Westminster Politics

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First time engaging in a current events topic on the caf so let’s see how this goes down, here goes..

Feck boris and feck anyone that stands behind this ignorant racist buffoon. As a relatively young person (mid 20s) I’m ashamed and afraid of what my country is becoming before my very eyes. This whole brexit malarkey has been one big clusterfeck and to wind up with this mug now leading up the charge is just too bitter a pill to swallow. He’s literally a fecking idiot by anyone’s definition with a long list of cock ups and yet here he is in the highest office.

Going to take my skills and substantial tax to a different part of the world as soon as an opportunity presents itself. feck this place.
First time engaging in a current events topic on the caf so let’s see how this goes down, here goes..

Feck boris and feck anyone that stands behind this ignorant racist buffoon. As a relatively young person (mid 20s) I’m ashamed and afraid of what my country is becoming before my very eyes. This whole brexit malarkey has been one big clusterfeck and to wind up with this mug now leading up the charge is just too bitter a pill to swallow. He’s literally a fecking idiot by anyone’s definition with a long list of cock ups and yet here he is in the highest office.

Going to take my skills and substantial tax to a different part of the world as soon as an opportunity presents itself. feck this place.

One of us. One of us.
First time engaging in a current events topic on the caf so let’s see how this goes down, here goes..

Feck boris and feck anyone that stands behind this ignorant racist buffoon. As a relatively young person (mid 20s) I’m ashamed and afraid of what my country is becoming before my very eyes. This whole brexit malarkey has been one big clusterfeck and to wind up with this mug now leading up the charge is just too bitter a pill to swallow. He’s literally a fecking idiot by anyone’s definition with a long list of cock ups and yet here he is in the highest office.

Going to take my skills and substantial tax to a different part of the world as soon as an opportunity presents itself. feck this place.

Lost points for the brag near the end.

Promising start though.
Yes, I'm moving there. I know it has problems, but I think they will wise up before America.

Europe's a big, heterogeneous place. Where are you moving to? Many places far worse than the US.
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One of us. One of us.

Pexbo :drool:


Lost points for the brag near the end.

Promising start though.

:lol::lol::lol: My bad, it wasn’t meant as a brag just was the only way I felt I could articulate my determination to take any stand I can against this fecking government.

It’s insignificant in the grand scheme (my money in this economy) but it’s more the notion of taking my future, my talents, my business, elsewhere so long as this country feels hostile to me. Again not meant as a brag. :angel:
I've had this fecking tagline for two years. Your words are nothing.

Count yourself lucky, if I was still an admin you'd have "wants to see her doing that creepy fecking smile whilst holding the red box" hanging over you for eternity!
Outside of the brexit element, how does him winning effects the dynamics in Scotland and northern Ireland?
Had the feeling those parts view him as the worst representative of English exceptionalism that doesn't give a shit about the rest. Is my perception accurate or do most not differ between him and the English Tories in general? How does he get along with the DUP? @Cheesy @Ian Reus

He's drastically unpopular in Scotland, but then most Tory leaders would be and I'm not too sure he cares.

For Davidson, Mundell and other prominent long-term Tories he's a bit of a PR disaster: Davidson has made no qualms about the fact that she's opposed to him on a lot of things, and indeed her own attacks on him back during the 2016 referendum were among the strongest and most memorable. Nevertheless they've largely capitulated to him now and look pathetically impotent as a result; there is no wing of the party which supports Remain that can hope to hold power, and that's a problem for them. But at the same time they'll still tow the party line, and perhaps ironically, even if he's unpopular as a whole in Scotland, if he manages to dent the Brexit Party then he may actually help a few Scottish Tories hold their seats that would've otherwise gone SNP due to a split in the right-wing vote.

For Sturgeon it's an interesting one. She's largely been tentative on independence for a while because she knows that barring the UK government suddenly granting a referendum, there won't be a legally accepted second vote for a long time. The only option outside of that is to take drastic measures and go full UDI or similar, but the problem is that independence isn't really popular enough for that to be anything other than disastrous for a government who provided themselves on being moderate and level-headed alongside supporting independence. Similarly protests/strikes will have a minimal effect and will, if anything, alienate a portion of the population up here against independence in spite of Boris. But nevertheless his unpopularity will embolden the SNP/independence wings who want to see drastic measures taken in pursuit of a second referendum. Someone like Hunt may have been a blessing in disguise for her: corrosive and unpopular enough to continue eroding support for the union, but not drastic enough to force her hand, or all too different from what had gone before.

