Westminster Politics

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My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on.

It's not actually true though.


My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.
This is a troll right? :lol:

Of course it's not true, the impact of any government on the overall economy tends to be negligible in reality. It takes something like Brexit to cause any great impact so its bewildering anyone could think the Tories (especially the current crop) are more economically sound.

The only difference is the breakdown of those economic figures and who benefits or suffers as a result of national policy.
My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.

There's no way this is a real post.
I get the slight demographic change that @TwoSheds mentions, with more older leave folk died (accelerated by Covid a bit too) and more remain youngsters now in voting age, but there are equally more than you think that feel the EU is punishing us and have switched to leave. Some others will buy into the increased nationalism we're seeing, with union flags everywhere and plenty will blame the EU for immigrants coming over the Channel etc...

It's by no means a stupid point, but I just don't share the confidence that remain would comfortably win now. For my family sample, they're from from East Yorkshire, with David Davis my mum's MP, so that is Brexit central! Remain is a massive majority on here and similarly on social media, but in the regions that just isn't the case.

Theres probably a slice of naïvety on my part. Hope too. But in the last year I’ve finally started hearing devout Brexit cultists saying ‘I got it wrong’. That feels impactful.
My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.
"The illegals" :rolleyes:. If Covid wasn't a thing then Johnson would have nothing else to hide behind when the reality of his Brexit began to hit.

The saddest thing about your post is that there's probably a fair amount of Brits who think like you do.
Theres probably a slice of naïvety on my part. Hope too. But in the last year I’ve finally started hearing devout Brexit cultists saying ‘I got it wrong’. That feels impactful.
Yeah, I understand the hope, I held on to all the way through til Johnson got elected. I'm yet to meet a cultist who says they made the wrong choice though, although family aside, my friends and colleagues are a real remain echo chamber.
I'm leaving the UK on Saturday for a few years, so hopefully we'll have those sunlit uplands by the time I'm back or better still be back in the EU.
Yeah, I understand the hope, I held on to all the way through til Johnson got elected. I'm yet to meet a cultist who says they made the wrong choice though, although family aside, my friends and colleagues are a real remain echo chamber.
I'm leaving the UK on Saturday for a few years, so hopefully we'll have those sunlit uplands by the time I'm back or better still be back in the EU.
Or perhaps something resembling waste lands
Yeah, I understand the hope, I held on to all the way through til Johnson got elected. I'm yet to meet a cultist who says they made the wrong choice though, although family aside, my friends and colleagues are a real remain echo chamber.
I'm leaving the UK on Saturday for a few years, so hopefully we'll have those sunlit uplands by the time I'm back or better still be back in the EU.

EU citizens will enjoy higher wages and increasingly appreciation for their skilled or unskilled abilities here, all inside 18 months. British people will never again get those rights back.

This country needs to be Tory free for 40 years to have a chance.
Yeah, I understand the hope, I held on to all the way through til Johnson got elected. I'm yet to meet a cultist who says they made the wrong choice though, although family aside, my friends and colleagues are a real remain echo chamber.
I'm leaving the UK on Saturday for a few years, so hopefully we'll have those sunlit uplands by the time I'm back or better still be back in the EU.

Pft, Priti Patel will be PM by then, you'll be lucky to get back in.
My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.

Unless I’m mistaking where your fathers thoughts end and yours begin, he may have a healthier and more adult outlook than you. Which is mental. If everything after the quotation is you, you sound truly broken. Probably told to you by the very people you want to celebrate.
Poor Johnson harmstrung by the Wokes :lol:
My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.
This is definitely a parody post.
It’s an easy argument for dishonest people to make to stupid people.

Show evidence of the BBC reporting on ‘Woke’ issues in 0.05% of overall programming. Highlight a few shows in a certain way…

Idiots will believe that a few examples that are amplified equals ‘lefty’, without ever analysing the totality of output, the truly right-skewed politics coverage, the huge number of Tories and chums on speaking spots. Almost all political discourse on the BBC is centre-right hosts pitching acceptable questions to people they socialise with.

