Pogue Mahone
Yep...all I want is a thread saying "Fellaini sold...".
I always put Moyes and Fellaini together...as a couple. Almost like iconic symbols of failure. Moyes ended up being shite and is gone...now for Fellaini please. Everytime I see him United's awful season flashes before my eyes....
For that reason alone, I'm also happy to see the back of him.
I would still maintain he didn't get a fair crack of the whip to show what he's capable of. This was his first season at a new club, surrounded by team-mates posting in abominable performances, week after week, under a manager who looked increasingly terrified and out of his depth. There's a long list of mitigating factors and plenty of evidence that there's more to his game than the oafish target man caricature that's taken root on here but feck it, a clean break is probably better for everyone concerned. He's got a huge job winning the fans round - for the reasons you posted above - and doesn't seem to be talented enough or mentally strong enough to do it. So probably for the best he rebuilds his career elsewhere.