What cancelled/ Completed TV Shows should be brought back?

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
Quantum Leap - A proper revamped version if done well would be epic.

Carnivale -Only watched it over the last 2 weeks. It needs a 3rd season for obvious reasons.

Star Trek TNG - Same cast, better FX. :drool:

They could easily do another season of The Wire and The Soprano's too. But it probably would spoil the shows in the long run
They could "easily" do more seasons for most shows.....Sopranos and Wire were clearly on the wane when going out, Sopranos should of condensed it's final 3 seasons together for one of 15 tbf....it goes without saying they'd still be better than anything on TV, but it'd be lower than the standard expect(as s5 of the Wire and 5-6 of The Sopranos were).

I would kind of love a 10 year reunion of the British Office next year, and obviously Firefly, and Terriers.
Oh and Deadwood, one that HBO really needed to bring for another year at least to give it a proper ending.
Firefly before the events in Serenity is the obvious answer in my eyes.

I also quite liked that cop show Life
The Event - I was quite enjoying it and starting to get into it a bit and then the feckers went and cancelled it after the first season, they had some great actors there and some good potential for a great show
Arrested Development, Deadwood, Firefly, Jericho.

In that order.
Prison Break

Last two would probably be a bit crap, unless they came up with a brand new idea etc. But still, I miss watching it not knowing what's going to happen :(
Prison Break

Last two would probably be a bit crap, unless they came up with a brand new idea etc. But still, I miss watching it not knowing what's going to happen :(

Prison Break?! They should have stopped that long before they did, never mind making more!

Not to mention they'd have a job making more considering....
Michael died!
Oh god not MORE 24, it's been done to death now.

As has Prison Break and LOST come to think of it.
It would have been great if they could have done more Undeclared or Freaks and Geeks at the time... but I'm not sure either word work if 'brought back'.

A few years down the the line I'll probably start hoping for a Chuck one-off ...
24 ran its course. They should have killed off Jack to properly end it.

Lost would be the worst thing ever to bring back...

I have downloaded Firefly so I will watch over the coming weeks. Does it stop right in the middle of the story like the way Carnivale did? As that would annoy me
Arrested Development
Better off Ted
Lie to Me
24 ran its course. They should have killed off Jack to properly end it.

Lost would be the worst thing ever to bring back...

I have downloaded Firefly so I will watch over the coming weeks. Does it stop right in the middle of the story like the way Carnivale did? As that would annoy me

Not really, the last episode is sort of poetic and is a decent closer all things considered.

Then you have Serenity after that, which does bring some sort of actual, planned closure... though we are still left with a lot of questions that arn't answered and avenues that weren't explored to there full potential.
Prison Break?! They should have stopped that long before they did, never mind making more!

Not to mention they'd have a job making more considering....
Michael died!

I know I know. But I miss watching new episodes of it! Could make something up like his kid goes through something similar and wants to be like daddy! >_>

I just miss it! Same with the other two I mentioned
I've been watching some Quantum Leap reruns lately, I loved it as a kid. I'd like to see it come back.
Definitely Bored To Death, I really liked that show, still haven't seen season 3.
They should have killed Prison Break at the end of season two, they basically ended it, but then twisted the romantic finale to get another season.

They should have kill Lost at the end of season three. The first (and only) flash forward, Jack has got them off the island and shouts to kate "we have to go back, we have to go back". No explanation, nothing. Great scene, end show.
Angel was cancelled far too early.

It was cancelled after 5 seasons, but I feel it definitely had another season or two left in it. Joss Whedon said he was heartbroken when he got the news, as the show was still getting great viewing ratings.

I don't know about Buffy, I feel that ended at the right time after 7 seasons, but Angel definitely was too soon.
Freaks and Geeks.

Good call. Such a great show.

As I said in a previous post... whilst I loved Freaks and Geeks, I don't think it would work if done today... as it seems to be very much a product of it's time.

Undeclared would probably work better, but you'd have to get a whole new cast in for it to make sense, and at that point the shows quality would surely suffer.
Arrested Development is coming back.
Firefly definitely needs more episodes.

Disappointing to hear about Carnivale. It's next on my list after I finish Deadwood.

How to make it in America was starting to go somewhere. Would like one more season of that.
Way too late for that. That would be the same premise with totally different characters. Not the same imo.

Oh never mind! I thought the thread meant if it was possible to bring back the show as it was when it was stopped. :angel: