Well said. Personally I am not even convinced a HRC justice would be much different than Kavanaugh. I don't believe the Republicans in power actually care about overturning Roe v. Wade. I think that's more just dog whistling to keep the evangelical block voting for them. But what they really care about - the massive move towards protecting corporations and the rich while disenfranchising the poor and working class - I have no confidence in former WalMart Board member HRC on that major issue. That's the only agenda that most of the Republicans in power really care about anyway. I am not convinced that HRC wouldn't have just nominated a judge who was simply verbally more supportive of Roe sure, but wouldn't have cared about trying to overturn Citizens Untied.
Roe is just the tip of the iceberg. Nearly all Dems want Citizens United overturned (even McCain wanted it overturned), which is where the advantage of having a Dem president would've been handy.