Fists of Fury
Oz, The Wire & How To Make It In America (took 39 posts before that was mentioned smh!)
Freaks and Geeks.
Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
The OC
Life as we know it
Arested Development
The Event - I was quite enjoying it and starting to get into it a bit and then the feckers went and cancelled it after the first season, they had some great actors there and some good potential for a great show
Freaks of Geeks would work even more now which is why it's far more popular now that it was say 5 years ago....and especially when it was actually. Judd Apatow comedy is the in thing, throw in that with 80's culture and you got it all.
The OC
I can't believe some people want more entourage. It should have ended after season 6.
*pending inevitable cancellation.
Oh, and with vampires becoming increasingly popular right now, buffy/angel. Dont know how it would work, mind.
The OC
I can't believe some people want more entourage. It should have ended after season 6.
*pending inevitable cancellation.
Lie to Me
Highlander. Recast.
Imo, best fantasy/sci fi show ever. They staged over a hundred swordfights and they were all good. And Highlander won them all!
Bring back the Romans.
Are you fecking kidding me? They shouldn't even have given the go ahead for the last season. It has become stupid and monotonous.
Recently, Bored to Death
Bring back the Romans.
They also should probably try to make another Star Trek tv show, they've been terrible since the first two, but there's too much money there to keep it dead forever. I suggest making them cheesy, thinly-veiled morality tales with a new alien every week.
Arrested Development - Hilarity
They are bringing this back.