Wan-Bissaka for sale | joins West Ham

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I'm an AWB apologist. I don't think an improvement is as readily available as some seem to make out. Injuries did him in last season.
Being injury free wouldn't make him good in possession or anything that isn't one-on-one defending.
I'm an AWB apologist. I don't think an improvement is as readily available as some seem to make out. Injuries did him in last season.
To each their own I guess, but I don't get it.
He's always been praised for his defensive output, yet, we've received countless goals because he can't keep the line nor can he defend the back post.
His offensive output is, well... when he's on the ball I pray he doesn't trip. Oppo defenders are literally instructed to give him space. We've seen it countless times.

What I can give him credit for is that he can shut down a winger. Very, very difficult to get past, but that is so much not enough at this level.
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The fact that everyone here is praising him only for his defending is the answer why he is being moved on.

I just don't understand how he never had the will the learn something new while at United. Crossing is something you train.

Anyhow, I admire him for his defending and for the fact that there was never a bad story about him in the newspapers, no drama when sat on the bench, and he even played himself back into the team when he was dropped. Wish him all the best.
There's been plenty of stories of him in the papers. He's no Juan Mata yet for some reason has this reputation of being a model pro off the pitch.
Think he’s improved quite a lot on the ball last season, dribbling, first touch and short passes. Delivery in the final third still left a lot to be desired though.

Good signing for the Hammers, good luck to him.
Think he’s improved quite a lot on the ball last season, dribbling, first touch and short passes. Delivery in the final third still left a lot to be desired though.

Good signing for the Hammers, good luck to him.

And defensively he's improved his back post aerial defending.
Waiting for the news to break that we are paying a silly amount of money to convince AWB to leave, that he can still come to the United Christmas party and have photos taken with Fred the Red
£15m is a good fee. Means we paid £30m over 5 years for our right back. £6m/year for a right back is about middle.
£15m is a good fee. Means we paid £30m over 5 years for our right back. £6m/year for a right back is about middle.
I do not think he played for free to be fair. When you add his wages, it becomes around 10-11m year (50-55m in total) for Wan Bissaka, which is a terrible deal.
Wan Bissaka No manager clashes,No allegations,No social media statements just a decent pro for the club and got on with it. Best of luck to him for the rest of his football career away from Old Trafford.
Wan Bissaka No manager clashes,No allegations,No social media statements just a decent pro for the club and got on with it. Best of luck to him for the rest of his football career away from Old Trafford.
Just the time he was caught driving while disqualified and without insurance...
Great signing for West Ham with very reasonable fees. Their right side will be hard to attack from now on with AWB.

All the best AWB!
He’s been long enough at the club for me to miss him. Hope he gets a good reception when he comes back to Old Trafford
Mad how many casuals think slide tackles is the only part of defending in football.

It seems like positioning, awareness, anticipation, communication, mentality and pace aren't needed as long as you throw a leg out and hit the ball over 50% of times.

Mad how some people make their own conclusions out of nowhere.
He'll be really good for them. I actually don't remember too many people that negged on his transfer to us at the time, especially coming off a pretty stellar season with Palace before he joined. I think his signing was one of those scattergun transfers emblematic of the Woodward era. Probably one of the best natural tacklers of the ball in the Premier League, such a shame he couldn't make it stick with us.

Good luck lad.
I've always been a fan of his, would have been happy for him to stay as the backup right back. I think the club are looking at this as a way to get a backup left back free of charge given Mazraoui's versatility which I understand.
West Ham's defence looking impressive

Wan Bissaka - Todibo - Kilman - Emerson (?)
Weird how I don’t think he’s anywhere near good enough for United, yet feel West Ham have got a bargain at 15m
He'll be great for West Ham, I like a lot about him but just not the profile to play RB at United. All the best!
AWB will have unprecedented backing from all our African brothers on SM. I can already see it on Twitter. They will target every mistake Mazraoui makes.