Will be interesting times ahead in that regard though. Inner party tensions in the Scottish Tories may be worth looking out for: Ross Thomson's alleged sexual harassment seems to have been firmly brushed under the carpet, and while he's even more odious than Boris as an individual he's young and ambitious and seems to be much more closely aligned to him than Davidson is.
Lid Dems are no Labour. Some of those votes are inline with their long standing Liberalist policies (namely, smaller government). It's a bit like bringing conservativism as an argument against the Tories.

The issue is that some Lib Dems and centrists seem to want people to ignore Swinson's record because it would be remarkably convenient for them to do so. But by all accounts she was on the right of the Lib Dems and didn't merely participate in the coalition out of compromise alone but largely agreed with Tory austerity, even if she wasn't for its worst elements.

That's a bit of a PR disaster for a party who are trying to pitch themselves to Labour voters. Even as someone who understands and sympathises with Labour defectors who want a strong party in opposition to Brexit, anyone who's left-wing probably shouldn't be voting Lib Dem.

Also probably worth considering the fact that Swinson's from Scotland...a lot of this is conjecture but I've heard a fair few people who've dealt with her at all say she's basically a liberal Tory who opted for the Lib Dems because they were a lot more electable in Scotland. Had she been an emerging politician down south she'd have probably been an actual Tory. That's not definitive or anything, but seems to be the general impression she gives across.

But the fact that some people are taking any criticism of her as some highly coordinated and unusual attack is quite telling. It's standard for political parties to employ spin against their opponents and I'm not sure why this should be any different here for the SNP or Labour. There seems to be this tendency to build her into some rising star as well when the substance of her speeches/writings are incredibly lightweight. I'm no great fan of Clegg, but I'd argue he was a far more substantive politician in articulating his thoughts/opinions than Swinson is. She wrote a piece in The Scotsman a week or so back and what was remarkable was how...dull it was, and how she just seemed to entirely miss the national atmosphere at the moment that's prevailing.
Are they going to make us the 51st state?

Slow down. You can be the 52nd.

I think it's all hilarious.

Doesn't matter who's in charge, country has been a joke for a long time.

Might aswell go down memorably and hilariously.

I don't think he will do too bad a job anyway, atleast he has the balls to change things up.
What's hilarious is you think Boris Johnson has "balls". :lol:

He's a self serving chameleon with no principles.
The main reason was under a more liberal Conservative party that believed in making something of yourself. Aspiration, hard work!

I always found the Labour Party, particularly under Corbyn, a party of the magic money tree.
Yet spending has been increasing under the last 9 years of Conservative rule. Mainly because they reduced corporation tax for businesses and allow tax avoidance.

I guess you've not looked into it and just fall for catchphrases?
We now have a Prime Minister who would be sacked from almost any job any of us do due either to incompetence or self serving destructiveness.

It's ok though because it's not like there's anything important that needs sorting out.

Well done Tories.
What's hilarious is you think Boris Johnson has "balls". :lol:

He's a self serving chameleon with no principles.
Christ. We saw the speck of dust size of his balls in the ambassador row. How people still see positive traits in Johnson is mind boggling.
First time engaging in a current events topic on the caf so let’s see how this goes down, here goes..

Feck boris and feck anyone that stands behind this ignorant racist buffoon. As a relatively young person (mid 20s) I’m ashamed and afraid of what my country is becoming before my very eyes. This whole brexit malarkey has been one big clusterfeck and to wind up with this mug now leading up the charge is just too bitter a pill to swallow. He’s literally a fecking idiot by anyone’s definition with a long list of cock ups and yet here he is in the highest office.

Going to take my skills and substantial tax to a different part of the world as soon as an opportunity presents itself. feck this place.
Come to Germany ;-)
Yep, because the Tories have never done anything like magicking up a £1bn bribe to the DUP...

Nothing to do with the opinion that the Conservatives are the more sensible option when it comes to the economy. You can argue about the impact of that on the less privileged.

Well as someone who saw the state of NHS mental health counselling under a liberal conservative government, I'll be sure to the tell the young starbucks worker who's mental health was constantly on a downward spiral due to being over worked(Resulting in her routinely cutting her own face)all about your aspiration and hard work.

Serious question - When you hear stories like the one I've just told(Austerity has killed over 100,000 people in the UK), what do you actually think ?

There's no conclusive evidence that austerity has caused 100,000 deaths. The Conservatives have been very poor on mental health in my opinion which is underfunded, hopefully this changes!

Yet spending has been increasing under the last 9 years of Conservative rule. Mainly because they reduced corporation tax for businesses and allow tax avoidance.

I guess you've not looked into it and just fall for catchphrases?

Spending without context means absolutely nothing.
On the massive plus side she's (a) pro remain, (b) not Corbyn (c) not Johnson. That's worth 4-5% in the polls I'd say.

