Using AI to write posts

I didn't know if @afrocentricity should be banned, so I delegated the thought process and I'm still on the fence.

The topic of Afrocentricity, like many cultural and educational frameworks, can stimulate robust debate. It's important to consider a few key points when discussing whether something should be "banned" or promoted:

  1. Cultural Representation: Afrocentricity emphasizes the importance of African cultural contributions and perspectives. Banning it could be seen as a dismissal of the histories and experiences of African and African diaspora communities.
  2. Educational Value: Many argue that Afrocentricity offers valuable insights into history, culture, and identity that are often overlooked in mainstream narratives. It can provide a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of global history.
  3. Freedom of Expression: In diverse societies, various viewpoints should be allowed and explored. Banning a particular perspective can infringe on rights to free speech and academic freedom.
  4. Critical Discourse: Engaging with different perspectives, including Afrocentricity, can help foster critical thinking and dialogue. Rather than banning, creating spaces for discussion and debate might be more productive.
  5. Impact on Identity: For many individuals, Afrocentricity can be a source of pride and a way to connect with heritage. Banning it could negatively impact those who find value in these teachings.
Instead of considering a ban, it may be more beneficial to promote inclusive education practices that respect and integrate multiple cultural perspectives. Engaging in open discussions can lead to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved.
It's hard to say exactly what Moses, the site admin of RedCafe, would think about using AI for writing posts without a clear statement from him on the matter. However, based on the site's general approach to quality control, Moses might have reservations if AI-generated content leads to posts that are off-topic, lack depth, or seem formulaic.

Moses would likely prefer posts to be authentic and thoughtful, adding value to discussions rather than generating content that might be perceived as impersonal or repetitive. If AI were used responsibly—perhaps as a tool to assist rather than completely automate writing—he might be more open to it. However, adherence to the forum's overall rules of meaningful engagement would be key.
And agreed
Bro I just went all diva to Niall on the contact form....

I flipped out I cant lie :lol:

You sure did :lol:
Ban is an overkill and there are no rules against using GPT in the first place. It’s not like whatever content he’s posting is harmful.

I think it’s more fun to make all our replies to him using GPT and maybe he’ll learn something.
Nobody is suggesting anyone gets banned.
I agree that posters using AI to write their posts should be discouraged and receive warnings if done repeatedly. This is a forum for real people to share opinions, with each person's personality bringing something unique to the discussion.

I've no problem people using AI to research / source information and use it in their posts for reference - so long as it adds value to a discussion - but it should be clearly stated like:

"According to ChatGPT.... <quote>whatever</quote>"
Humans should prioritize posting on forum boards over relying solely on AI because human interactions bring unique personal experiences, emotions, and diverse perspectives that AI cannot fully replicate. While AI can generate information and provide answers, it lacks the nuance, empathy, and context that come from lived experiences. Human contributions foster authentic discussions, promote critical thinking, and allow for the exchange of cultural and individual insights that enrich conversations. Additionally, humans can engage with ethical dilemmas, moral considerations, and subjective viewpoints in a way that AI, which operates based on algorithms and data patterns, cannot. This dynamic helps maintain the human touch in online communities and ensures that conversations are meaningful and inclusive. In conclusion feck off Mr Wick
While human interactions on forum boards undoubtedly bring a unique richness and depth to discussions, it's worth considering that AI can also offer valuable contributions to online conversations. AI-powered tools have the capacity to generate information swiftly, analyze vast datasets, and provide insights that may not be readily available through human efforts alone. While AI may lack the emotional nuances and personal experiences that humans bring to the table, its ability to process and present data in a structured and efficient manner can complement human input in forum discussions. By integrating AI technologies alongside human contributions, we can harness the strengths of both to create more comprehensive and well-rounded online dialogues that blend the best of human creativity and technological efficiency.
While human interactions on forum boards undoubtedly bring a unique richness and depth to discussions, it's worth considering that AI can also offer valuable contributions to online conversations. AI-powered tools have the capacity to generate information swiftly, analyze vast datasets, and provide insights that may not be readily available through human efforts alone. While AI may lack the emotional nuances and personal experiences that humans bring to the table, its ability to process and present data in a structured and efficient manner can complement human input in forum discussions. By integrating AI technologies alongside human contributions, we can harness the strengths of both to create more comprehensive and well-rounded online dialogues that blend the best of human creativity and technological efficiency.
While human interactions on forum boards undoubtedly bring a unique richness and depth to discussions, it's worth considering that AI can also offer valuable contributions to online conversations. AI-powered tools have the capacity to generate information swiftly, analyze vast datasets, and provide insights that may not be readily available through human efforts alone. While AI may lack the emotional nuances and personal experiences that humans bring to the table, its ability to process and present data in a structured and efficient manner can complement human input in forum discussions. By integrating AI technologies alongside human contributions, we can harness the strengths of both to create more comprehensive and well-rounded online dialogues that blend the best of human creativity and technological efficiency.
Sometimes i wish we could issue a slap over the internet
I agree that posters using AI to write their posts should be discouraged and receive warnings if done repeatedly. This is a forum for real people to share opinions, with each person's personality bringing something unique to the discussion.

