US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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Not really sure what your problem is there. She was asked a leading question and she answered it perfectly deflecting attention off the GOP candidate.

"...answered it perfectly..."

No she didn't. She tacitly indicted Romney's wealth, which is about 100x Obama's, by criticizing Obama. In what alternate Universe is that a good answer.

Warning: Your IQ may drop significantly by watching this video. My brain just melted and ran out of the back of my skull and my nose.

I can't get over how stupid she looks. I mean, never mind the drivel that actually comes out of her mouth, just look at that vapid, hollow stare.

She was an almost serious Republican Presidential candidate.
"...answered it perfectly..."

No she didn't. She tacitly indicted Romney's wealth, which is about 100x Obama's, by criticizing Obama. In what alternate Universe is that a good answer.

mjs is famous for taking the "everyone is equally bad" approach. Joe the Plumber lied. Hitler lied. Joe the Plumber is Hitler!
* Laughing at rising sea levels.
* USA chants at the invasion of Iraq, meaning i suppose that even with the benefit hindsight they'd do it all over again.
* Conflict with Iran on his agenda.
* Bluster about Russia.

What a crowd.

Rising sea levels are not a concern to the USA as much as other countries.
The Iraq war was and still is somewhat popular in the USA. It was just conducted badly.
The issue of Iran is purely posturing for pro-Isreal voters.
No conference is complete without a rant about russia, china or india.

The fact is: both parties are equally as useless. And there really won't be a huge difference if Romney was president and Obama wasn't.
Rising sea levels are not a concern to the USA as much as other countries.
The Iraq war was and still is somewhat popular in the USA. It was just conducted badly.
The issue of Iran is purely posturing for pro-Isreal voters.
No conference is complete without a rant about russia, china or india.

The fact is: both parties are equally as useless. And there really won't be a huge difference if Romney was president and Obama wasn't.

They are not equally useless. The current republican party is far far worse than the dems IMO.
They've found their new Heston it seems. You could edit that brilliantly.

"There are 23 million unemployed in this country *round of applause*

Where is he getting his figures from....23 million unemployed...that sounds like complete bullshit.
It's hard to work out what's more baffling about that clip. Clint dodderingly talking to an invisible person, or the crowd cheering in the most bizarre places. "Oprah was crying" *cheer* "I found out there were 23 million unemployed" *cheer*

Bonkers the lot of it.
Where is he getting his figures from....23 million unemployed...that sounds like complete bullshit.

I think he's taking the 300 million people in the States and taking the 8% unemployment rate and coming out with 23 million. Except that it's 8% of the labor force that's unemployed, not of the entire population.

Kinda funny.
A good post I saw elswhere...

Nothing embodies the Republicans of today quite like an 81-year-old white guy arguing with an empty chair. The cartoon Obama that lives in their head has raised theirr taxes (no, he cut them as part of the stimulus package they all say they hate), wants to take away everyone's guns (though he has made absolutely no attempts or statements to do so) and is a socialist who hates America and wants to turn it into a smoking ruin (and not the guy who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple) All week there wasn't a single person who could explain how you can cut taxes even further for rich people, spend even more on defense (against who, not sure, but...), and not blow a hole in the debt level that everybody started caring about again in January of 2009. There's one difference between arguing with an empty chair and the President; the chair can't argue back.
you willing to cut defense?

Defense is relatively easy to cut.

The problem with any tax rises is the US's economy is 75% spending driven. You raise taxes on everyone by 2% (10% on the rich), which is probably needed, and that 2% all comes out of the average Joe's disposable income. The negative impact on the economy will be significant.

Neither parties approach is going to reap longterm benefits at this stage. They are both stuck at their own ends of the political and economic spectrum with polices that are a few decades out of date.
"...answered it perfectly..."

No she didn't. She tacitly indicted Romney's wealth, which is about 100x Obama's, by criticizing Obama. In what alternate Universe is that a good answer.

It was a silly question she didn't want to answer. The response was perfect because it killed his line of questioning dead and put it back on him. If an adviser was given that question in advance her response would probably be exactly what they would have given her. She isn't there to tell a reporter how the Romney camp needs to market him.

Incidentally, if the Romney camp continue along the lines of recent adverts and his speech last night they will be fairly successful connecting with large numbers of Americans. I actually think Obama has one hell of a fight on his hands now. The Romney campaign seems to have a real purpose and they are gaining ground fast.
Watching a little farewell speech in Florida now and it's absolutely nauseating. According to Ryan Romney 'saved the olympics from being a disaster' :lol:
It was a silly question she didn't want to answer. The response was perfect because it killed his line of questioning dead and put it back on him. If an adviser was given that question in advance her response would probably be exactly what they would have given her. She isn't there to tell a reporter how the Romney camp needs to market him.

A question about whether a Presidential candidate is out of touch with common Americans because of his wealth isn't a silly question. In fact, a similar line of questioning derailed George Bush I's 1992 Presidential campaign, and effectively allowed Bill Clinton to march to victory.

