United States-led 2026 World Cup bid in jeopardy to Morocco's

Im hoping for Morocco. Very great cities there like Tangier, Rabat, Casablanca and Marrakesh. I would definitely go there. USA, I would never go.
Judging from the posts here I take it most of you haven't stepped foot in Morocco, it'll be a fine destination for a WC and certainly more fitting than somewhere like Qatar.

The WC is about bringing folks all over the world together, not really fitting when you host it in a country riddled with Racism, has a bigoted megalomaniac as President and one that doesn't really care for the sport anyway.
Judging from the posts here I take it most of you haven't stepped foot in Morocco, it'll be a fine destination for a WC and certainly more fitting than somewhere like Qatar.

The WC is about bringing folks all over the world together, not really fitting when you host it in a country riddled with Racism, has a bigoted megalomaniac as President and one that doesn't really care for the sport anyway.
Yep Morocco would be much better than the USA.
As an American, I'd like to point out that, barring a dictatorial coup of the Constitution, Donald Trump literally cannot be president in 2026.
Oof, someone pressed the "your country might not be the best in the world" button that the weird portion of Americans seem to have.

Either way, I think US should probably still get the WC, mostly because it just seems a lot easier, what with the existing infrastructure and the lot. Trump is just being a pillock as always.
Donald Trump and Americans have every right to decide who should enter their nation. America is not a dumping ground for the world's poor. I have never seen any criticism on how the Arab nations, Japan, South Korea, China, India, etc. don't take in refugees. I'm sick and tired of hearing African and Middle East nations blame the United States for everything. It is not America's fault that Asian/African government's are corrupt. It is not America's fault that crony corporatism exists in these countries. It is not America's fault that many African/Asian government's have failed to provide infrastructure, legal structures and good governance to their people. It is definitely not America's fault that the vast majority of the African/Asian politicians exploit their own people. It is not America's fault that the majority of Asian/African leaders don't have the vision or the knowledge of how to develop their country. America owes nobody anything.

Literally everything bad that is happening in the world is because of US intervention and US led wars.
Morocco should get it - terrific country with great people if they can arrange the infrastructure.
Literally everything bad that is happening in the world is because of US intervention and US led wars.

This. The US (not all) complain about immigration, asylum seekers etc, when there are many arguments against it.

1. The US was built by foreigners. 95% or more of their population has foreign ancestors.

2. The country labels themselves as ‘the greatest nation on earth’. Therefore they surely have a responsibilty to use their ‘greatness’ to help those less fortunate.

3. It was different when the US went to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They made it their concern then when it suited them, but as soon as people want to get away from war torn countries, dictatorships, terrorism etc then the US want nothing to do with them.
Morocco is a great choice, also same time zone as UK which is a big plus for me
Morocco is a great choice, also same time zone as UK which is a big plus for me

This and the lack of travel time means that Morocco is actually the better option for all European countries, although for political reasons Im sure many will support the North America bid
Yes. Have been to Morocco and had very much mixed feelings , the people were fantastic the infrastructure not so.

Morrocco would be totally unsuitable for a World Cup the idea is pure madness on many levels a disaster for football and a economic disaster for the country and its wonderful people Aka Greece post the Olympics.

We did attempt to watch a game in Marrakesh let's say it couldn't have been further from attending a game at OT.

Whilst the USA is an obvious choice having everything in place,I believe that they should wait a few more years considering they have hosted two relatively in WC terms recently.

England and not because I,m English deserve another World Cup for all the same reasons USA have also because its hosts the biggest football attendances across the board for anywhere in th World.
This. The US (not all) complain about immigration, asylum seekers etc, when there are many arguments against it.

1. The US was built by foreigners. 95% or more of their population has foreign ancestors.

2. The country labels themselves as ‘the greatest nation on earth’. Therefore they surely have a responsibilty to use their ‘greatness’ to help those less fortunate.

3. It was different when the US went to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They made it their concern then when it suited them, but as soon as people want to get away from war torn countries, dictatorships, terrorism etc then the US want nothing to do with them.

Not a single person I have ever talked to is against immigration. They are against illegal immigration, against randomly crossing the border and being able to find a job without paying taxes and reap the benefits documented citizens receive. You cannot pretend there isn't a difference. Even when you mentioned that we are a nation built on immigration, ever since we've become a nation, we've had immigration laws. Only recently have we been ignoring laws already in place (yes, the laws literally exist already, hence why they are illegal immigrants) and it has a negative effect on the average US citizen (note I say average US citizen, not media personality).