I've no problem people using AI to research / source information and use it in their posts for reference - so long as it adds value to a discussion - but it should be clearly stated like:

"According to ChatGPT.... <quote>whatever</quote>"
nice try, naill.
I agree that posters using AI to write their posts should be discouraged and receive warnings if done repeatedly. This is a forum for real people to share opinions, with each person's personality bringing something unique to the discussion.

I've no problem people using AI to research / source information and use it in their posts for reference - so long as it adds value to a discussion - but it should be clearly stated like:

"According to ChatGPT.... <quote>whatever</quote>"
According to ChatGPT
Your perspective highlights an important aspect of online discussions: the value of genuine human interaction. While AI can be a useful tool for gathering information and enhancing discussions, it's crucial that participants contribute their own thoughts and experiences. By encouraging users to clearly attribute AI-generated content, it not only maintains transparency but also allows for a richer dialogue.

This approach ensures that the unique personalities and viewpoints of individuals remain central to the conversation, while AI can serve as a supplementary resource rather than a replacement for authentic engagement. Striking that balance is key to fostering an enriching forum environment.
I don't even get the argument that you can use it to write your post if you're doing something else or is disabled. Why not just use text-to-speech and not let an LLM influence the content?
I don't even get the argument that you can use it to write your post if you're doing something else or is disabled. Why not just use text-to-speech and not let an LLM influence the content?
The Cafe can always create a little AI section for those who want to use that feature. An AI meltdown should be fun.
write a funny post about football in the style of rimaldo from

“The Tactical Genius of My Sunday League Gaffer”

Lads, I’m starting to think my Sunday league manager might secretly be Pep Guardiola in disguise. I mean, hear me out: last week, he told us we’d be playing a "fluid 4-4-2 that shifts into a 3-3-1-3 when we're in possession, but collapses into a solid 7-2-1 without the ball." This sounds tactical, right? Well, the reality was we just hoofed it up to Dave, our striker who, and I quote, "wins headers like he's playing for Burnley in 2009."

The warm-up involved five minutes of jogging, followed by the kind of stretches that look like you’re trying to scratch an itch in the middle of your back. Our centre-back, Big Al, insists this helps him “stay sharp,” though I’m 90% sure he just can’t touch his toes.

During the match, we conceded in the first five minutes because our left-back (who works as a chef) had to "pop off to the shop" because he forgot to bring a drink. Classic tactical innovation, if you ask me.

At half-time, we were 3-0 down, and the gaffer, in true Mourinho style, looked us dead in the eye and said, “Lads, they might have better fitness, skill, and coordination… but what we’ve got is the element of surprise. They don’t know how bad we are.”

It’s all about mind games, innit?

It’s all about taking those everyday, funny moments from lower-league football and exaggerating them in a Rimaldo-esque style of deadpan delivery.
Bloody hell. Chat GPT can make my nonsensical threads in the Gen for me. Except now they're going to be funny.

And Pexbo will still reply with "TL;DR" like the cnut he is.
Can I point out that the majority of the people here who say they use ChatGPT have failed with their reading comprehension skills in this thread, and think it was about a blanket ban? Time to spend less time relying on ChatGPT, methinks...
We have "carefully" had a discussion about AI use in the Admin forum. Here is what we came up with.

The use of AI in football discussion forums like can bring both significant advantages and potential challenges, each of which needs to be carefully considered by administrators, moderators, and the broader community of users. Football discussion forums have traditionally been vibrant spaces where passionate supporters come together to discuss the latest matches, debate controversial moments, and share their thoughts on players, managers, tactics, and much more. However, as technology evolves and AI becomes increasingly integrated into online platforms, these communities face a new wave of both opportunities and risks.

