Westminster Politics

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I might sound like a real asshole, but I can't wait for the boomer generation to fade away.

Isn't that what Boris suggested should happen during Covid after they had all voted for him!
So what I’m hearing is we can think it but not say it?
Well personally I have a tendency to think poorly of people who wish me dead, if I said the same about your generation I'm sure you'd feel the same way
Well personally I have a tendency to think poorly of people who wish me dead, if I said the same about your generation I'm sure you'd feel the same way
Respectfully, he said he can't wait for your generation to fade away, not that he wishes you dead. There's a massive difference and I think you've over reacted a little.
I still have to pinch myself that this vile individual was in the honours list. Does she actually think she can hold her seat at the next election :lol:

Given how many scumbags in Bravermans constituency seem to think she was great, I don't think a lot of the real shitheads will get the boot.
Respectfully, he said he can't wait for your generation to fade away, not that he wishes you dead. There's a massive difference and I think you've over reacted a little.
It means the same thing, I have no wish to fade away

Anyway I take issue with folks who basically blame my generation for most of the ills of today, take Brexit, you blame the boomer generation for the UK leaving the EU but forget that it was that generation that got the country in to in the first place, and just for clarity, I have never voted for a Tory in my life and Brexit was the biggest feck up the country ever did in modern times
Sunak's on his way out, surely? Cameron's a shit but he's got 10x the gravitas of Rishi, and the ERG will hate that he's replaced Cruella.
It means the same thing, I have no wish to fade away

Anyway I take issue with folks who basically blame my generation for most of the ills of today, take Brexit, you blame the boomer generation for the UK leaving the EU but forget that it was that generation that got the country in to in the first place, and just for clarity, I have never voted for a Tory in my life and Brexit was the biggest feck up the country ever did in modern times

Presumably the "boomers" (born 1946-64) would have been a very small proportion of the overall vote in 1975. 18-29 cannot have been the age group that mattered most.
It means the same thing, I have no wish to fade away

Anyway I take issue with folks who basically blame my generation for most of the ills of today, take Brexit, you blame the boomer generation for the UK leaving the EU but forget that it was that generation that got the country in to in the first place, and just for clarity, I have never voted for a Tory in my life and Brexit was the biggest feck up the country ever did in modern times

As others have said, he’s not speaking about you, and the stats don’t lie about, in this example, the Brexit vote. You are in the statistical minority.

Stats always show ‘that generation’ are more likely to vote Conservative and are small c conservative about many of the issues of the world right now.


Presumably the "boomers" (born 1946-64) would have been a very small proportion of the overall vote in 1975. 18-29 cannot have been the age group that mattered most.
Is what chooses the government pretty much every election
I still have to pinch myself that this vile individual was in the honours list. Does she actually think she can hold her seat at the next election :lol:

The absolute state of her signature :lol:
Is what chooses the government pretty much every election

...sure. Given the referendum result in 1975 had more than twice as many votes for joining than against, I don't think it is at all a relevant comment though.
...sure. Given the referendum result in 1975 had more than twice as many votes for joining than against, I don't think it is at all a relevant comment though.
It's as relevant as blaming the boomer generation forthe majority of the countries failings though, which is what the general trend seems to be
It's as relevant as blaming the boomer generation forthe majority of the countries failings though, which is what the general trend seems to be

As ever there is a lot of resentment based on this Government's overtly divisive policies and some right wing loons saying deliberately provocative things about anyone under 30. I would love to have some of the opportunities afforded to my parent's generation, but I know they would have loved some of the advantages that I have had.
It's as relevant as blaming the boomer generation forthe majority of the countries failings though, which is what the general trend seems to be

That's great, I am just pointing out that they probably factored a bit more (a lot more?) Into the vote to leave than the vote to join. Particularly as it was a lot closer.
As ever there is a lot of resentment based on this Government's overtly divisive policies and some right wing loons saying deliberately provocative things about anyone under 30. I would love to have some of the opportunities afforded to my parent's generation, but I know they would have loved some of the advantages that I have had.
That's fair comment and I agree with it
Yes it is, but will get no political change in the UK government stance, especially with an election due in the next 12 months.
That's not strictly true.

The tone of messaging from the UK government and even Keir Starmer has already been toned down from the previous stqnce of, unquestioning support of Israel. That is since the backlash and before the protest.

War crimes and watching mothers and babies die does not poll well with most of the UK population.
Now that Cameron is foreign secretary. Does that mean he be able to instigate a discussion and referendum to lead the UK out of another continent or even off the planet?
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Now that C aeron is foreign secretary. Does that mean he be able to instigate a discussion and referendum to lead the UK out of another continent or even off the planet?
I've never seen the need for all those small islands cluttering up the place. All those unelected druids on Angelsey for example, all smug with their fresh air and red squirrels. Surely its time we had a say yes?
As others have said, he’s not speaking about you, and the stats don’t lie about, in this example, the Brexit vote. You are in the statistical minority.

