Westminster Politics

Yes, have you seen adverts for 'Push Dr' on the telly? The ability to pay and jump the queue is an old one. First time I'm seeing it on the telly

The NHS need more money.

And it would need even more money if forced everyone away from private alternatives, or the patients would need to find the cash to seek treatment abroad.
And it would need even more money if forced everyone away from private alternatives, or the patients would need to find the cash to seek treatment abroad.

Which would be much cheaper for them of course, in Eastern Europe or India, but it would mean huge outflows of cash from the country, the balance of payments would be well stuffed.
I never said people need to be forced away from private providers.

So it's just companies being involved in the NHS that you have a problem with? Similarly, would you prohibit NHS contracted staff from concurrent work in the private health sector?
So it's just companies being involved in the NHS that you have a problem with? Similarly, would you prohibit NHS contracted staff from concurrent work in the private health sector?

Yes to some extent. I think the privatisation of service provision has to be very carefully handled, and I don't get the impression it is with the Tories, given their track record with rail.

No, the staff can work privately if they want
How exactly are police numbers supposed to affect wannabe gangbangers stabbing other wannabe gangbangers down dark alleys in the housing estates?

Flood the problem areas with officers and stop and search everyone who looks vaguely knifey, that would work. But somehow I don't think it would go down well.

Do you see how you undermined your own argument here?
The idiotic age checks on pornography come into effect in May. Great time for fraudsters and identity theft, as the technologically illiterate start handing their information to dodgy website after dodgy website.
May's response, from that same Marr interview, to reports of people dying whilst waiting hours to see doctors or for an ambulance may be the worst to ever leave her lips.

But I did hear rumours that Corbyn burnt his toast this morning, so naturally it might not get too much exposure.

Oh and you seem to have missed Toby Young joking that he'd been wanking whilst watching Comic Relief.
So cabinet reshuffle happening today with most political journalists speculating that Jeremy Hunt will finally get moved out of Health.
So cabinet reshuffle happening today with most political journalists speculating that Jeremy Hunt will finally get moved out of Health.

Done his job as scapegoat then. Wonder who'll be in the firing line next...
Done his job as scapegoat then. Wonder who'll be in the firing line next...

Rumor is Anne Milton based mainly off the fact her Wiki page was apparently scrubbing references to her husband being a director with Virgin Health.
They've also watered down the name to make it seem less important. All part of the plan.
They've also watered down the name to make it seem less important. All part of the plan.
Disagree, good to give more prevalence to social care and bring it into Health's department.

Can't believe Hunt still has the job though.
Disagree, good to give more prevalence to social care and bring it into Health's department.

Can't believe Hunt still has the job though.
Just means more shit for Hunt to ruin tbh
Hunt adds social care to his job title - as per Guardian notification.

All you can do is laugh.
May's response, from that same Marr interview, to reports of people dying whilst waiting hours to see doctors or for an ambulance may be the worst to ever leave her lips.

But I did hear rumours that Corbyn burnt his toast this morning, so naturally it might not get too much exposure.

Oh and you seem to have missed Toby Young joking that he'd been wanking whilst watching Comic Relief.

Was it her usual "record investment" and "most prepared we've ever been"

I was shocked when i heard them repeatedly use the latter, the immediate leap is well why weren't you more prepared previously.

Heh, a reshuffle where you don't even have the political capital to move Greg Clark.
"You're moving."

"Can I stay, please?"


"Pretty please? I'll work harder."

"Okay then."
More like “shit, nobody wants the job. Let’s get Laura to spin this one for us.”
Ahh Mcvey, takes £175,000 in expenses for a single year, moans the disabled get too much money.

That plan to soften the tory image going well then.
My favourite thing about McVey will always be when she lost her seat and became unemployed while serving as Employment Minister. Karmic.
She reminds me of Martin Sheen when she talks. Like she's eating the air.
So Toby Young has quit. Another great success for May.