Let’s hope your username checks out on this assertion![]()
you have the luxury of looking at politics like it is a game with good people on both sides who just disagree and thinking they ought to follow roberts rules of order. i dont. when republicans and corporate democrats are in power, my family and friends are the ones who suffer. they are the ones whose houses get forclosed on, who lose healthcare, who get fired unfairly, who work long hours with lax safety regulations and never get a raise. they are the ones in flint who still dont have clean water while obama goes off to produce tv shows for netflix. they are the ones who worked their whole lives only to go bankrupt at 50 because their wife got cancer. they are the ones who are disabled and have their benefits cut to the point of homelessness meanwhile the bankers who crashed the economy got a bailout and eric holder did absolutely fecking nothing about it. they are the ones who get lied to by military recruiters and sent off to kill while eric prince sits atop a pile of cash. they are the ones making $36,000 as a teacher and still have to spend $900 on supplies for their underfunded classrooms while betsy devos has ten yachts. you dont get to preach to me about decorum and norms. the message that these people have for me and my friends and family and community is simple: "drop dead". hatred towards them is the least we can do in response. the very least.
Eboue, I can accept you saying you want to see people dead. But you've gone too far this time. This post doesn't have any capital letters. You didn't even attempt to make paragraphs!
I'm very disappointed.
Your opinions are as left wing as Kim Jong Un's.
you have the luxury of looking at politics like it is a game with good people on both sides who just disagree and thinking they ought to follow roberts rules of order. i dont. when republicans and corporate democrats are in power, my family and friends are the ones who suffer. they are the ones whose houses get forclosed on, who lose healthcare, who get fired unfairly, who work long hours with lax safety regulations and never get a raise. they are the ones in flint who still dont have clean water while obama goes off to produce tv shows for netflix. they are the ones who worked their whole lives only to go bankrupt at 50 because their wife got cancer. they are the ones who are disabled and have their benefits cut to the point of homelessness meanwhile the bankers who crashed the economy got a bailout and eric holder did absolutely fecking nothing about it. they are the ones who get lied to by military recruiters and sent off to kill while eric prince sits atop a pile of cash. they are the ones making $36,000 as a teacher and still have to spend $900 on supplies for their underfunded classrooms while betsy devos has ten yachts. you dont get to preach to me about decorum and norms. the message that these people have for me and my friends and family and community is simple: "drop dead". hatred towards them is the least we can do in response. the very least.
you have the luxury of looking at politics like it is a game with good people on both sides who just disagree and thinking they ought to follow roberts rules of order. i dont. when republicans and corporate democrats are in power, my family and friends are the ones who suffer. they are the ones whose houses get forclosed on, who lose healthcare, who get fired unfairly, who work long hours with lax safety regulations and never get a raise. they are the ones in flint who still dont have clean water while obama goes off to produce tv shows for netflix. they are the ones who worked their whole lives only to go bankrupt at 50 because their wife got cancer. they are the ones who are disabled and have their benefits cut to the point of homelessness meanwhile the bankers who crashed the economy got a bailout and eric holder did absolutely fecking nothing about it. they are the ones who get lied to by military recruiters and sent off to kill while eric prince sits atop a pile of cash. they are the ones making $36,000 as a teacher and still have to spend $900 on supplies for their underfunded classrooms while betsy devos has ten yachts. you dont get to preach to me about decorum and norms. the message that these people have for me and my friends and family and community is simple: "drop dead". hatred towards them is the least we can do in response. the very least.
top post and I share a lot of you sympathy and empathy.
Having said that, I may soon join a growing bunch of families who will have to leave a country they've lived in for more than 15 years waiting for green card in two weeks time. Sell their belongings, move their family, lose their community etc in less than 2 weeks. With visa rejections directly going to deportation procedure, this number will only go up. With USCIS rejecting visas at random, ICE deporting people at will, i will tell you that you will never understand the immigrant problem if you aren't one yourself.
You were not responsible for Trump's election, so I don't expect you to bear the immigrants trouble too, but i will never forgive you for the protest vote as we could have used some of your empathy towards us, coz we knew this was coming before Trump got elected. I have no right to tell you anything, so I will leave you to think whatever you want, but I'll tell you that from my point of view, I loathe the republicans and the protest voters equally. I understand that the compromise candidates like Obama have wasted your trust but probably from our selfish perspective, you guys also stabbed us in the back.
its certainly true that i will never understand what it is like to be an immigrant since i am not one. i do have family members who are immigrants from el salvador, guatemala, honduras and germany. (one of them even voted for trump!) i think we've discussed immigration policies on here before and if i recall correctly i was more in favor of open borders and legal protections for those already here and massively expanding quotas currently in place.
i would also say that i dont consider my vote to be a protest vote. i voted my conscience. im under no illusions that by not voting for hillary clinton i would send a message that anyone would take seriously. i just couldnt bring myself to vote for someone who has caused so much suffering and learned no lessons from it, eagerly touting themselves as someone who would do it again. i understand people who came to a different conclusion, i just couldnt do it personally.
