Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
Kinda pitchy, dawg
Have ye heard Star Mangled Banner at CPAC yet?
She certainly did sing all the notes. The whole lot of them.
Singing in the key of Q
The problem with a two party system. One party gets radicalised and the whole country goes tits up.
I'm not so sure. If there was a third option people could go to while e.g. the republicans sorted their shit out then maybe (ideally even more). With everything so polarised it takes a lot to change your vote to "the enemy" so people get entrenched in their views and cognitive dissonance sets in.The party that stays relatively normal tends to benefit in such scenarios.
Get ready for another round of crazy....
Get ready for another round of crazy....
The party screaming about unfair elections and cheating unsurprisingly vote to make it harder for people to vote. Sorry, making it harder for the people they don't want to vote, to be able to vote.
Surely it's time fair and equal voting rules and standards were enforced on a national scale?
Arguing against child tax benefits proposed by Romney and Biden:
Arguing against child tax benefits proposed by Romney and Biden:
Establishment Dems are not at the sharp end of GOP policies. They don't care.I genuinely believe that establishment Democrats are fine with the GOP’s shithouse tactics because they themselves want it to be finely balanced for two reasons:
1. There is a huge economy around electioneering and if they tipped the balance too much in their favour, donations would dry up.
2. If Democrats cruised to victory every four years and had a super majority, the battle then becomes a progressive vs liberal internal fight and establishment Democrats would rather concede to the GOP than concede to the progressive wing of their own party.
Multi-resistant Texas strain incoming in 3..2..1..I see Texas is continuing on with its nonsense.
Governor Abbott Lifts Mask Mandate, Opens Texas 100 Percent
I thought Gym Jordan's district was gerrymandered, but that's nothing compared with some in Texas.
For me nothing is worse than this one. If someone asked you to draw a line around the most heavily black communities in Alabama you could not do a better job than this. Alabama is 25% black, but has just one Democrat house seat.
Let's see if you can you find the one I'm talkin about.
Honestly no idea. I’m sure that shows fcukery if you know where. But what one is fcuked up?
The 7th. If you look you will see the thin strip in the NE that cuts right into downtown Birmingham. In the SE the is a small blip that is a heavily black suburb AND downtown Montgomery. The also drew it to suck in Tuscaloosa so as to get the University students.
Yeah. 6 & 2 were drawn that way precisely to avoid the parts that are in 7.Sweet. Ta. 7 and 2 looked funky. But knowing nothing, I thought 6 might have been deliberately avoiding that strip.
It’s all a goddamn mess but thanks for clarifying.
House Democrats just passed the most important democracy reforms since the 1965 Voting Rights Act