Westminster Politics

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Expect a Rishi-esque bounce back in the polls once they announce multi-million handouts for everyone over Winter
Trickle down economics, here we come.

it's funny because redistribution of concentrated, generational, wealth is the only valid form of "trickle down" economics is proven to actuall work. what they advocate instead is "rocket-up" economics and tell you to be content if some crumbs trickle down as a side-effect. they take all the assets the public owns, sell them off, and then the richer get richer. fast forward five or ten years and all those services are falling to shit and people can't pay their bills. advocate more taxcuts. rinse repeat.

i wonder if she's saying this until she gets over the line officially because even she cannot be this fecking thick. the reason the tories coopted some of corbyn's agenda on the topic of public spending, though they did it terribly and predictably in a corrupt manner, is because the general economic situation is fecked from years of austerity and neoliberal trickle down cash grabs for private tycoons.
We are so fecked.

The person who will be PM thinks it is foolish to predict the future. How the feck will she make policy?
Today is the day huh. The age of Truss begins
An age of joy and peace.

Standard tory ideology, tax cuts for the wealthiest encourage the rich to spend and invest use the top end of the economy to drag the bottom end of the economy along, throw a few crumbs to keep it alive while the middle to top end thrives.

The recovery will be faster and look good (on paper at least) but it will probably kick start a boom-bust cycle which will then further kick the bottom of the economy and increase the gap between rich and poor.

The top drags the bottom along but when it all goes Tits up, the top shits all over the bottom to keep the top alive.
Standard tory ideology, tax cuts for the wealthiest encourage the rich to spend and invest use the top end of the economy to drag the bottom end of the economy along, throw a few crumbs to keep it alive while the middle to top end thrives.

The recovery will be faster and look good (on paper at least) but it will probably kick start a boom-bust cycle which will then further kick the bottom of the economy and increase the gap between rich and poor.

The top drags the bottom along but when it all goes Tits up, the top shits all over the bottom to keep the top alive.
Am I right in saying this is that 'trickle down economics' bollocks?
At least Boris was charismatic in the same way a Chimp throwing shit at the window you're viewing it from at a zoo is, but Truss, holy hell, what a boring, charisma vacuum she is, and looks like she'll be an awful leader to boot. The Tories are imploding and bringing the UK with them.
I think people undeestimate the threat we face.
Boris was a spoofer and a lazy twat.
This woman is completely thick. Nothing between her ears. I think she's far more dangerous.
I agree, foolish to assume it couldn't get any worse than Boris. This how the Tories win long-term too, shifting that window of acceptability. Now posers like Cameron and Osborne look like great statesmen.
So then, who is prepared to Truss the system? I reckon we could be about to see one of the shortest prime minister terms in history.
So then, who is prepared to Truss the system? I reckon we could be about to see one of the shortest prime minister terms in history.
Im not so sure about that she has till January 2025 to call an election and its hard to imagine an election being called early unless she expects to win

So I would say somewhere between 24 and 27 months seems the minimum we could expect whih would be not that much less than Gordon Brown


Of course I dont underestimate her ability to totally gash things up but i doubt in that case the conservate party has the appetite (or time) for another leadership election (plus nobody would want to grasp the nettle)

More likely she clings on in the hope that some external crisis swings things in her favour or Labour do something so stupid they manage to shoot themselves in the foot (swap starmer for burgeon or let Jezbolah back in the party - and even labour are not that stupid (hopefully?))

Will run out of time and have to call an election she will probably loose at which point the likes of Gove, Sunak, Wallace will be sniffing round a leadership bid.

The only possible alternative I can see is that she rolls the dice on a snap election but whilst I think she may be stupid enough to do that I cant imagine there isnt enough people around her to talk her out of it
I don't know about you but this season finale of Britain's Next Top PM has really made me feel better about the entire country being utterly fecked.
I stopped following this race, only just catching up on things. How did Rishi fall so back in the opinion polls? He seemed guaranteed to be the next PM. What next for him?
I stopped following this race, only just catching up on things. How did Rishi fall so back in the opinion polls? He seemed guaranteed to be the next PM. What next for him?

making tens of millions of dollars and never looking back.
making tens of millions of dollars and never looking back.

I mean, he was already doing that before he got into politics. Wasn't he a successful investment banker and obviously then married into money. He left to pursue a career in politics, had the 2nd most top job in the country in chancellor. Now he'll be back to just being an MP.

It is a disgrace how the media have allowed the government to get away with Russia excuse. Our neighbours are facing thebsame issues but have done far better at keeping prices down.
not long now until we find out the next person to lead the free world.
Surely ‘hung parliament where the SNP are involved’ is a tired trope by now?
Sunak: 60,399
Truss: 81,326
Closer than I expected.

The only reason she has had so much support is because all of Boris‘ backers are behind her waiting for her to fail.
Awww sucking up to Boris knowing full well he will be back to stab her in the back when he can.
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