I won't get involved on the wars since literally everyone here except the government wants out. Trump even ran on that stance during his presidency (so did Obama) but it seems whenever push comes to shove we still find a way to stay in the middle east.

Morocco is a good choice to host a world cup. I wouldn't mind losing the bid to them, but if the outcome is anything as corrupt as the awarding of the Qatar world cup, I couldn't help but be annoyed that FIFA is still as corrupt as ever. I just don't quite understand why they see it fit to award countries under the premise that they will be able to build the infrastructure in time for the world cup. Look at Russia when it held the Olympics, it was disastrous. Brazil's stadiums that were built are unused. Qatar has promised air conditioned stadiums built on literal slave labor. Every time these countries are awarded for their "promises" instead of what they actually have to support important international events it's filled with drama. Why not award it to a country that could host it on a months notice like an England or United States?
Not a single person I have ever talked to is against immigration. They are against illegal immigration, against randomly crossing the border and being able to find a job without paying taxes and reap the benefits documented citizens receive. You cannot pretend there isn't a difference. Even when you mentioned that we are a nation built on immigration, ever since we've become a nation, we've had immigration laws. Only recently have we been ignoring laws already in place (yes, the laws literally exist already, hence why they are illegal immigrants) and it has a negative effect on the average US citizen (note I say average US citizen, not media personality).

I won't get involved on the wars since literally everyone here except the government wants out. Trump even ran on that stance during his presidency (so did Obama) but it seems whenever push comes to shove we still find a way to stay in the middle east.

Morocco is a good choice to host a world cup. I wouldn't mind losing the bid to them, but if the outcome is anything as corrupt as the awarding of the Qatar world cup, I couldn't help but be annoyed that FIFA is still as corrupt as ever. I just don't quite understand why they see it fit to award countries under the premise that they will be able to build the infrastructure in time for the world cup. Look at Russia when it held the Olympics, it was disastrous. Brazil's stadiums that were built are unused. Qatar has promised air conditioned stadiums built on literal slave labor. Every time these countries are awarded for their "promises" instead of what they actually have to support important international events it's filled with drama. Why not award it to a country that could host it on a months notice like an England or United States?
Because if you did then you'd be awarding it to the same 5 countries every 20 years.
Can't tell if you're really that stupid.

We were screwed out of it by QATAR, glad someone is finally having the balls to stop making us get fleeced by other nations.

I'm just pissed Canada and Mexico are in the bid. Canada has no desire for football and Mexico is literally the most dangerous country in the world right now. There are travel advisories against going there. Spring breakers are turning up dead on beaches.
Citation needed
Morocco is a good choice to host a world cup. I wouldn't mind losing the bid to them, but if the outcome is anything as corrupt as the awarding of the Qatar world cup, I couldn't help but be annoyed that FIFA is still as corrupt as ever. I just don't quite understand why they see it fit to award countries under the premise that they will be able to build the infrastructure in time for the world cup. Look at Russia when it held the Olympics, it was disastrous. Brazil's stadiums that were built are unused. Qatar has promised air conditioned stadiums built on literal slave labor. Every time these countries are awarded for their "promises" instead of what they actually have to support important international events it's filled with drama. Why not award it to a country that could host it on a months notice like an England or United States?

Because FIFA like their WCs to have brand spanking new stadia and to spread the game to countries/cities that didnt have it before - this is actually why Englands recent WC bid lost out to Russia
As an American, I'd like to point out that, barring a dictatorial coup of the Constitution, Donald Trump literally cannot be president in 2026.
Thing is, the decision for some events like this case would be decided within his time as US President. The way he acts is turning the world against USA- Mexico - Canada effort to win the bid. It's not like we hate the USA which some poster through their support for Trump think. We're talking about how disrespectful Trump and some (or more) of his supporter toward other countries. When we bring up issue within USA border, we're trying to make a point, not shaming USA as a whole. It's not opening the political can of worm but to the point regarding the latest tweet from Trump.
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Not a single person I have ever talked to is against immigration. They are against illegal immigration, against randomly crossing the border and being able to find a job without paying taxes and reap the benefits documented citizens receive. You cannot pretend there isn't a difference. Even when you mentioned that we are a nation built on immigration, ever since we've become a nation, we've had immigration laws. Only recently have we been ignoring laws already in place (yes, the laws literally exist already, hence why they are illegal immigrants) and it has a negative effect on the average US citizen (note I say average US citizen, not media personality).

