In a well-ordered universe...
Surely stopped in the Senate, right?
Yes. But it will put those Republicans in a very bad light amongst the public .
It willOh wow that will really bother them.
It will
A lot of those voters who voted for Trump wanted to see the swamp drained and have no true love for Republicans. Trump himself was not that keen on the words draining the swamp because he as ambitions of joining it .and by his actions as added to it. If Democrats can be seen as putting forward a bill that seems to have transparency and the Senate blocks it ,it will not go down well with millennial's and those calling for the end of corruption.They don’t give a feck because it’s not what Republican voters care about. Republican voters want money flowing into the party so they stay in power. They don’t care about the President’s tax returns because feck taxes and it’s funny because it makes the libruls cry and why would they want to make voting easier? They have no trouble voting so why would they want to make it easier for the immuhgrunts to vote illegally for the Democrats?
They really don’t care what the public thinks, they prove it hundreds of times every month.
Class politics is greatNever thought of it this way.
Genuinely the most surprising story of the year
Ammon Bundy Quits Militia Movement in Solidarity With Migrant Caravan
There is a very real threat to liberal democracy in Trump’s America, but it has nothing to do with populism. In fact, populism — an insistence that government authority reflect the will of the people — could be a big part of the solution to the current crisis.
Trump looks and sounds like a populist, a leader who whips up his supporters into chanting anti-democratic slogans like, “Lock her up!” But behind the horrible spectacle is a very different threat: the tyranny of an unaccountability minority.
The most egregious examples are playing out right now in states ranging from North Carolinato Michigan to Wisconsin, where the GOP increasingly has an answer to the problem of what you do if you lose elections — ignore the outcome and just change the rules to avoid giving up power. Even more alarmingly, in both of the aforementioned Midwestern states, the GOP has been confirmed in its legislative majorities despite large popular vote losses, due to gerrymandering.
Trump’s governing agenda, meanwhile, has been an unpopular set of initiatives supported by members of Congress who believe themselves, often correctly, to be insulated from popular will by electoral maps. Trump’s greatest policy impact is almost certainly coming from lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary, which will help further entrench conservative policies in places where it is beyond political control.
Democrats took the House in a blue wave, but their ability to change policy is limited. The resistance to Trump — the largest and most powerful social movement in generations — needs to enter a more radical stage that goes beyond electoral advocacy to include civil disobedience and direct action.
She is strong and will not allow Trump or McConnell to play their games.
I expect she will listen more to the progressives.
Agreed. Ultimately, the Dems will want someone who has the gravitas to deal with Trump for the next couple of years. After that she will wind down her stay in politics imo.
It's wedding of daughter of the richest Indian business oligarch.
Adani isn't even close to Ambani in terms of wealth.I thought Adani had usurped Mukesh for the #1 spot?
Or is the universe in balance again, with an Ambani on top?
The state of Hillary Clinton.
Don't think paid those 2 to turn up, just the travel expenses would be my guess. Apparently Hillary has been a family friend or at least an acquaintance of Ambanis for some time nowHoly shiznit! I guess some of that went to Clinton and Kerry to show up and care!
Adani isn't even close to Ambani in terms of wealth.
The very first person in the administration I'd enjoy whacking if the nation imploded into civil unrest.