I've absolutely no idea what you're expecting to happen under your moving the dial.
The sort of legislation that improves the lives of millions not just a few, e.g NHS Act and Education Act after WW2, subsequently changed and vastly improved the lives of millions of ordinary people, giving them education opportunities and health care provision their parents and grandparents could only have dreamed of.
This has to happen again, this time it will probably be housing/land/building etc., enough homes, properly built and insulated available to suit the needs of the majority, including those who do not have homes now, this could well be the priority.
The rights of landholders will be reformed, to prevent obstruction and hoarding of land, of construction companies, of anybody or anything which may prevent, or has prevented in the past, a suitable fair and equitable national housing policy, being implemented.
Probably also taking energy and water industries back under some sort of government control, so that upgraded national supply networks can be established and brought in to meet the needs of the future specifically climate change etc. and also information technology it's uses and control properly established and regulated.
Hence I would suspect the
dial needs to (start/to) move on;
a) re-establishing and upgrading of Health and Social care provision and end of life care (for all)
b) re- introduction of an Education reform program including the upgrade of both buildings and equipment and the establishment of relevant levels of attainment and provision from Early Years through Primary, Secondary and Tertiary (Further /Higher) to Lifetime learning/retraining.
c) Control of land/building planning/construction/ servicing to provide everyone with a home, backed by law.
d) Control of energy and water provision, including nation wide interchangeable network provision to plan and provide or the future, in particular the effects of climate changes.
Clearly such an agenda cannot be even started (overall) in one term, it will need at least two/three, but a start has to be made in term one and is possible if the political will (and 'clout' in parliament) is there. Therefore a massive majority is need to overcome the inertia and to start to move the dial.
Paul before you start on about the economy, yes attention will need to be given, to undoing as far as possible, damage done via Brexit, via Covid and by the increasing prospect of expansion of wars in Europe and the middle east. Almost a government of national unity might be needed and some of Starmer's latest comments/actions also could be viewed in that way...
repent and come and join us!