Stats always show ‘that generation’ are more likely to vote Conservative and are small c conservative about many of the issues of the world right now.


I'd love to know the thought process of the 5% of voters for the UK Independence Party who voted against independence.
Its incredible, you really believe that by stating that Armistice day and Remembrance Sunday in the UK, in particular when they occur side by side (over a specific weekend) should be kept free from protest of any kind ...is itself some form of misuse, or is weaponising it.... ?

Well you've taken my breath away!

Well, whether you like it or not the basic mechanism here is that certain people (and I'm not saying that's you) are trying to use the attachment to armistice day to counter a completely unrelated case they don't like (protest over Gaza), by spuriously making out that the latter is an insult to the former. That's the weaponising. I don't see how that's reasonable. Apparently, the protest even included an observation of silence. It doesn't seem reasonable to me that marking the armistice should require all other urgent things to be put on hold, as if everything happening today is just sordid, petty squabbles by comparison.
I'd love to know the thought process of the 5% of voters for the UK Independence Party who voted against independence.

potential bad brexit deals. i couldn’t bring myself to vote for a version of brexit where the uk wasn’t raised 50m out of the sea, to create a natural deterrent to small boat crossings. no one committed to having defence towers built every 150m along the coast line, manned by 5 well trained snipers. no one wanted to spend money on an air filtration system to cover england to ensure smelly foreign breath didn’t leak into our borders from other countries. it was not my brexit.
Because it's a silly position for people to take that remembrance of the innocents who died in the wars of the last century should take higher priority than protesting - whether it'll ultimately be in vain or not - in the hope that it may prevent people dying in war today.

With the greatest respect, I don't think those who died last weekend in Gaza will have preferred that people held off the protest till a week next Tuesday, or whichever day you think is more acceptable.

The really silly thing is even treating it as a question of which is more important. Because it's perfectly possible to have both at the same time, without one getting in the way of the other.
In my naivety I assumed this was a parody, but nope.

Dear God in heaven, surely the British electorate has enough of actual common sense that they can do nothing other than laugh at this.

Just imagine having to go around in the world introducing yourself as Minister for Common Sense. Same line of work as Remembering-to-put-your-pants-on consultant or Special Advisor for Remembering to Eat Your Broccoli.

Just shows the depths of idiocy to which the whole culture war nonsense has plunged the Tory party - it's beyond any reason, and far, far out of any grip on reality.
Takes me back to those halcyon days of John Major's cone hotlline.

What came first, the Conservative or the idiot?
While we are still waiting for a dentist appointment, I understand that the new Health Secretary (no idea of her name) husband is chairman of one of the biggest sugar companies in the world. Just saying.
Well, whether you like it or not the basic mechanism here is that certain people (and I'm not saying that's you) are trying to use the attachment to armistice day to counter a completely unrelated case they don't like (protest over Gaza), by spuriously making out that the latter is an insult to the former. That's the weaponising. I don't see how that's reasonable. Apparently, the protest even included an observation of silence. It doesn't seem reasonable to me that marking the armistice should require all other urgent things to be put on hold, as if everything happening today is just sordid, petty squabbles by comparison.

I am sure there were/are people trying to link the protest about a ceasefire in Gaza to armistice, by presenting it as an insult to both armistice and remembrance , this being in order to stir up a counter protest (which didn't work anyway because only the 'nut jobs showed up').
However, that was in part my point, to defuse or debunk such linkages if the protest on that one day of armistice, had been in the form of a silent vigil without chants and placards etc., maybe just photographs of the devastation in Gaza, that would have gone down better with the British public and could well have caught the attention and understanding of those who, shall we say... 'don't watch the news'.

I honestly don't know whether such a vigil would have helped or not, and I have accepted in other posts that generally in the UK as we get further and further away in time from the original reason for the Armistice day events which was to remind people of the devastation and millions of dead at the end of WW1 (other wars and battles were added later after WW2) then the percentage of the public who can recall the events of nearly a hundred years ago diminishes rapidly, and even those of us who still remember the mood in the UK in the past on both Armistice and Remembrance Sunday, we are also falling by the wayside as time passes. This is in my opinion regrettable, but also completely understandable, my age group cannot expect those younger than us to live in our past, they have a past of their own to make.

I do hope a solution can be found which stops the current bloodshed, for both sides. However, being in my late 70's, and for most of my life I can recall this problem of finding a way of co-existence between a recognised State of Israel and the formation of a proper recognised State of Palestine has been playing out. I do fear with recent events the 'end game' has now begun and nobody knows how to stop it, if others do get involved on the ground, the whole world will gradually get drawn in and yet another WW conflict will begin.
As others have said, he’s not speaking about you, and the stats don’t lie about, in this example, the Brexit vote. You are in the statistical minority.

Stats always show ‘that generation’ are more likely to vote Conservative and are small c conservative about many of the issues of the world right now.


Even the graph looks like a load of tie-fighters
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