Incidentally, if the Romney camp continue along the lines of recent adverts and his speech last night they will be fairly successful connecting with large numbers of Americans. I actually think Obama has one hell of a fight on his hands now. The Romney campaign seems to have a real purpose and they are gaining ground fast.

How much of that is because you're marinating in the right wing Euphoria of being in Tampa ? None of the polls suggest much of a bump due to either the Ryan nomination or the the RNC. If anything, the Hurricane and the likes of Clint Eastwood have managed to severely blunt any progress for Romney.
On the Bachmann thing, if she thinks that Obama can't relate to the common people because of his wealth then surely she must also think the same about Romney. The stupid cow actually answered the question when she throught she was being clever with her answer.
On the Bachmann thing, if she thinks that Obama can't relate to the common people because of his wealth then surely she must also think the same about Romney. The stupid cow actually answered the question when she throught she was being clever with her answer.

Once again I have seen this in the media where the rightist appologists excuse Romney by saying..'Well they are both wealthy'...therefore both are out of touch. Obama worked with the poor. Not sure what such experience Romney can tout.

The fact is Romney is many more times more wealth than the 250 million or whatever they keep mentioning. I mean we wont really know until we see his tax returns now will we? ;)
how often have we heard this from those on the right. They cannot defend their party, so just say both are just as bad and hope no one notices.

The Democrats are not perfect, but at least their policies don't hurt the most vulnerable.

...unless you reckon the most vulnerable are those within drone-strike radius of an Al Qaeda personage in Pakistan...
How much of that is because you're marinating in the right wing Euphoria of being in Tampa ? None of the polls suggest much of a bump due to either the Ryan nomination or the the RNC. If anything, the Hurricane and the likes of Clint Eastwood have managed to severely blunt any progress for Romney.

None what so ever. The polls have been tightening for months. The latest national polls have them 0.5% apart and the electoral collage map is pretty close; if Romney can win Florida they will be neck and neck. If you factor in voter enthusiasm Romney is in a decent position right now.

Tampa is in a fairly unique position because its the nmber one market for political adverts. The adverts in thelast few weeks have been slowly humanizing Romney and focusing more on Obama's failings and broken promises. I am no lover of Romeny but I can see the mood and attitude toward him changing.
Where is he getting his figures from....23 million unemployed...that sounds like complete bullshit.

He, or whoever wrote his speech, took the unemployment rate and applied to to the total population. Someone needs to tell them kids and old people aren't looking for work.

The real number is under 13 million.
None what so ever. The polls have been tightening for months. The latest national polls have them 0.5% apart and the electoral collage map is pretty close; if Romney can win Florida they will be neck and neck. If you factor in voter enthusiasm Romney is in a decent position right now.

Tampa is in a fairly unique position because its the nmber one market for political adverts. The adverts in thelast few weeks have been slowly humanizing Romney and focusing more on Obama's failings and broken promises. I am no lover of Romeny but I can see the mood and attitude toward him changing.

Again, being in Tampa may have something to do with it. Its already a fairly conservative voting crowd that's getting a dose of anti Obama advertising to complement the convention (as well as before).
The GOP has a base of around 45-46%, as do the Democrats. Americans by nature are fairly conservative so the independents can vote for either party depending on candidate.

Surely the swing vote is more than 8-10%?

Plus, we we always hear that half the voting age population don't vote, so really only some 20% of the voting age population support the GOP, and that's if 45% of eligible voters really are part of the GOP base.

I wouldn't want anyone to think that 45% of voting age Americans support the GOP.
Again, being in Tampa may have something to do with it. Its already a fairly conservative voting crowd

What are you talking about? Tampa has a very diverse demographic and leans more toward the Democrats (56.9%) than GOP (43.1).

There is definitely a sense the tide is turning in Romney's favor ever so slightly here. Now in most cities and states a small swing is not significant BUT down here a 1% swing is enough to win the State and possibly swing the election.
how often have we heard this from those on the right. They cannot defend their party, so just say both are just as bad and hope no one notices.

The Democrats are not perfect, but at least their policies don't hurt the most vulnerable.

Reminds me of Nader when asked a while after Bush was elected. He put on his same old "corporatist" broken record and actually said "who cares". Well those thousands of dead Iraqi's certainly don't.

There's a big difference. Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war with Iraq, and Obama didn't with Libya.
Reminds me of Nader when asked a while after Bush was elected. He put on his same old "corporatist" broken record and actually said "who cares". Well those thousands of dead Iraqi's certainly don't.

There's a big difference. Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war with Iraq, and Obama didn't with Libya.

Wouldn't be so sure about that.


Reminds me of Nader when asked a while after Bush was elected. He put on his same old "corporatist" broken record and actually said "who cares". Well those thousands of dead Iraqi's certainly don't.

There's a big difference. Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war with Iraq, and Obama didn't with Libya.

There needs to be a run off election for anyone getting less than 50%. That is the only way to eliminate the 'spoilers'.

I agree about Gore. He would not have made up 'facts' to invade Iraq.
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