Starting with the pros of AI use, one of the most prominent advantages is the ability to manage and moderate content at a scale and speed that would be impossible for human moderators to achieve. Football forums like are often home to hundreds, if not thousands, of active users who generate a constant stream of posts, comments, and threads. Keeping track of all these discussions and ensuring that the content adheres to the forum’s guidelines can be an overwhelming task. AI tools can assist by automatically flagging inappropriate language, detecting spam, and identifying posts that may violate the forum’s rules, such as those containing abusive or harmful behavior. With the help of AI, moderation becomes more efficient, allowing human moderators to focus on the more nuanced or complex issues that require human judgment.

Moreover, AI-powered sentiment analysis could be applied to better understand the general mood of the forum or specific discussions. For example, if a thread about a contentious match begins to devolve into overly negative or hostile territory, AI could alert moderators to step in before things escalate. This could foster a more positive and respectful environment for debate, something particularly important in the sometimes emotionally charged world of football fandom. Additionally, AI could be used to surface high-quality, relevant content for users by analyzing their posting history and preferences. For instance, a fan who frequently discusses Manchester United’s defense might appreciate being directed toward threads that dive into tactical breakdowns or debates about specific players in those positions. This personalization could enhance the overall user experience, making the forum feel more tailored and engaging for each individual.

AI could also revolutionize search functionality on the forum. Football discussion forums like can contain an enormous wealth of information, with posts dating back years or even decades. AI-powered search engines could make it easier for users to find the exact content they are looking for, whether it’s a thread about a particular match, player, or tactical approach. This could prevent the same topics from being endlessly repeated, as users would be able to quickly locate existing discussions and contribute to them rather than starting new threads on the same subject.

Additionally, AI can assist in language translation, making the forum more accessible to a global audience. Football is a worldwide sport with fans from all corners of the globe, and likely attracts users who may not speak English as their first language. By integrating AI-based translation tools, the forum could lower the language barrier, allowing for more inclusive discussions that involve fans from different linguistic backgrounds. This, in turn, could foster a more diverse and international community, broadening the range of perspectives and insights being shared.

However, despite these significant advantages, the cons of AI use on a football forum like cannot be overlooked. One of the most pressing concerns is the potential for AI to over-moderate or censor discussions in a way that stifles free expression. Football forums are known for their passionate debates, and it’s not uncommon for users to express strong opinions about players, managers, and decisions made by referees. AI moderation tools, particularly those reliant on keyword detection or sentiment analysis, may struggle to differentiate between a heated but ultimately respectful debate and an outright abusive exchange. This could result in legitimate posts being unfairly flagged or removed, frustrating users and leading to accusations of censorship. Moreover, football fans often use slang, colloquial expressions, or humor, which may not always be easily understood by AI systems. There’s a risk that AI could misinterpret these posts, taking them out of context and flagging them as inappropriate when they are, in fact, harmless.

Furthermore, AI-driven personalization, while beneficial in some ways, could also lead to the creation of echo chambers within the forum. By constantly directing users toward content that aligns with their previous interests or opinions, AI might inadvertently reinforce existing biases, making it harder for users to encounter and engage with differing perspectives. Football discussion forums are valuable precisely because they bring together fans with diverse views, and this diversity of thought is what fuels many of the most engaging debates. If AI ends up narrowing the scope of content users are exposed to, it could diminish the vibrancy and richness of the discussions taking place.

Another concern is the potential for AI to be exploited by bad actors. For example, AI-generated content could be used to flood the forum with spam or misleading information. While AI moderation tools can help mitigate this risk, it’s possible that sophisticated bots could find ways to circumvent detection, creating new challenges for administrators. In a football forum context, where rumors and speculation are common, AI-generated posts might contribute to the spread of false information, such as fabricated transfer news or fake insider reports. This could undermine the credibility of the forum and frustrate users who come to the site seeking reliable information and thoughtful analysis.

Moreover, there’s the issue of data privacy and user trust. AI systems often rely on large amounts of data to function effectively, and there may be concerns among users about how their personal information is being used and stored. While likely has privacy policies in place, the introduction of more advanced AI tools could raise new questions about data security. For example, if AI is used to analyze user behavior in order to personalize content, users might be uncomfortable with the idea that their posts and interactions are being scrutinized so closely. There’s also the possibility that AI tools could inadvertently expose sensitive information if they are not properly configured or maintained.

Lastly, there is the human element to consider. Football forums like are, at their core, communities of people who come together to share their love of the sport. While AI can undoubtedly assist with moderation and content management, it cannot replicate the human touch that makes these communities special. Football is an emotional game, and discussions about it are often driven by passion, humor, and camaraderie. If AI is used too extensively, there’s a risk that the forum could start to feel more sterile and impersonal. Human moderators and community members play a crucial role in setting the tone for the forum, and while AI can support them, it cannot replace the human judgment and empathy that are essential for fostering a positive and welcoming environment.