I don't like to talk about politics here on this forum, but after reading this statement I felt an exception to the rule need to be made.

Look, if the problem is really just the fact people "illegally" migrate to the United States and not pay taxes (although in reality, many "illegals" end up paying taxes of some sort) while they are there, then the solution is simply to grant amnesty to the illegals living here and reduce the barriers in place that stop Latin Americans (and others) (1) from migrating into the United States, thus allowing them to legally immigrate into the United States and avoid any of the issues that their illegal status brings to the table.

If on the other hand the problem is "they take our jobs, strain our public services and reduce our wages" then the solution is improving the sorry state of workers rights in the United States, abolishing the Anti-Union laws and increasing investment in public services in the country (your country has the money for it thats for sure...), all of which would counter the impact immigration does in this area.

Both of them are far more effective in dealing with the problem than the sorts of policies that the Traitor-in-Chief and all those other idiots advocate in this subject matter.

And before you ask, I feel that your country has a lot of potential even to this day and can solve the issues it currently faces, it does however require solutions that are going to be painful for some (especially the wealthy and bigoted) but in the end will work out for the country as a whole and the people that live in it. Reguardless I feel that the United States, Canada and Mexico should jointly host the World Cup in 2026 since they are better able to host it and in my help boost the growth of the sport we all love in the region.

Finally I would like to apologise to the mods for this sort of political post (I will not discuss this matter any further), but I felt that post in question was one that needed to be put under the spotlight, especially in times such as these...


(1) Political and Religious Extremists excepted of course...
This. The US (not all) complain about immigration, asylum seekers etc, when there are many arguments against it.

1. The US was built by foreigners. 95% or more of their population has foreign ancestors.

2. The country labels themselves as ‘the greatest nation on earth’. Therefore they surely have a responsibilty to use their ‘greatness’ to help those less fortunate.

3. It was different when the US went to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They made it their concern then when it suited them, but as soon as people want to get away from war torn countries, dictatorships, terrorism etc then the US want nothing to do with them.

No one is complaining or against immigration, we were all immigrants at one point or another.

The problem is with illegal immigration, which is completely different than legal immigration. Illegal immigrants break the law and make fool of legal immigrants who often pay a lot of money and go through lengthy process to get here. Why would anyone want people breaking into their country illegally?

Those who oppose immigrants that come here legally are in the minority, the vast majority of Americans have no problem with legal immigration.
Lots of countries can host the WC at "a weeks notice": England, Germany, Spain, France, Japan, China, USA, Brazil can all do it. I don't see why this is such a big selling point.

As for Morocco being in the UK time zone, surely that's a BAD thing? :confused:
Thing is, the decision for some events like this case would be decided within his time as US President. The way he acts is turning the world against USA- Mexico - Canada effort to win the bid. It's not like we hate the USA which some poster through their support for Trump think. We're talking about how disrespectful Trump and some (or more) of his supporter toward other countries. When we bring up issue within USA border, we're trying to make a point, not shaming USA as a whole. It's not opening the political can of worm but to the point regarding the latest tweet from Trump.
I'm just pointing out, because I keep seeing people posting about "the US" and about "the president" when referring to the policies of the Trump administration.

The majority of voters in the US voted against Trump. Trump won't be in power when the World Cup comes around in 2026.

I dunno, maybe I'm just splitting hairs over semantics, but honestly... we have individual states who could host a World Cup. Lumping all of us in together and using the actions of an administration that will no longer exist against us doesn't make much sense to me.
The US should get it. Would help them refocus from their weird sports to proper sports like soccer.
I'm just pointing out, because I keep seeing people posting about "the US" and about "the president" when referring to the policies of the Trump administration.

The majority of voters in the US voted against Trump. Trump won't be in power when the World Cup comes around in 2026.

I dunno, maybe I'm just splitting hairs over semantics, but honestly... we have individual states who could host a World Cup. Lumping all of us in together and using the actions of an administration that will no longer exist against us doesn't make much sense to me.
That's the thing with leaders of the countries can leave a bad impression on the country. Leaders are elected by the elections, and those elections are designed with set rules. Trump and his advisers are smart enough to win the game overcoming the majority playing around the rule. And now in this bidding event, the image of Trump and his regime is the key. Why? As president he can push some law which may take effect for future (until it's abolished). Imagine some rule which may eventually make it hard for supporters to enter travel to support their teams. Players/ coaching staff with personal issues to enter, participating in the WC... It takes time and effort, even compromise for other things (which spark another problem), to overturn a decision in political game. Therefore, ideally people wouldn't want to deal with controversial figure like Trump to begin, as it's so unpredictable. I am not against USA to get the WC mind, just Trump make the whole thing going wild
Judging from the posts here I take it most of you haven't stepped foot in Morocco, it'll be a fine destination for a WC and certainly more fitting than somewhere like Qatar.

