What cancelled/ Completed TV Shows should be brought back?

Saved by the Bell.

It's time.
Freaks of Geeks would work even more now which is why it's far more popular now that it was say 5 years ago....and especially when it was actually. Judd Apatow comedy is the in thing, throw in that with 80's culture and you got it all.
The OC
Life as we know it
Arested Development

Brave to say that on here, but I did think that program deserved more than one season.

I'd love to see Prime Suspect come back but then it was finished brilliantly and never got to the point where it produced a bad episode, so I don't think they could have carried on or could bring it back feasibly.
The Event - I was quite enjoying it and starting to get into it a bit and then the feckers went and cancelled it after the first season, they had some great actors there and some good potential for a great show

It was terrible.
The OC

I can't believe some people want more entourage. It should have ended after season 6.

*pending inevitable cancellation.
Freaks of Geeks would work even more now which is why it's far more popular now that it was say 5 years ago....and especially when it was actually. Judd Apatow comedy is the in thing, throw in that with 80's culture and you got it all.

It would have to be set in a high school 10/15 years ago, otherwise I'm not sure it would make sense or be relevant... and obviously would require a whole new cast, which would surely effect the charm and quality of the show.

Also, are the youth (yoof) of today as disillusioned as they were 10 years ago?!
The OC

I can't believe some people want more entourage. It should have ended after season 6.

*pending inevitable cancellation.

I can't believe some more people want the OC:nervous:
Oh, and with vampires becoming increasingly popular right now, buffy/angel. Dont know how it would work, mind.

I'd have both shows coming together for a final season as one, and get all the characters on it (well the ones who are still alive!).

Buffy completely rids the world of vampires, demons and evil. She lives her life as a normal woman with Angel who has been made human (yes I'm a Buffy/Angel shipper).

I love a happy ending :)

How on earth could that show get cancelled after one year?
The OC

I can't believe some people want more entourage. It should have ended after season 6.

*pending inevitable cancellation.

Community returns next week :D
Space: Above and Beyond - This was a stupid show at it's core (a few episodes where vague allegory of the Pacific section of WWI even though it made no fecking sense) but I loved it, It's probably the closest I'll ever get to a Mechwarrior live action TV show.

Battlestar Galatica (2004) - Best Sci Fi show of all time, imo.

LOST - I whine(d) about it a lot but I miss it, even at it's worst it's still better than 90% of the TV today.

The Wire - Epic show, good ending but still want to find out what happens next damn it.

and True Calling (just because I enjoy watching Eliza Duskhu running around the place)
Highlander. Recast.

Imo, best fantasy/sci fi show ever. They staged over a hundred swordfights and they were all good. And Highlander won them all!

Are you fecking kidding me? They shouldn't even have given the go ahead for the last season. It has become stupid and monotonous.
Bring back the Romans.


Are you fecking kidding me? They shouldn't even have given the go ahead for the last season. It has become stupid and monotonous.

The whole 'Vince the druggy' thing was shite and pretty much that whole season was just not what the show was supposed to be at all. The final season was better without being as good as the earlier ones, I agree, but the post credits scene on the last ever episode set up what could be an interesting turn.

It's almost certainly just with a movie in mind, but I reckon they could do more if they concentrated on Ari more. And perhaps killed Eric off just for a laugh.
I still think that Flashforward should have got a second series for no other reason that the finale left me wanting to know what happened next.

Prime Suspect, while not really much to do with the original, was an excellent police procedural that was beginning to hit it's straps when they canned it. And canceling Awake was ludicrous. It was very well acted in the main and very interesting.
Bring back the Romans.


Definitely agree, there should be about 100 seasons worth of material from the Roman Empire, they had an awful lot of political conspiracies in their time.

Deadwood should be extended, at least follow Al Swearengen to San Francisco or any of a dozen fascinating places in the old west.

Quantum Leap is worth a shot though I worry I'll hate the people they choose to replace Sam and Al.

Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes

The Twilight Zone

Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories

They also should probably try to make another Star Trek tv show, they've been terrible since the first two, but there's too much money there to keep it dead forever. I suggest making them cheesy, thinly-veiled morality tales with a new alien every week.
They also should probably try to make another Star Trek tv show, they've been terrible since the first two, but there's too much money there to keep it dead forever. I suggest making them cheesy, thinly-veiled morality tales with a new alien every week.

Terrible since the first two? Mental. DS9 was great, Voyager also had it's moments.

Also, they need to bring back Carnivale.
Firefly - Even talking about this being canceled makes me angry.
Arrested Development - Hilarity
Chicago Code - One of the best drama's to be canceled
Pushing Daisies - Brilliant and quirky
Dead Like Me - see above
Lie to Me (if the ignored s03 and did it properly).
Boston Legal - Was still brilliant when they canceled it.
The West Wing - A new one would be brilliant.
Veronica Mars - Because Kristen Bell is smoking hot.
Wire in the Blood - Best ITV Drama for years.