In conclusion, the use of AI on football discussion forums like offers a range of potential benefits, including improved moderation, enhanced personalization, and better search functionality. However, these advantages must be weighed against the potential downsides, such as over-censorship, the creation of echo chambers, the risk of exploitation by bad actors, and concerns about data privacy. Furthermore, while AI can assist in managing the forum, it cannot replace the human touch that makes these communities so vibrant and engaging. Ultimately, the key to successfully integrating AI into a football forum will be finding the right balance between leveraging its capabilities and preserving the unique, human-driven spirit of the community.
We summarised further after most of us lost the will to live after reading about 5 paragraphs, and came up with the following.

Don't be silly with AI use please.

Plus what Niall said.
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It's against most University plagiarism policies to submit ChatGPT results so not sure where you got that info from. Probably from ChatGPT...

But anyway, City are cnuts and I hope we find out some juicy gossip soon.

Straight use is pretty much prohibited everywhere. Many allow you to use it for some purposes e.g. organising your thoughts but a) you aren't allowed to submit straight AI text anywhere I've heard of, and b) if it is allowed you will have to reference it's use, often including uploading the original AI generated stuff for comparison.
Straight use is pretty much prohibited everywhere. Many allow you to use it for some purposes e.g. organising your thoughts but a) you aren't allowed to submit straight AI text anywhere I've heard of, and b) if it is allowed you will have to reference it's use, often including uploading the original AI generated stuff for comparison.
Yep, so a fair bit different from how Mr Certified AI Specialist used it on the forum when he just copied and pasted the results.
I directly speak to it and give it my thoughts and ideas, which in turn it writes my thoughts into cohesive text with better grammar. I use Chatgpt 4o and Claude. You should try it, its a life saver. Matter of fact, im feeling the ick right now typing this myself.

To Cheimoon - I apologize if you find it lifeless, I love the freedom it gives me. I embrace it and the wonders it can do are quite amazing.

You should give it a chance, look into “1000x AI”. I am a certified AI specialist and use AI daily - not to show off, but I am running 3 businesses that I have opened in the last 6 months using AI, making between 15k - 25k already for each business. It might not seem like a lot, but like I said it has only been 6 months and they are my part time gigs all thanks to learning the correct prompts.

Look into it, it might just change your life. I dont want to create a big scene about it, just do your own research!

It’s interesting that such a passionate advocate of using LLM to help write content is the same person that produced the incredibly lame and boring post quoted in the OP. If that’s what someone who is obviously skilled at writing prompts comes up with it really just highlights the limitation of the software.
We have "carefully" had a discussion about AI use in the Admin forum. Here is what we came up with.

The use of AI in football discussion forums like can bring both significant advantages and potential challenges, each of which needs to be carefully considered by administrators, moderators, and the broader community of users. Football discussion forums have traditionally been vibrant spaces where passionate supporters come together to discuss the latest matches, debate controversial moments, and share their thoughts on players, managers, tactics, and much more. However, as technology evolves and AI becomes increasingly integrated into online platforms, these communities face a new wave of both opportunities and risks.

Starting with the pros of AI use, one of the most prominent advantages is the ability to manage and moderate content at a scale and speed that would be impossible for human moderators to achieve. Football forums like are often home to hundreds, if not thousands, of active users who generate a constant stream of posts, comments, and threads. Keeping track of all these discussions and ensuring that the content adheres to the forum’s guidelines can be an overwhelming task. AI tools can assist by automatically flagging inappropriate language, detecting spam, and identifying posts that may violate the forum’s rules, such as those containing abusive or harmful behavior. With the help of AI, moderation becomes more efficient, allowing human moderators to focus on the more nuanced or complex issues that require human judgment.

Moreover, AI-powered sentiment analysis could be applied to better understand the general mood of the forum or specific discussions. For example, if a thread about a contentious match begins to devolve into overly negative or hostile territory, AI could alert moderators to step in before things escalate. This could foster a more positive and respectful environment for debate, something particularly important in the sometimes emotionally charged world of football fandom. Additionally, AI could be used to surface high-quality, relevant content for users by analyzing their posting history and preferences. For instance, a fan who frequently discusses Manchester United’s defense might appreciate being directed toward threads that dive into tactical breakdowns or debates about specific players in those positions. This personalization could enhance the overall user experience, making the forum feel more tailored and engaging for each individual.