The WC is about bringing folks all over the world together, not really fitting when you host it in a country riddled with Racism, has a bigoted megalomaniac as President and one that doesn't really care for the sport anyway.

Qatar would also be a fine destination for a world cup though if you ignore the corruption and human rights aspect of it. I'm all for Morocco myself
I don't like to talk about politics here on this forum, but after reading this statement I felt an exception to the rule need to be made.

Look, if the problem is really just the fact people "illegally" migrate to the United States and not pay taxes (although in reality, many "illegals" end up paying taxes of some sort) while they are there, then the solution is simply to grant amnesty to the illegals living here and reduce the barriers in place that stop Latin Americans (and others) (1) from migrating into the United States, thus allowing them to legally immigrate into the United States and avoid any of the issues that their illegal status brings to the table.

If on the other hand the problem is "they take our jobs, strain our public services and reduce our wages" then the solution is improving the sorry state of workers rights in the United States, abolishing the Anti-Union laws and increasing investment in public services in the country (your country has the money for it thats for sure...), all of which would counter the impact immigration does in this area.

Both of them are far more effective in dealing with the problem than the sorts of policies that the Traitor-in-Chief and all those other idiots advocate in this subject matter.

And before you ask, I feel that your country has a lot of potential even to this day and can solve the issues it currently faces, it does however require solutions that are going to be painful for some (especially the wealthy and bigoted) but in the end will work out for the country as a whole and the people that live in it. Reguardless I feel that the United States, Canada and Mexico should jointly host the World Cup in 2026 since they are better able to host it and in my help boost the growth of the sport we all love in the region.

Finally I would like to apologise to the mods for this sort of political post (I will not discuss this matter any further), but I felt that post in question was one that needed to be put under the spotlight, especially in times such as these...


(1) Political and Religious Extremists excepted of course...
So the US should grant amnesty to immigrants who entered the country illegally and reward them with the same benefits as immigrants who in some cases waited years to enter or bring their family to the country legally? On top of that, make entering the country easier since they're entering the country illegally so might as well facilitate the processes and just open the boarders. Yes, I'm sure that would solve all of our problems. One of the biggest impacts of illegal immigration is that a lot of times the money they make here in the states is sent home to care for family and not place back into the US economy. It is this sort of ideology that brought the US to where we are today and the reason Trump was elected.
Judging from the posts here I take it most of you haven't stepped foot in Morocco, it'll be a fine destination for a WC and certainly more fitting than somewhere like Qatar.

The WC is about bringing folks all over the world together, not really fitting when you host it in a country riddled with Racism, has a bigoted megalomaniac as President and one that doesn't really care for the sport anyway.

The WC is about who can stuff more cash into the pockets of the FIFA board members. “Bringing folks over the world together” doesn’t really work when they decided to give it to Russia and Qatar.
I would love a wc in a football country like Morocco. Also i'm pretty sure the yankees will not let me in since i'm latino.
Look, if the problem is really just the fact people "illegally" migrate to the United States and not pay taxes (although in reality, many "illegals" end up paying taxes of some sort) while they are there, then the solution is simply to grant amnesty to the illegals living here and reduce the barriers in place that stop Latin Americans (and others) (1) from migrating into the United States, thus allowing them to legally immigrate into the United States and avoid any of the issues that their illegal status brings to the table.

If on the other hand the problem is "they take our jobs, strain our public services and reduce our wages" then the solution is improving the sorry state of workers rights in the United States, abolishing the Anti-Union laws and increasing investment in public services in the country (your country has the money for it thats for sure...), all of which would counter the impact immigration does in this area.

They already have laws enabling them to come into US legally. They don't qualify for a visa under them, so get into the country illegally. Why would you want to grant amnesty for a person who has broken the law? I can understand the humane reasons, but simply granting blanket amnesty is a bad idea.
Donald Trump and Americans have every right to decide who should enter their nation. America is not a dumping ground for the world's poor. I have never seen any criticism on how the Arab nations, Japan, South Korea, China, India, etc. don't take in refugees. I'm sick and tired of hearing African and Middle East nations blame the United States for everything. It is not America's fault that Asian/African government's are corrupt. It is not America's fault that crony corporatism exists in these countries. It is not America's fault that many African/Asian government's have failed to provide infrastructure, legal structures and good governance to their people. It is definitely not America's fault that the vast majority of the African/Asian politicians exploit their own people. It is not America's fault that the majority of Asian/African leaders don't have the vision or the knowledge of how to develop their country. America owes nobody anything.

