US Politics

Based on some poll. When it came to vote, the choice was between a candidate who was a synonym of M4A, and another who strongly opposed it. The one who opposed it won convincingly. So, while a majority (or even a supermajority) of Dem voters support it, for most of them it is not a big deal, as was shown by Bernie losing again.

Anyway, I support some form of M4A *, and I think that it is a disgrace that the US is the only developed country that does not have some version of it. But I think it is a lost battle, when half of Dem congressmen, 80% or so of Dem senators, and the Dem president (who promised to veto it, and won the election based on Obamacare++, against M4A) oppose it. What is this vote supposed to achieve in the first place?

* There are many versions of M4A, each with its pros and cons. The dogmatic belief that it is Bernie's plan or bust is stupid. Switzerland has a totally private health sector and it seems to work well. Germany has many public insurance companies and many private ones at the same time and it works well. Italy has state-owned health sector and it is a disaster, while people seem to be happy with a similar one in the UK. The important part is that every person in the US should have affordable health-care, not the religious ideology of totally state-owned healthcare.

I think that's a good option. When I'm not on active military status, usually on duty 6-10 months per year, I can buy Tricare Reserve Select at ~$50/month for single coverage. If I had dependents the cost would be in the low $200/m. My dental plan costs about $12/m and my life insurance is $25/m for $400K. The medical plan is a very good plan that beats out practically all open market plans. While it would be nice to have free healthcare every day, and I do when on active duty order, it may not be feasible in this country.
That kinda touches on the issue with US politics though. You can vote for just two parties if you want to have a chance of representation. All other votes can at most be used as a way to gauge how unpopular the two parties are. That's it.
So when you're tired of the democrats you can only vote republican if you want your vote to have a chance of counting for something. But what if you've spend all your time with the democrats being told the republicans are the devil, then you don't want to vote for them either leaving you essentially without a hope of representation. You can have someone getting a 50.1 % majority in a state and thus 49.9 % of voters aren't represented. It's so undemocratic it's ridiculous.
Third parties will never get in under the current system which I think basically leaves the two big ones to play politics to stay in power indefinitely.

I don't know if it really matters who the speaker is if they're not trying to dismantle that system. And would a speaker ever be allowed to do that?

Well maybe but if you don't try to change that's the only way to guarantee nothing will.
If only to just watch them be cnuts. Worth it.


they are open cnuts. nobody gives a shit.
OK but how do you know Pelosi wont back down under the threat? If not then she would be ousted another candidate will be put forward. Same demand.

If the democrats are prepared to vote for a republican speaker rather than support a democrat one who will put a vote then the democratic base needs to know this and who they are for the next election. I think this threat is an empty one and its being used for political cover for caving in to Pelosi but if it isn't all the better.

If it did happen it would trigger a backlash and support to oust them would be huge and isn't that what needs to happen to get MFA in the end? So that is a win either way as Democratic voters are overwhelmingly in favour of MFA and a majority of Republican voters too. This could be the trigger for the start of the movement you talk about. Its a big opportunity to force a seminal moment for progressives. How often do they hold the balance in their hands like they do at the moment or are they all talk? In the past they could vote against and it wouldn't matter as Pelosi would be speaker anyway. Now there is no excuse, make the DINO's vote Republican and face the consequences.

I might be wrong but the more I think about it the more sense it makes.

I agree with targeting Pelosi. I don't agree with linking it to M4A.
I agree that if there ended up being a GOP speaker it would make news. But I've seen how much media spin plays a role. If the spin is that AOC lost Dems the House majority, the Democratic voters will believe that.

One of the mistakes I made, in the few weeks in February I thought Bernie would win, was to think of Trump's rise in the GOP, hated by every other candidate, and hated by most conservative media, and how that had no impact on his numbers at all, and thinking the same would be true for Bernie. When GOP voters were told Trump is a racist sexist who cannot win the general, they got angry at the media. When Dem voters were told the same about Bernie, they believed it, especially the last part. From that graph - it may not be a coincidence that in the primary, Bernie overperformed among independent voters.

