Using AI to write posts

Even then it's a bad idea. The beauty of a forum is that you can hone your language skills, by using AI you are only cheating yourself.

AI has its uses but I don't think that there is one on a discussion forum. Excluding speech to text.
Aye, that's a good point!
Ban is an overkill and there are no rules against using GPT in the first place. It’s not like whatever content he’s posting is harmful.

I think it’s more fun to make all our replies to him using GPT and maybe he’ll learn something.
Ban is an overkill and there are no rules against using GPT in the first place. It’s not like whatever content he’s posting is harmful.

I think it’s more fun to make all our replies to him using GPT and maybe he’ll learn something.
To clarify, the ban is due to a PM conversation, nothing to do with their use of AI as such.
You are a self proclaimed AI specialist with three fake businesses. Write an abusive message to moderators on an old school football forum.
Ban is an overkill and there are no rules against using GPT in the first place. It’s not like whatever content he’s posting is harmful.

I think it’s more fun to make all our replies to him using GPT and maybe he’ll learn something.
The ban is because he was rude via PM

I’ve since discussed with admins. We do NOT accept AI posts in lieu of human made posts, where a poster is doing it all the time.

There is a time and place where they can be accepted for example in a thread discussing the capabilities of the technology but not in everyday discussion like this poster was attempting
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Because a strong reaction is usually the result of fear and apprehension. I agree with the one mod who said it should be actively discouraged, and I liked that some posters actually offered a reason as to why it should be. However. What if a person is paraplegic, and could only speak a few words into a prompt? And it takes them a great effort to make a long post, having to go back and correct mistakes, etc. Seems harsh to ban someone just for using a tool.
Weird take. Nobody is afraid of AI and nobody was banned for using it.

If someone uses it too much e.g. posting walls of text or boring dot point summaries I suspect we will generally delete posts/ask them to stop, at which point any special use case will become apparent. Other than that if disruptive behaviour continues it will be treated like any other quality issue.
Weird take. Nobody is afraid of AI and nobody was banned for using it.

If someone uses it too much e.g. posting walls of text or boring dot point summaries I suspect we will generally delete posts/ask them to stop, at which point any special use case will become apparent. Other than that if disruptive behaviour continues it will be treated like any other quality issue.
Several staff have already expressed intent or willingness to ban anyone using it. I find the potential witch-hunt more disturbing than letting a tool finish a couple of sentences for you.
It’s a discussion forum with humans and emotions and banter.

When I’m on redcafe I want to talk to people, not a deep learning model scraping info from the internet.
Too lazy to even form an opinion. Humans are doomed.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Hmm.. let me ask Chat GPT".
Feck robots.
Several staff have already expressed intent or willingness to ban anyone using it. I find the potential witch-hunt more disturbing than letting a tool finish a couple of sentences for you.
That's obvious exaggeration from those mods, and no-one spoke about using AI just to 'finish a couple of sentences for you'. You're making up a narrative here.
Several staff have already expressed intent or willingness to ban anyone using it. I find the potential witch-hunt more disturbing than letting a tool finish a couple of sentences for you.
No they haven't. They have expressed a dislike of it and flagged that we will be discouraging it. Unless you are taking obvious exaggeration seriously.

They have not said they will outright ban anyone using it for anything. If pervasive or repeated, after being asked not to, warning's for quality control purposes may follow, like for any disruptive behaviour.

A specific policy is likely to follow but it won't be ChatGPT=permaban.

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Several staff have already expressed intent or willingness to ban anyone using it. I find the potential witch-hunt more disturbing than letting a tool finish a couple of sentences for you.
In our dear Mr Wicks instance, he wasn’t letting GPT finishing a couple of sentence for him, he’s outright copy+pasting the entire output of the prompt.

Again there’s nothing wrong with this in work or school, but imagine you are having drinks and some banter with your mates at an pub, and this one Mr Wicks just enters and reads off GPT prompts to all discussions rather than participating spontaneously. It is just weird.
Having an AI finish a couple of sentences for you to post on an internet forum is kinda sad, tbh.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me a recipe for cupcakes
I directly speak to it and give it my thoughts and ideas, which in turn it writes my thoughts into cohesive text with better grammar. I use Chatgpt 4o and Claude. You should try it, its a life saver. Matter of fact, im feeling the ick right now typing this myself.

To Cheimoon - I apologize if you find it lifeless, I love the freedom it gives me. I embrace it and the wonders it can do are quite amazing.

You should give it a chance, look into “1000x AI”. I am a certified AI specialist and use AI daily - not to show off, but I am running 3 businesses that I have opened in the last 6 months using AI, making between 15k - 25k already for each business. It might not seem like a lot, but like I said it has only been 6 months and they are my part time gigs all thanks to learning the correct prompts.