I couldn’t care less. Mazraoui is a modern attacking FB. Much as AWB was a defensive lock (except for the far post!) Mazraoui will be so much better as a back up to Dalot.
AWB will have unprecedented backing from all our African brothers on SM. I can already see it on Twitter. They will target every mistake Mazraoui makes.

I couldn’t care less. Mazraoui is a modern attacking FB. Much as AWB was a defensive lock (except for the far post!) Mazraoui will be so much better as a back up to Dalot.
Why would he? Us African's can't see beyond skin colour to see tactics?
He'll be really good for them. I actually don't remember too many people that negged on his transfer to us at the time, especially coming off a pretty stellar season with Palace before he joined. I think his signing was one of those scattergun transfers emblematic of the Woodward era. Probably one of the best natural tacklers of the ball in the Premier League, such a shame he couldn't make it stick with us.

Good luck lad.

You can see the thread discussing his potential transfer here, and tbf even then there were some people casting doubt on him due to his attacking abilities. Just from the first two pages:

This is gonna be a mistake we need fullbacks who contribute offensively and are good on the ball , whenever I have seen Wan Bissaka he looks poor on the ball his passing looks laboured as well but I am basing that on limited viewing may be people who have watched him regularly could tell us more.

Not sure if AWB is worth that money. From what i heard, he is very poor attacking wise and offere nothing there

I'm still sceptical of his ability going forward and I also believe Dalot will come good, but feck I don't want to see Young starting 30+ games so I wouldn't really be against it.

Not good enough going forward to warrant that fee for me. Which would maybe be acceptable if we had any other good offensive fullbacks but we don't. Hope we stay clear at this price.

I would gladly take him but we desperately need an attacking full back. Not sure AWB counts as one of those despite being solid defensively.

I tend to think that scuppering opportunities for our youth is only worth it if we're getting a world class talent or a top tier prospect who looks nailed on to develop the entire package. We can't really say AWB fits that latter criteria when he has done very little going forward. I couldn't help but be happy if we get him, but you can argue that a signing such as Meunier makes more sense.

Well I am also not thrilled with this I want United to play on front foot forcing opposition to worry about us rather the other way round but if we are focusing on defensive fullback like Wan Bissaka it's gonna be long season again

Would AWB do any better than Young when he's given all that space Young is given on our right side? Let's face it, if he's not good at the attacking side of the game, he would be quite a pointless signing.

There were people praising him too obviously, but right from the start there were also quite a few flagging doubts. Worth bearing in mind that the context of the time was a clear shift in top level football towards attacking fullbacks, so signing someone of AWB's profile seemed an immediately counter-intuitive move unless you believed his attacking skillset would significantly develop.
West Ham's defence looking impressive

Wan Bissaka - Todibo - Kilman - Emerson (?)
Decent right winger has a field day against them. Emerson is average to put it kindly and most Wolves lads I knew wanted rid of Kilman and couldn't believe their luck in getting £40m for him.
He'll be excellent at West Ham. They'll love him and to be honest, I think we'll miss him.
We’ll miss him for 4 games a season when we need to set up for a strong attacking team

The rest of the season, when we are (hopefully) the more offensive, we’ll be happy to have a full back that isn’t a liability on the ball
Aaron wan-Bissaka has completed the first part of his West Ham United medical.

Makes it sound like he's Indiana Jones passing through the first challenge in The Last Crusade.
We’ll miss him for 4 games a season when we need to set up for a strong attacking team

The rest of the season, when we are (hopefully) the more offensive, we’ll be happy to have a full back that isn’t a liability on the ball

I don't think he was a liability on the ball at all, he'd make mistakes and going forward wasn't his strength but I don't think he was a liability. Let's also not forget that we're not in a position to assume we'll be offensive, as demonstrated last season when we were fecking terrible for the majority of the season. He'll be excellent for West Ham and we'll miss having a defensively reliable fullback because Mazraoui is not good defensively. Wish him well, just hope he has a stinker against us.
Honestly so glad to see the back of him. I have no idea how he made it this far in football. We've absolutely robbed them - just hoping he passes the medical.
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