strategy that didn't work for the Republicans. She said single payer would never ever happen. Her boy Schumer said their strategy of alienating working class voters would pay off when they got twice as many country club Republicans to cross over and vote for her. Well guess what, they fecking hate her and they hate Democrats and the fact that these absolute weapons thought it might just shows how out of touch they are with normal people in this country. Why do they think people are Republicans? Because they care about small government? No its because they hate Democrats, they hate effete snooty libs who spend thousands of dollars to see Hamilton. They hate poor people. They hate people who read the New Yorker. They hate gays. They hate blacks. They hate foreigners. The republican party is the party of resentment and trump is the personiication of that rage. They would never have gone to her and her team would have known that if they had even one person whose career path wasn't unpaid internship > think tank > congressional staffer > dnc leech. They would have known that if they bothered to think about and listen to people in this country who dont have trust funds or who didn't go to Wellesley or Cornell or Northwestern. The Clintons helped turn the supposed left wing party into a party that stands for wall street, imperialism and drone strikes but sometimes they wrap the drones in rainbow flags before they blow up wedding parties half way around the world. They would have known how much people hated them if they ever spent time outside of the acela corridor that wasnt a VIP trip to Lollapalooza.
What I dont get is how you people arent more mad at her than I am. I hate her and everything she stands for. I think she would have been a terrible president who directly caused a ton of human misery. You guys like her. You guys think she would have been a good president. How can you not be so angry at her for blowing the easiest election ever? How can you laugh when she posts glib remarks about how she lost the election to the hamburglar? If Bernie got the nomination and blew it by running a bad campaign with a discredited strategy I would never forgive him. But for you guys it's like there is no culpability on her or her team. She fecking blew it. She's a terrible politician and a terrible person and the least she could do is shut the feck up about it.
This is a fantastic post.How dare she crack a joke about how she lost to a rapist with a wet log for a brain. She lost because she was completely out of touch with most of the country, hired advisors who were completely out of touch with most of the country, picked the most forgettable VP nominee in decades, was incredibly unpopular and ran a horrible campaign centered around "get a load of this guy". Then after she blew it she had the nerve to criticize the participants in the women's March for not doing more for her. She should take her millions and do something productive like Jimmy Carter did. The least she could do is shut the feck up about politics. Her opinion is literally worthless. She lost to a junior senator with a name that sounded like an amalgamation of every boogeyman the country hated at the time, she ran a racist campaign against him and then a sizable chunk of her voters went over to mccain. She then had a few years as secretary of state where she helped turn Libya into an open air slave market. She used a private server for official government business, which is not a huge deal but absolutely an example of clintonian paranoia. And then she lost to a dementia addled game show host. She and her team legitimized trump and hoped to face him and then used the same strategy that didn't work for the Republicans. She said single payer would never ever happen. Her boy Schumer said their strategy of alienating working class voters would pay off when they got twice as many country club Republicans to cross over and vote for her. Well guess what, they fecking hate her and they hate Democrats and the fact that these absolute weapons thought it might just shows how out of touch they are with normal people in this country. Why do they think people are Republicans? Because they care about small government? No its because they hate Democrats, they hate effete snooty libs who spend thousands of dollars to see Hamilton. They hate poor people. They hate people who read the New Yorker. They hate gays. They hate blacks. They hate foreigners. The republican party is the party of resentment and trump is the personiication of that rage. They would never have gone to her and her team would have known that if they had even one person whose career path wasn't unpaid internship > think tank > congressional staffer > dnc leech. They would have known that if they bothered to think about and listen to people in this country who dont have trust funds or who didn't go to Wellesley or Cornell or Northwestern. The Clintons helped turn the supposed left wing party into a party that stands for wall street, imperialism and drone strikes but sometimes they wrap the drones in rainbow flags before they blow up wedding parties half way around the world. They would have known how much people hated them if they ever spent time outside of the acela corridor that wasnt a VIP trip to Lollapalooza.
What I dont get is how you people arent more mad at her than I am. I hate her and everything she stands for. I think she would have been a terrible president who directly caused a ton of human misery. You guys like her. You guys think she would have been a good president. How can you not be so angry at her for blowing the easiest election ever? How can you laugh when she posts glib remarks about how she lost the election to the hamburglar? If Bernie got the nomination and blew it by running a bad campaign with a discredited strategy I would never forgive him. But for you guys it's like there is no culpability on her or her team. She fecking blew it. She's a terrible politician and a terrible person and the least she could do is shut the feck up about it.
Calm down. You do realize that some people actually LIKE her position, we don't live in a "the further left the better" world.How dare she crack a joke about how she lost to a rapist with a wet log for a brain. She lost because she was completely out of touch with most of the country, hired advisors who were completely out of touch with most of the country, picked the most forgettable VP nominee in decades, was incredibly unpopular and ran a horrible campaign centered around "get a load of this guy". Then after she blew it she had the nerve to criticize the participants in the women's March for not doing more for her. She should take her millions and do something productive like Jimmy Carter did. The least she could do is shut the feck up about politics. Her opinion is literally worthless. She lost to a junior senator with a name that sounded like an amalgamation of every boogeyman the country hated at the time, she ran a racist campaign against him and then a sizable chunk of her voters went over to mccain. She then had a few years as secretary of state where she helped turn Libya into an open air slave market. She used a private server for official government business, which is not a huge deal but absolutely an example of clintonian paranoia. And then she lost to a dementia addled game show host. She and her team legitimized trump and hoped to face him and then used the same strategy that didn't work for the Republicans. She said single payer would never ever happen. Her boy Schumer said their strategy of alienating working class voters would pay off when they got twice as many country club Republicans to cross over and vote for her. Well guess what, they fecking hate her and they hate Democrats and the fact that these absolute weapons thought it might just shows how out of touch they are with normal people in this country. Why do they think people are Republicans? Because they care about small government? No its because they hate Democrats, they hate effete snooty libs who spend thousands of dollars to see Hamilton. They hate poor people. They hate people who read the New Yorker. They hate gays. They hate blacks. They hate foreigners. The republican party is the party of resentment and trump is the personiication of that rage. They would never have gone to her and her team would have known that if they had even one person whose career path wasn't unpaid internship > think tank > congressional staffer > dnc leech. They would have known that if they bothered to think about and listen to people in this country who dont have trust funds or who didn't go to Wellesley or Cornell or Northwestern. The Clintons helped turn the supposed left wing party into a party that stands for wall street, imperialism and drone strikes but sometimes they wrap the drones in rainbow flags before they blow up wedding parties half way around the world. They would have known how much people hated them if they ever spent time outside of the acela corridor that wasnt a VIP trip to Lollapalooza.
What I dont get is how you people arent more mad at her than I am. I hate her and everything she stands for. I think she would have been a terrible president who directly caused a ton of human misery. You guys like her. You guys think she would have been a good president. How can you not be so angry at her for blowing the easiest election ever? How can you laugh when she posts glib remarks about how she lost the election to the hamburglar? If Bernie got the nomination and blew it by running a bad campaign with a discredited strategy I would never forgive him. But for you guys it's like there is no culpability on her or her team. She fecking blew it. She's a terrible politician and a terrible person and the least she could do is shut the feck up about it.
Most of what she said during the campaign was very true, Sanders had a lot of good ideas, but no viable way of financing them
Trump supporters are mostly deplorables.
Her biggest mistake was she was too honest and overestimated the collective rationality and intelligence of middle America.