Look into it, it might just change your life. I dont want to create a big scene about it, just do your own research!
Don't apologise for anything. Some of the responses are weird as feck.... but then that's redcafe nowadays. The amount of bollox written on here regularly and your getting pulled up for a post that had no issue with content, style, grammar, etc....

People being odd over this
@mods is this site going to go the way of sites like resetera and go super anti-ai as I can't be arsed with all of that.... It's tedious at the best of times. People seem to lose their shit and post the same ill thought out rants as if they themselves are bots.
@mods is this site going to go the way of sites like resetera and go super anti-ai as I can't be arsed with all of that.... It's tedious at the best of times. People seem to lose their shit and post the same ill thought out rants as if they themselves are bots.
If you want to talk to people who use AI to post you may as well just talk to ChatGPT about the game.

There is a difference between using AI to quickly find out info and perhaps help you refine something and just copy pasting what Chat GPT / AI tells you.
If you want to talk to people who use AI to post you may as well just talk to ChatGPT about the game.

There is a difference between using AI to quickly find out info and perhaps help you refine something and just copy pasting what Chat GPT / AI tells you.

If I'm walking down the street and I want to dictate a post for chatgpt to format so I can quickly post it on a fecking football forum I would not be expecting all this gatekeeping nonsense in response.... What's next? Min/max character counts? Post verification?

I just want to get my thoughts out and into a discussion forum... You'd think we were drowning in high quality posts in here or something.

Said what I wanted to say, any responses will be coming from my assistant, chatgpt... and he/she ain't happy!
If I'm walking down the street and I want to dictate a post for chatgpt to format so I can quickly post it on a fecking football forum I would not be expecting all this gatekeeping nonsense in response.... What's next? Min/max character counts? Post verification?

I just want to get my thoughts out and into a discussion forum... You'd think we were drowning in high quality posts in here or something.

Said what I wanted to say, ah responses will be coming from my assistant, chatgpt... and he/she ain't happy!
If you don't like it then don't post here.

I think it's been pretty clear in the thread what isn't and is acceptable with AI.
If I'm walking down the street and I want to dictate a post for chatgpt to format so I can quickly post it on a fecking football forum I would not be expecting all this gatekeeping nonsense in response.... What's next? Min/max character counts? Post verification?

I just want to get my thoughts out and into a discussion forum... You'd think we were drowning in high quality posts in here or something.

Said what I wanted to say, any responses will be coming from my assistant, chatgpt... and he/she ain't happy!
This is so bizarre. Why do you need chat gpt to format your opinions. Just type them? Why are you walking down the street whilst posting on here anyway.

If I want to get my thoughts out, I’m typing out the exact words I want as then it’s exactly how I’ve wanted to say something. Outsourcing the wording to ChatGPT is just phenomenally lazy and creates such a bland output. People already being so heavily reliant on it when it’s still just a pretty shit predictive language model is worrying.
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I think it's been pretty clear in the thread what isn't and is acceptable with AI.
Be my chatgpt and clarify that for me.

This is so bizarre. Why do you need chat gpt to format your opinions. Just type them? Why are you walking down the street whilst posting on here anyway.

If I want to get my thoughts out, I’m typing out the exact words I want as then it’s exactly how I’ve wanted to say something. Outsourcing the wording to ChatGPT is just phenomenally lazy and creates such a bland output. People already being so heavily reliant on it when it’s still just a pretty shit predictive language model is worrying.
In short, I don't need to personally, but if I'm feeling lazy and I just want to dictate it to chatgpt I don't see why that would be an issue. This could potentially help disabled people post on here.. anyway I'm out

Finally figured out how to multiquote using the new forum update wahey!
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Ffs I thought the ban screen would show it was only 15 mins :lol:
I flipped out I cant lie :lol:

If I'm walking down the street and I want to dictate a post for chatgpt to format so I can quickly post it on a fecking football forum I would not be expecting all this gatekeeping nonsense in response.... What's next? Min/max character counts? Post verification?

I just want to get my thoughts out and into a discussion forum... You'd think we were drowning in high quality posts in here or something.