I follow you with a passion to irritate you because I know what you stand for and you did what you did. I admire you for not voting and I hate you for doing it. It's a complicated relationship Eboue. I would like to meet you before I get kicked out of the country.
And you were right that nonvoters have themselves to look at. At least you voted.its certainly true that i will never understand what it is like to be an immigrant since i am not one. i do have family members who are immigrants from el salvador, guatemala, honduras and germany. (one of them even voted for trump!) i think we've discussed immigration policies on here before and if i recall correctly i was more in favor of open borders and legal protections for those already here and massively expanding quotas currently in place.
i would also say that i dont consider my vote to be a protest vote. i voted my conscience. im under no illusions that by not voting for hillary clinton i would send a message that anyone would take seriously. i just couldnt bring myself to vote for someone who has caused so much suffering and learned no lessons from it, eagerly touting themselves as someone who would do it again. i understand people who came to a different conclusion, i just couldnt do it personally.
I follow you with a passion to irritate you because I know what you stand for and you did what you did. I admire you for not voting and I hate you for doing it. It's a complicated relationship Eboue. I would like to meet you before I get kicked out of the country.
And you were right that nonvoters have themselves to look at. At least you voted.
I’m under the impression he voted? Or was it a write in of something stupid?Erm.....
I’m under the impression he voted? Or was it a write in of something stupid?
Gotcha. The point I was making was that you at least made it to the voting booth. How many anti Trump nonvoters in swing states stayed home on election night?i voted party line for democrats except for president
SC justice nominee has a dodgy (history of drinking too mich and sexually assaulting girls) background that Republicans didn’t care about and Democrats hated, all because it benefits Republicans to have another conservative judge.I haven't followed this story, nor read this thread, nor know much about American politics in general...
But why the hell was a rape case being voted on upon party lines?
You were not responsible for Trump's election, so I don't expect you to bear the immigrants trouble too, but i will never forgive you for the protest vote as we could have used some of your empathy towards us, coz we knew this was coming before Trump got elected. I have no right to tell you anything, so I will leave you to think whatever you want, but I'll tell you that from my point of view, I loathe the republicans and the protest voters equally. I understand that the compromise candidates like Obama have wasted your trust but probably from our selfish perspective, you guys also stabbed us in the back.
Let's try to put this myth and hopefully your misplaced anger to rest.
Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate siphoned off 3.28% of the popular vote from Trump compared to only 1.07% of the popular vote for Jill Stein. Trump had triple the number of "protest" voters hurting him as Clinton had hurting her.
You should be thanking the "protest voters" for helping Clinton and giving her a better chance to win. She would have lost the popular vote in addition to losing the electoral college if there was no third party "protest votes".
I'm sorry but what sort of bullshit is that? Are you saying all the libertarians and green party voters are protest voters? I mean, what the feck? Thanks man, but no thanks.
Since always. Shareholders are leaches.
You do understand the basic structural system behind shares in a company I assume?
How number of shares held is your percentage of the company, and therefore the dividend from the same year.
Oh stop with this liberal moral horse shit.You were not responsible for Trump's election, so I don't expect you to bear the immigrants trouble too, but i will never forgive you for the protest vote as we could have used some of your empathy towards us, coz we knew this was coming before Trump got elected. I have no right to tell you anything, so I will leave you to think whatever you want, but I'll tell you that from my point of view, I loathe the republicans and the protest voters equally. I understand that the compromise candidates like Obama have wasted your trust but probably from our selfish perspective, you guys also stabbed us in the back.
cool but i can read wikipedia too.
So I see that BBC is doing a special deal on Orangeburg, SC and how its school is still de facto segregated. Cool deal!
BBC did a docu-series called American High School and they’re looking at this white girl who is a student at Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School in South Carolina and also showing Orangeburg Prep.What's this about?
Congrats to the non-voters, protest voters, the new civil war enthusiasts & wannabe welfare mooches - you did all of us a solid. Great job! You really saved us & the country from big bad Hillary. Heroes!
Can't wait for the day you take a break from your tweeting, get up from mommy's couches & take to the streets to bring us the much awaited revolution.
Viva La Revolución!
*jerking off motion*
Oh stop with this liberal moral horse shit.
The recent political events are down to decade longs polices and even long historical trends, no amount of voting for the nice sounding guy in the suit who goes around blowing the legs off little brown kids at wedding receptions will fix the problems of both american and european society, in fact it only intrenches these problems even deeper''If you don't want to talk critically about liberalism then shut up about fascism''. Get a critique of the system that got us here rather than putting hope or blame on the actions of individuals.