If you look at the last Lib Dem MANIFESTO, there is plenty of stuff in there that would appeal to left wingers.

The idea that a party is WHOLLY defined and directed by its leader is very dubious. ‘Influenced’ maybe. There is a very distinct difference.

We’ve just had May leading the Tories, and Corbyn still leads Labour, two cases in point. May would have remained in the EU & Corbyn would be out if it was a case of leader totally dictating policy.

I think the Lib Dems would be a sensible centre choice considering the alternatives currently. I don't agree with them on Brexit, otherwise they’d have my vote.

As regards the period in coalition government, they wanted electoral reform first and foremost and have done for decades hence the AV referendum as their main bargaining chip but yes they also recognised the fiscal debt left under Labour. If Labour won in 2010, how would the debt be now? A question that we will never know the answer to and a moot point.
First comment since he was announced. It's fecking surreal. How have we got here?
Common sense politics assures citizens rights and adherence to the GFA. It'd be political suicide to unilaterally withdraw the former or break the latter.

There is no common sense, otherwise the Uk wouldn't be in this mess. The financial settlement thing is also common sense, it's just what the UK owe when they leave but it's the easiest thing to focus on by the Leavers and the Media to beat the EU with.

Just another part of the con. Convinced none of the so-called ardent leaver politicians actually want to leave - they're terrified of having to face the truth of post-Brexit Britain.

The WA is a tiny part of the beginning but they're too afraid to take the first step to disaster.
The EU should not accept an extension and then reality will finally bite.
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Yet spending has been increasing under the last 9 years of Conservative rule. Mainly because they reduced corporation tax for businesses and allow tax avoidance.

I guess you've not looked into it and just fall for catchphrases?

Another one who doesn't understand the difference between total spending and spending as a percentage of GDP, and probably not between debt and deficit either.
First comment since he was announced. It's fecking surreal. How have we got here?

Too many Remainer politicians, from all parties, ignoring the result of the 2016 EU Referendum.

That contempt for the electorate was only ever going to be able to last so long, so now the UK has a weirdo PM, a group of lunatic opposition politicians, and the come back of UKIP with a different name.

Don't blame the people....
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Too many Remainer politicians, from all parties, ignoring the result of the 2016 EU Referendum.

That contempt for the electorate was only ever going to be able to last so long, so now the UK has a weirdo PM, a group of lunatic opposition politicians, and the come back of UKIP with a different name.

Don't blame the people....

Too many politicians from all parties are ignoring the outright lies and criminal activities of the leave campaigns which played a huge part in tilting the result to a very narrow victory.

On top of that, the referendum was advisory and was not legally binding nor was there any details on how brexit should be delivered. It’s not up to a small handful of MPs to make that decision.

If there is going to be a confirmatory referendum on the concrete terms that have been agreed then you have to include remain as an option because people have to have the option to change their mind now they understand exactly what Brexit will mean rather than just voting on a wafty idea and baseless promises.
Too many Remainer politicians, from all parties, ignoring the result of the 2016 EU Referendum.

That contempt for the electorate was only ever going to be able to last so long, so now the UK has a weirdo PM, a group of lunatic opposition politicians, and the come back of UKIP with a different name.

Don't blame the people....

No one's ignoring the result of the referendum what utter trash. A deal has been achieved on instruction of the referendum and remainers want the public to confirm they actually want the outcome now it's clear what it looks like.

How is an additional question ignoring the first instruction?
That PMQ display was an utter disgrace to be honest by both sides. It's one of the times for reaching out and reconciliation yet both just insulted each other. May didn't even praise the house as is custom.

Politics is broke and it's going to get worse until Brexit is resolved.
Too many politicians from all parties are ignoring the outright lies and criminal activities of the leave campaigns which played a huge part in tilting the result to a very narrow victory.

On top of that, the referendum was advisory and was not legally binding nor was there any details on how brexit should be delivered. It’s not up to a small handful of MPs to make that decision.

If there is going to be a confirmatory referendum on the concrete terms that have been agreed then you have to include remain as an option because people have to have the option to change their mind now they understand exactly what Brexit will mean rather than just voting on a wafty idea and baseless promises.

You know....Your post is just more Remainer bollocks.

Sure you're not a LibDem MP ?? Or Benn minor in disguise ??

Does the UK have a confirmatory public vote on how the Government as a whole and a small handful of designated Ministers will implement a manifesto policy every time the Governement of the day tries to implement that manifesto policy ??

EU supporters go on and on and on about the EU and its concept of Delegated Authority - you can't have it both ways.
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