So I think media framing is very powerful to most Dem primary voters (though not the younger ones). And I *know* that they will frame this as unsympathetically to AOC as possible - minimal mention of M4A, a lot of mention of idiotic idealism.

Maybe it will get enough young people angry. I don't know, but I doubt it.
So AOC apparently abstained first and then voted for Pelosi. Even worse than giving a straight yes vote. What total nonsense.
So AOC apparently abstained first and then voted for Pelosi. Even worse than giving a straight yes vote. What total nonsense.
Just another career politician. They're all the same once they get in. She'll still talk progressive while voting centre.
It's the toxoplasmosis you get by being in that party, pissing off both the left and the centre with one weird trick.
I fail to realize what does a M4A vote achieve when around half of Democrat congressmen and 80-90% of Democrat senators don’t support it, with both Trump and Biden opposing it. Why it is good to spend energy in a lost battle?

I don’t buy the you can primary those Democrats then. We already know who support and who oppose it, so you can primary them anyway (as it has been going on for a long time, with AOC being a product or that, or Engels - the third most powerful Democrat congressmen losing his seat during this election).

To have any chance of getting M4A, Dems who want it need to have at least a majority within their own party, and have enough force to push the others to vote for it. As a necessary condition, there should also be a Democrat president who supports it, not one who promised to veto it.
Agreed. M4A is the wrong thing to leverage currently against Pelosi. I'm not American so can't say what is best for them to fight for now but the M4A fight has to be pushed back until the next election cycle.
Unable to sleep last night I came across this knob head called Jesse Kelly on Twitter and convinced myself that the character of Jonah Ryan in Veep had been based on him

Interviewer: "what sets you apart from all the other candidates"
Jesse Kelly: "I'm six foot eight... I'm clearly a foot taller than all the other candidates in this race"

He's also got a proper cranky Youtube show called "I'm Right" which couldn't be a more Jonah Ryan name for a show if it tried

I also cannot read 'it's simple man code' in anything but Jonah's voice.

Given that each of his videos seems to get about 300 watches, and that there probably a thousand Jonah Ryan's out there in Trump Land, it's pretty unlikely - but it made me laugh in my sleep deprived state.
Unable to sleep last night I came across this knob head called Jesse Kelly on Twitter and convinced myself that the character of Jonah Ryan in Veep had been based on him

Interviewer: "what sets you apart from all the other candidates"
Jesse Kelly: "I'm six foot eight... I'm clearly a foot taller than all the other candidates in this race"

He's also got a proper cranky Youtube show called "I'm Right" which couldn't be a more Jonah Ryan name for a show if it tried

I also cannot read 'it's simple man code' in anything but Jonah's voice.

Given that each of his videos seems to get about 300 watches, and that there probably a thousand Jonah Ryan's out there in Trump Land, it's pretty unlikely - but it made me laugh in my sleep deprived state.

Man code? What a fecking plonker.

So if a man tells another man that he plans to set a bomb off in a crowded public space, the 2nd man is apparently forbidden by this "man code" from informing the police about this. Yeah, right.

This is a Jimmy Dore video so you know what you are getting but go through to 5:57 and watch AOC and then tell me she isn't A, making herself look like a massive hypocrite by voting for Pelosi and B Condemning Dore for putting pressure on the progressive democrats just like she called for.

Jimmy Dore is a clown, who backed Tulsi Gabbard.

Just another career politician. They're all the same once they get in. She'll still talk progressive while voting centre.

Show me where she as voted center.
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Jimmy Dore is a clown, who backed Tulsi Gabbard.

Show me where she as voted center.

Show you where who voted center?

Dore is a comedian so the clown thing is a given. Now go to the video at the point I mentioned, watch AOC. Its embarrassing for her isn't it?

Why is she angry with him for trying to force a vote which is what she is on video saying she was going to do and how does anything else matter in a discussion about the hypocrisy of progressives saying they will do anything in their power to get a vote and then tamely voting for Pelosi as speaker rather than demanding a vote on MFA for their support?

