US Politics

This is the IHRA law; when it passes it will end all anti-Zionist teaching in the US. It has passed the House and is now being proposed by a Democrat in the Senate.
-- The issue with President Biden isn’t if he will be replaced - it's who will replace him. --

If they have problem replacing a senile old man then the problem is on them.

Anyone with a young vibrant and working brain can at least have a 50% chance to beat Trump. At this rate its anyone but Trump anyway.

And you dont need that much money for ads since every voters eye will be on 2 candidates only. It's not like the dems cant spare some cash.

So enough with this rhetorics. If Biden isnt replaced it's not because they cant but they wont

Good example of people expressing opinions they think they should hold.

How many of those 38% know what the gold standard actually is? The fact that the metric also has a similar amount of "Not Sure" is a good indicater that people don't know what that means.
Anyone know if this is credible analysis?

Sounds about right.

Doomed generation in a capitalist world. No prospects for the future, no education, no home ownership in sight, etc.

With no means to understand why their life is how it is, they fell quickly for their only means of information available: corporate media and social media (and its troll farms) narratives (The reason your life is shit is because of immigrants, gays, wokeism, etc).
Anyone know if this is credible analysis?

There is a massive swing away from democrats in some polls, but not in other polls. this is true among young, black, and hispanic voters. the reason people are skeptical is this didn't really show up in 2022, in the last actual elections. but within the polls, it's pretty consistent. including in big polls like NYT/Siena.

For me personally, it's an attractive theory that makes sense: the most left-wing generation never gets what it wants in the primary, which is overwhelmed by boomers, gets an over-promising president who then shits on them specifically with his loudest policies, and they leave disillusioned in droves. Now the appeal of the right is clear to them. Divine justice and all. But that is just personal bias, god punishing people i don't like!

These people ran an online and offline poll and over-sampled young voters to get at the heart of the problem:
It's a long article but if you're interested in this question, it's worth reading.
Is this trend also common in western countries where they do capitalism the right way (referring to NZ, Scandinavia, etc)?

Would be so sad if so.

Yes, because IMO it doesn't really have that much to do with capitalism. At least not in Scandinavia. Or rather, in Norway the trend is that young men are overwhelmingly going right, while young women are overwhelmingly going left. Like, more than before.

Edit: it's importation of US culture war. Transphobia, racism, anti-DEI/CRT, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson type stuff. Young men are very online, and the far right is winning the meme wars.
I think the analysis missing here is that if the data is right, it is a move away from PARTY affiliation. There is an online sense that young men are shifting right. I'd agree that some of that % would be accurate. That would be for many reason ranging from leftists being disillusioned with centre-right politics and then switching to far-right to bring about violence against the current system, and then you'll have the others that have been warped by social media with the poison of "women having jobs" is the reason for all their problems.

However, you have to also note that there is also a shift to the far left / conspiracy left that would want nothing to do with democrats. I'd like to see polling on ideology shift over party affiliation.
Not directly related to the 2024 elections but more a general point so thought I'd post it here.

Two men accused of spray painting “FREE GAZA” on an Israeli flag at a grocery store in the northwest suburbs last month are now facing hate crime charges.

According to prosecutors, the two men allegedly entered the grocery store and grabbed a can of red spray paint before walking to the international food section where an Israeli flag was hanging.

worth noting that he said that neutrally, not attacking or defending her. says a lot about his mindset that he can't conceive of a reason for her to do this other than pandering to her base.