Yeah, the prevailing winds in Europe and North America in terms of fiscal policy are certainly blowing to the right currently, plus this is obviously also a subject that would get demolished in rampant populism. So I don't see this standing any kind of serious chance in political discussion for a while. As someone else said, though, you could hope for a serious roll-out in a European Nordic country (not another one of those unrepresentative test), and then have the (hopefully positive) results serve as an example in other countries.The assumption that this paradigm shift of malignant greed morphing into a benign justice is just around the corner (and has been for years) seems increasingly fanciful. We live in a world today that sees the rich and powerful content to destroy the ground they walk on and feck their kids into a future of hell, all in the quest for greater personal riches. How is it that these lot are expected to suddenly have a change of heart and start spreading money out to (also) the poorest in society?
Not that places like the UK or the US would ever take note, but other countries might, and here in Canada individual provinces might do something as well (although most welfare programs are run federally).
Actually, right now, the issue is rather that aging is leading to a lack of available workforce for all the jobs available. It will probably be a while before automization turns that around into a huge shortage of jobs.I think the issue with UBI at this stage is that, if the rollout of AI has the devastating impact on jobs that many predict, then something like UBI will be needed in order to counter the massive job losses etc. Without that, with unemployment at unprecedented levels, civil unrest would be the next step without some form of intervention.
So not implementing something like this would not be in their interest.
Actually, the first political proponent (or the first high-profile one, anyway) of UBI was a conversative - cause for him, it's a way to cut away a jungle of government regulations while meeting the same target (and maybe meeting it even better). But then he probably has also been the only conversative to support the idea...So what we need is the UBI party, no Tories, Lib Dems or Laborites need apply