That the Daily Mail folks can somehow wrap this up so dishonestly is terrifying.

When the right wing think you're left wing, and the left wing think you're right wing, you know you're doing a pretty good job of sitting in the centre.

Labour spending also drives overall GDP growth, that's hardly a surprise. It's not a surprise that the biggest growth periods have been immediately followed by big drops, regardless of who is in power.

The only thing that changes between governments is who pays for it all and who benefits.
When the right wing think you're left wing, and the left wing think you're right wing, you know you're doing a pretty good job of sitting in the centre.

This is nonsense though. If a parent of twins gives one twin a cookie every day and the other twin a slap every day, you'd struggle to argue that they're being treated equally on the grounds that the first twin is screaming just as loudly for more cookies as the second twin is for fewer slaps.

The turkeys that voted for Christmas, are now upset that Christmas has arrived.
New article on BBC website regarding international accusations British government are liars, fronted by a Boris Johnson promotional picture. Bit of an odd choice.
My late Father said to me once ‘Labour will spend money on lots of good things but will ruin the economy by taxing industry to pay for it. Then the Tories will get in and fix it but we will all be hit hard so Labour will get and ……’ So it goes on. Governments are in for themselves, not the country. Labour is currently inhabited by loons and dickheads and the Tories are just the Tories. Blair’s Labour built hospitals and other things using the private finance initiative which we will be paying for until the end of the century it seems. Boris is promising jam tomorrow and may have got somewhere if COVID hadn’t been unleashed. At least he gives the impression he wants to do the right thing but is hamstrung by Wokes and right wing freaks in his own party. One thing for sure is we have a weak Home Secretary. The illegals crossing the channel is still not sorted, the police are a mess and we allow middle class morons to inconvenience the public with their protests.
Let me guess, do you read the Daily Mail? Or are you more of an alternative right kind of consumer?
When the right wing think you're left wing, and the left wing think you're right wing, you know you're doing a pretty good job of sitting in the centre.
The flaw in this argument, in this case, is that it benefits the right wing to accuse an already right wing news organisation of being too left wing. Why would they claim otherwise?

Especially considering the general Tory view is that state owned bad, privately owned "free market" good. Totally warped world view, but that is a different discussion.
My family alone wouldn’t change much. But they’re in Telford, Kent, Wales. Real hard nosed Brexiteer land.
Is it? Our referendum result wasn't far off the national result and ironically was possibly tipped to leave by immigrants...from England.
I can’t speak for the whole of Wales, but where my family is, yes. As above, I could be a little naïve.

Aye, at least in regards to Wales as a whole I don't think it could be described as particularly Brexiteer land. The country voted for Brexit, but it was by a small margin and the impact of English communities within Wales (especially the older population) had a significant influence on this. I think the population of Wales is about 25% English, with many of this number being retired pensioners who have moved across the border. Danny Dorling of Oxford Uni has spoken a little about this but it's not something that has been generally spoken about much by Welsh or UK media.

I imagine Psuedo's family are based in the Eastern half, or Pembrokeshire, which are very much Brexiteer land. You can see map similarity when you look at the general election results and the Brexit results. The country voted for a Corbyn led Labour in 2017 and 2019, and along with the areas that voted Plaid are the areas that voted to remain, whereas the other areas in the East or Pembrokeshire that voted to leave also vote conservative.

One of the few places that doesn't fit into the above summary is Swansea, which voted to leave but always votes Labour. Although pertinently to psuedo's point about a change in brexit stance amonst former brexiteers, at least in 2018 anyway, Focaldata had found using YouGov polling that 14 constituencies had swung to remain from leave, with the Swansea area experiencing the biggest impact of this. This might have changed once again since then, but at least in conjunction with that polling and Wales voting Labour, I can't imagine that if the vote was repeated today that Wales would vote Brexit again.
I see on the same day he looks to implement plans for a GP table that 'names & shames' GPs who don't offer enough face-to-face appointments (whatever enough means in this context), he's pulled out of an appearance at the RCGP Annual Conference - what a coward!
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