He is right on this and I think you know it.
I have a question for the Americans here. Why do a lot of Americans consider universal healthcare as socialist or communist?
I have a question for the Americans here. Why do a lot of Americans consider universal healthcare as socialist or communist?

It’s a weird one. I think polls show a majority of Americans are for UH if the question is worded to avoid the specific buzzwords the right (and lots of dems) uses. Basically they majority of politicians have been bought by insurance companies to prevent UH. To do this they claim all sorts of things to confuse the voting public. If you walked up to most of Trumps Americans and asked “do you think you should have access to free or affordable healthcare” I bet you almost all of them would say yes.
I have a question for the Americans here. Why do a lot of Americans consider universal healthcare as socialist or communist?

It has a lot to do with the federalist system which largely decentralizes governance to states, as well America's fundamental perceptions of the extent to which government should be involved in the people's matters in lieu of capitalist free markets. This has over time created a fairly consistent undercurrent of suspicion about the role of government alongside the misguided idea that markets will always ensure innovation and lower costs for services better than the government can. When you add the power and influence of corporations and their ability to influence politicians through lobbying and campaign contributions, and the fact that at least 40% of Americans get their information from sources that are critical of the role of government - you get an issue that is very easy to vilify and demagogue, thus its very convenient for Rs and some Dems to easily dismiss universal healthcare as socialist.
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Thank you very much Red and Raul. It's one thing that confuses me because most of the EU and the UK and Canada has universal health care. Canada and Germany are federal countries too.
But it is technically a socialist concept from my limited understanding. The problem then being that these people are convinced that all socialism is bad when there no singular "all good" form of governance, which aligns with Raoul's post.
Thank you very much Red and Raul. It's one thing that confuses me because most of the EU and the UK and Canada has universal health care. Canada and Germany are federal countries too.

My answer is that too many people are too thick and selfish to realise that it's a good thing for them.
Thank you very much Red and Raul. It's one thing that confuses me because most of the EU and the UK and Canada has universal health care. Canada and Germany are federal countries too.

First, we all have to understand the levels of propaganda the US was submitted to during the cold war and the way that propaganda has morphed after 88-92. Anything remotely collectivist or communal oriented has been labeled evil and communist and "rugged individualism" has been exalted in such a way that teenagers from 1980 to 2020 are taught that "it's a free country, you can do what you want". Social responsibility was not taught in many schools and history books in the US have long emphasized the Horatio Alger myth of individuals rising to become billionaires and how free speech means "I can say what I want, whenever I want, wherever I want."

Not only that but since Goldwater or at least Reagan, there has been a strong current that posits that Nazis were left-wing because "Duh, the word socialist is even in their name." Since Goldwater lost, the far-right has been forming and organizing their institutions to push their propaganda (Federalist Society in law, think tanks like Heritage, AEI, lobbyist organizations from the far-right religious like moral majority and other prayer groups, etc).

So you combine the rabid anti-communist propaganda, with a selective, cherry-picked version of history being taught, and a toddler's view of what "freedom of speech" and more means, you get people that are 40-60 that actually believe any form of social responsibility will automatically lead to all the worst totalitarian evils of Mao and Stalin and Hitler.

It also doesn't help that the anti-intellectualism that historian Richard Hofstadter wrote about in fecking 1964 is still pervasive among large segments of the population. It's why they demonize education so much because they think that learning about any social science from academics or scientists is "Lib brainwashing".

It doesn't help that the US has some pretty nefarious billionaires (Trump, Kochs, Mercers, and many more whose names are not well known) that have been manipulating this situation for personal gain. It's funny because the right-wing always has some billionaire boogeyman (first it was Soros, now it is Bill Gates) that they blame for everything without even looking at the damage of all the right-wing wealth interests.
I have a question for the Americans here. Why do a lot of Americans consider universal healthcare as socialist or communist?
From what I have seen, there are a few reasons for this:

1) an Universal Healthcare will necessarily mean higher taxes. While for some people that would be okay (future taxes < current taxes + current insurance), for the others this inequality is not valid and they will be worse off. Most of Dem politicians haven’t been very honest about it and always deflected the question made on taxes (Warren specifically; Bernie was a bit more honest though).

