Westminster Politics 2024-2029

If you click on the link now, 'seriously ill' is not in the intro.
If you click on the link now, 'seriously ill' is not in the intro.

Mental health care is in such a bad state the only people who make it to a mantal health hospital are seriously ill, and viewed as a danger either to themselves or others. So few are the spaces, even some of them end up in police custody instead.

Kendall is just grandstanding, its not a policy that has any chance of becoming reality.

Bloody hell!

She has been complaining there’s been a crisis with conservatism. I assume she will agree with him or is she just picking and choosing which parts of traditional conservatism she likes?
She has been complaining there’s been a crisis with conservatism. I assume she will agree with him or is she just picking and choosing which parts of traditional conservatism she likes?

She's already said she wants babies to suffer nursery at younger ages despite no developmental need for them to be in that setting, purely because she wants women in work faster. I imagine she probably agrees with this and intends for her children to suffer through her two years worth of leader of the opposition before the racists in the party replace her for not being white. I'd say for being shit, but we all know that's not the reason they would replace her.
She has been complaining there’s been a crisis with conservatism. I assume she will agree with him or is she just picking and choosing which parts of traditional conservatism she likes?

It just seems odd; Tories saying Badenoch can't lead because she has kids and Republicans saying Harris can'ty lead because she doesn't have (her own) kids!
While the focus is on kicking those at the bottom, here's what they do for those at the top of the ladder
Premi Sikka is a Labour Lord, and one of the country's leading experts on accounting, by the way.

I'm sure this will work out well, nothing bad has ever come of this.
The amount saved from cutting the winter fuel allowance so severely and now sickness benefits feels very small compared to the harm and ill-will caused.

I can understand wanting to get to the core of why the number of those out of work claiming sickness benefits has risen exponentially since before Covid. is it all down to NHS backlogs and cuts to mental health services or are there other factors at play that can be addressed, whether environmental, dietary or exercise-related? Just slashing benefits is obviously solving nothing.


It is unprecedented in the OECD and the G7 chart shows what a real outlier the UK is- 2.7 million adults out of work sick is remarkable.


https://www.resolutionfoundation.or...text=The UK is the only,since the end of 2019.