AI could also revolutionize search functionality on the forum. Football discussion forums like can contain an enormous wealth of information, with posts dating back years or even decades. AI-powered search engines could make it easier for users to find the exact content they are looking for, whether it’s a thread about a particular match, player, or tactical approach. This could prevent the same topics from being endlessly repeated, as users would be able to quickly locate existing discussions and contribute to them rather than starting new threads on the same subject.

Additionally, AI can assist in language translation, making the forum more accessible to a global audience. Football is a worldwide sport with fans from all corners of the globe, and likely attracts users who may not speak English as their first language. By integrating AI-based translation tools, the forum could lower the language barrier, allowing for more inclusive discussions that involve fans from different linguistic backgrounds. This, in turn, could foster a more diverse and international community, broadening the range of perspectives and insights being shared.

However, despite these significant advantages, the cons of AI use on a football forum like cannot be overlooked. One of the most pressing concerns is the potential for AI to over-moderate or censor discussions in a way that stifles free expression. Football forums are known for their passionate debates, and it’s not uncommon for users to express strong opinions about players, managers, and decisions made by referees. AI moderation tools, particularly those reliant on keyword detection or sentiment analysis, may struggle to differentiate between a heated but ultimately respectful debate and an outright abusive exchange. This could result in legitimate posts being unfairly flagged or removed, frustrating users and leading to accusations of censorship. Moreover, football fans often use slang, colloquial expressions, or humor, which may not always be easily understood by AI systems. There’s a risk that AI could misinterpret these posts, taking them out of context and flagging them as inappropriate when they are, in fact, harmless.

Furthermore, AI-driven personalization, while beneficial in some ways, could also lead to the creation of echo chambers within the forum. By constantly directing users toward content that aligns with their previous interests or opinions, AI might inadvertently reinforce existing biases, making it harder for users to encounter and engage with differing perspectives. Football discussion forums are valuable precisely because they bring together fans with diverse views, and this diversity of thought is what fuels many of the most engaging debates. If AI ends up narrowing the scope of content users are exposed to, it could diminish the vibrancy and richness of the discussions taking place.

Another concern is the potential for AI to be exploited by bad actors. For example, AI-generated content could be used to flood the forum with spam or misleading information. While AI moderation tools can help mitigate this risk, it’s possible that sophisticated bots could find ways to circumvent detection, creating new challenges for administrators. In a football forum context, where rumors and speculation are common, AI-generated posts might contribute to the spread of false information, such as fabricated transfer news or fake insider reports. This could undermine the credibility of the forum and frustrate users who come to the site seeking reliable information and thoughtful analysis.

Moreover, there’s the issue of data privacy and user trust. AI systems often rely on large amounts of data to function effectively, and there may be concerns among users about how their personal information is being used and stored. While likely has privacy policies in place, the introduction of more advanced AI tools could raise new questions about data security. For example, if AI is used to analyze user behavior in order to personalize content, users might be uncomfortable with the idea that their posts and interactions are being scrutinized so closely. There’s also the possibility that AI tools could inadvertently expose sensitive information if they are not properly configured or maintained.

Lastly, there is the human element to consider. Football forums like are, at their core, communities of people who come together to share their love of the sport. While AI can undoubtedly assist with moderation and content management, it cannot replicate the human touch that makes these communities special. Football is an emotional game, and discussions about it are often driven by passion, humor, and camaraderie. If AI is used too extensively, there’s a risk that the forum could start to feel more sterile and impersonal. Human moderators and community members play a crucial role in setting the tone for the forum, and while AI can support them, it cannot replace the human judgment and empathy that are essential for fostering a positive and welcoming environment.

In conclusion, the use of AI on football discussion forums like offers a range of potential benefits, including improved moderation, enhanced personalization, and better search functionality. However, these advantages must be weighed against the potential downsides, such as over-censorship, the creation of echo chambers, the risk of exploitation by bad actors, and concerns about data privacy. Furthermore, while AI can assist in managing the forum, it cannot replace the human touch that makes these communities so vibrant and engaging. Ultimately, the key to successfully integrating AI into a football forum will be finding the right balance between leveraging its capabilities and preserving the unique, human-driven spirit of the community.
Christ, this is making me feel a master of conciseness.

We should allow this stuff, it's good for my self-confidence.
I was going to put my thoughts into ChatGPT but thinking gave me the ick so I just bashed my head on the keyboard.
I was going to put my thoughts into ChatGPT but thinking gave me the ick so I just bashed my head on the keyboard.
It sounds like you’re feeling a bit frustrated! Sometimes it’s tough to get thoughts out, and I hope you’re okay after that keyboard bashing. If you want to share what’s on your mind or if there's a particular topic you’d like to explore, I’m here to help—no head-banging required!