2) Some people actually like the insurance they have, and feel that they will be worse off if healthcare is gonna be done from the state.

3) Fear-mongering from the GOP and the right-wing media. Screaming communism is a very powerful way to get your way in the US. People (rightfully so) are scared of communism. Unfortunately though, it is very easy to brainwash them into believing that some concepts are part of communism despite it not being the case.

4) Deficit and the debt in the US is out of control and a ticking bomb. Increasing the debt is not very wise regardless of the political views you hold. It is very likely that a Medicare for all is gonna increase the debt (that is why Manchin who is fiscally conservative says that ‘we are struggling with Medicare for some, how we can have Medicare for all?’).

5) Some Americans truly believe that the government is not there to babysit you and save you. The government there is to protect you from invasion (that is why true conservatives are big into defense sector) and provide some basic infrastructure (roads, police). The remaining is up to you, if you do well, kudos to you and that is great, if you die in the street, it is sad but if is your problem.

Saying that, the majority of them still would like to see some type of Medicare for all (though I guess it is not specified what versions of it).
Just came across this. This was an actual Advert run by the Loeffller/Perdue Campaign.

America really is something else :lol: :lol:


I see that Dominion (voting machines company) is suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B.
Expect more suits to follow.
I’m glad as the people peddling lies have to be made pay for those lies.
Or, in other news, lies have consequences.
But it is technically a socialist concept from my limited understanding. The problem then being that these people are convinced that all socialism is bad when there no singular "all good" form of governance, which aligns with Raoul's post.

Yep, the modern idea of universal healthcare (or socialized healthcare) definitely grew out of left-wing/socialist agitation. As did many other things. A country isn't socialist just because they have those things, but they wouldn't have them if not for socialism.
I see that Dominion (voting machines company) is suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B.
Expect more suits to follow.
I’m glad as the people peddling lies have to be made pay for those lies.
Or, in other news, lies have consequences.

They said they wouldn't rule out a lawsuit of Trump. I assume they're just waiting out his presidential period.

Giuliani is definitely getting sued.
They said they wouldn't rule out a lawsuit of Trump. I assume they're just waiting out his presidential period.

Giuliani is definitely getting sued.
To have huuuuge lawsuits on Trump, and Don Jr and Giuliani would be great. They’d go broke fighting those.
It's surprising about Russia being communist still according to a lot of Americans. They are as much communists as Josh Hawley.

I don't think there is any communist country now. Those ex communist countries are right wing dictatorships now.
I met a Canadian who complains about those socialists and then in the same breath complain about inadequate healthcare in Canada ( how long he has to wait etc) and how he had to pay back his student loan ( he thinks he should have had subsidised education) and support Trump because he is against socialists.
I read a quora answer and while grotesque and not pc i think it's a very valid reason.

Most people doesnt realized how poor they are until they got really sick and need that medical. And I'm not saying normal dentist or gp. But more like operation procedural, serious injury stuff.

Why should they pay more or even if they dont, why should they need to sacrifice other benefits of tax just to pay for the medical for the poor, the homeless, the drug addict, the minorities, the hispanics, the blacks, etc.

Everyone is a humanist until they're asked to chip in. Many would protest for refugee but few would want them near their house or family.

I dont think it's a good think to vote for m4a. The government should act like the fair parents and just do it. Social service that benefits everyone equally should not be decided by the vote of the majority.

I have never heard anyone complaining about the contribution to the NHS.
But I also think there should be a private system like in the UK where you can pay and get instant treatment if you really want it.
You are right. Governments don't ask the people when they want to invade or bomb other countries. In this they should just implement it.

The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.
I see that Dominion (voting machines company) is suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B.
Expect more suits to follow.
I’m glad as the people peddling lies have to be made pay for those lies.
Or, in other news, lies have consequences.

Im suprised it took this long. Donald and co spouted lies on daily basis it's amazing nobody ever thought of making easy buck suing them.

He's the president so slim chance to sue him but his cronies arent immune to lawsuit.