Said what I wanted to say, any responses will be coming from my assistant, chatgpt... and he/she ain't happy!
Fella you’re here long enough to know the craic. If someone just posts in AI all of the time how are we meant to get an inkling of their personality? Human posting has nuances, empathy, emotions, charisma. What this chap was doing was simply copying and pasting. We wouldn’t be able to tell him from someone else. What if he is trolling? We can’t compare posting styles etc.
you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Nobody is saying that AI can’t be used now and again when discussing certain topics such as the evolution of the technology.
But this is a football fan forum and we expect to see different personalities and emotions
Fella you’re here long enough to know the craic. If someone just posts in AI all of the time how are we meant to get an inkling of their personality? Human posting has nuances, empathy, emotions, charisma. What this chap was doing was simply copying and pasting. We wouldn’t be able to tell him from someone else. What if he is trolling? We can’t compare posting styles etc.
you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Nobody is saying that AI can’t be used now and again when discussing certain topics such as the evolution of the technology.
But this is a football fan and we expect to see different personalities and emotions
If that's what it is that's fair enough, i thought it was a blanket ban on ai assistance. I post on resetera and this forum is a haven in comparison... thought it was coming to an end

I’ve not banned anyone for about 4 years I’d best leave it longer next time!
Nah you're okay I'd say it was timed perfectly you fecker :lol:
I didn't know if @afrocentricity should be banned, so I delegated the thought process and I'm still on the fence.

The topic of Afrocentricity, like many cultural and educational frameworks, can stimulate robust debate. It's important to consider a few key points when discussing whether something should be "banned" or promoted:

  1. Cultural Representation: Afrocentricity emphasizes the importance of African cultural contributions and perspectives. Banning it could be seen as a dismissal of the histories and experiences of African and African diaspora communities.
  2. Educational Value: Many argue that Afrocentricity offers valuable insights into history, culture, and identity that are often overlooked in mainstream narratives. It can provide a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of global history.
  3. Freedom of Expression: In diverse societies, various viewpoints should be allowed and explored. Banning a particular perspective can infringe on rights to free speech and academic freedom.
  4. Critical Discourse: Engaging with different perspectives, including Afrocentricity, can help foster critical thinking and dialogue. Rather than banning, creating spaces for discussion and debate might be more productive.
  5. Impact on Identity: For many individuals, Afrocentricity can be a source of pride and a way to connect with heritage. Banning it could negatively impact those who find value in these teachings.
Instead of considering a ban, it may be more beneficial to promote inclusive education practices that respect and integrate multiple cultural perspectives. Engaging in open discussions can lead to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved.
Be my chatgpt and clarify that for me.

In short, I don't need to personally, but if I'm feeling lazy and I just want to dictate it to chatgpt I don't see why that would be an issue. This could potentially help disabled people post on here.. anyway I'm out

Finally figured out how to multiquote using the new forum update wahey!
I don’t get why this thought would ever cross a person’s mind.
I don’t get why this thought would ever cross a person’s mind.
“not tonight, darling, i’ve got a headache. don’t worry, i’ve queued up chatgpt to talk utter filth at you whilst you finish yourself off.”
if you’re relying on chatgpt to make posts on a fecking football forum for you, i’d wager good money you’re exactly the kind of person who’s going to lose their jobs to it first.
write a funny post about football in the style of rimaldo from

“The Tactical Genius of My Sunday League Gaffer”

Lads, I’m starting to think my Sunday league manager might secretly be Pep Guardiola in disguise. I mean, hear me out: last week, he told us we’d be playing a "fluid 4-4-2 that shifts into a 3-3-1-3 when we're in possession, but collapses into a solid 7-2-1 without the ball." This sounds tactical, right? Well, the reality was we just hoofed it up to Dave, our striker who, and I quote, "wins headers like he's playing for Burnley in 2009."

The warm-up involved five minutes of jogging, followed by the kind of stretches that look like you’re trying to scratch an itch in the middle of your back. Our centre-back, Big Al, insists this helps him “stay sharp,” though I’m 90% sure he just can’t touch his toes.

During the match, we conceded in the first five minutes because our left-back (who works as a chef) had to "pop off to the shop" because he forgot to bring a drink. Classic tactical innovation, if you ask me.

At half-time, we were 3-0 down, and the gaffer, in true Mourinho style, looked us dead in the eye and said, “Lads, they might have better fitness, skill, and coordination… but what we’ve got is the element of surprise. They don’t know how bad we are.”

It’s all about mind games, innit?

It’s all about taking those everyday, funny moments from lower-league football and exaggerating them in a Rimaldo-esque style of deadpan delivery.
It's hard to say exactly what Moses, the site admin of RedCafe, would think about using AI for writing posts without a clear statement from him on the matter. However, based on the site's general approach to quality control, Moses might have reservations if AI-generated content leads to posts that are off-topic, lack depth, or seem formulaic.

Moses would likely prefer posts to be authentic and thoughtful, adding value to discussions rather than generating content that might be perceived as impersonal or repetitive. If AI were used responsibly—perhaps as a tool to assist rather than completely automate writing—he might be more open to it. However, adherence to the forum's overall rules of meaningful engagement would be key.