Also, where is the proof that Donald Trump referred to poor countries as sh*tholes? The only 2 people making that claim (and were present in the room) were an open never-Trumper who actively campaigned against Trump's policies and a Democrat who has previously been discredited for making things up.

If you don't want to give America a World Cup, because America refuses to take in unskilled labor or Morocco has an amazing plan, then that is fine. But don't rationalize it by saying America has no right to decide who to let in. I want to be a good neighbor to everyone. But I also want to have the right not to let in KKK supremacists or Black gangsters or homeless people or drug addicts into my house.

Well you definitely do not anything about Africa then.

If there is something that stop them elevate, it's actually the support of the dictator by countries outside of Africa like US + the pressure of occidental instances: FMI on Mali etc

Europe + America are on the same bag and the truth is that they have no advantage on a rise of Africa like they have no advantage in a strong line Syria/Iran/Russia and so they do all they can to maintain those countries on bad conditions.
Liberia ?
Syria's destruction ? Not american fault...

African leaders have no idea on how develop their country ? Oh please.
You must be the type of person thinking that Irak and Afghanistan were international treats, right ?

Actually even Plan Marshall and EU have been way for them to exerce an influence and domination on Europe

America owes nobody anything. In the same way, the others countries owe US anything. If they could just stop putting their noses on everything and close on themselves like Trump said he will, that will be a relief for a lot of populations...

Anyway, sorry for the post maybe not relevant for the tread. I hope Morocco wil get it. it would be cool for africa. Plus, it's a beautiful country. The tourism is developed there. It's pretty open- not too muslim. A true football country with some fever. And US already got it not too long ago
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British and Irish hosted World Cups oils be great.

Group 1-4 England
Group 5 Ireland
Group 6 Scotland
Group 7 Wales
Just the northern Irish games. - Northern Ireland
Knife crime and acid attacks in England are no where near as frequent as gun crime in the US. School shootings happen all the time, not to mention white and black supremacism is terrible along with racism. Gang crime and drugs are more prolific in the US than England also.

It is funny because the majority of the US are pro guns and for gun legality but then wonder why gun crime is so prolific.

England has nothing on the US and you are fooling yourself to pretend otherwise.

That depends entirely on what state you live in. I live in New Hampshire and we're tied for 13th in the country for guns per capita. We have open carry and concealed carry law (which means we can open and conceal carry without a license). Needless to say, my state has very loose gun laws. With that said, in 2016, there were 132 firearm related deaths in my state. Out of those 132, 123 were suicides. There were about 10 times as many traffic related fatalities that year than gun related homicides.
I'm just pissed Canada and Mexico are in the bid. Canada has no desire for football and Mexico is literally the most dangerous country in the world right now. There are travel advisories against going there. Spring breakers are turning up dead on beaches.

Preface: I currently reside in Texas, been to Mexico numerous times, and have non-Mexican American friends living in various parts of Mexico.

You sir are either liar or ignorant. Get off your couch and actually visit these regions the Western media deems "dangerous" and interact with the locals and culture instead of spouting off this utter garbage you hear from biased sources.

There are certain places in Mexico City (Polanco) that have more security than most neighborhoods in the US.

Let's also not forget that the main reason has Mexico has a problem with organized crime is the insatiable appetite for drugs in America.
That depends entirely on what state you live in. I live in New Hampshire and we're tied for 13th in the country for guns per capita. We have open carry and concealed carry law (which means we can open and conceal carry without a license). Needless to say, my state has very loose gun laws. With that said, in 2016, there were 132 firearm related deaths in my state. Out of those 132, 123 were suicides. There were about 10 times as many traffic related fatalities that year than gun related homicides.

Exactly. Gun legislation got nothing to do with gun violence. Illinois have one of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and look at Chicago’s south side. The majority of guns used in crimes are being bought on the streets, not through any legal tax-paying mean. Criminals will get guns regardless of legislation.
That's complete bollocks. So cities that have a lower GDP, smaller population,than many cities in Europe are "far better" than anywhere in Europe if you want to run a businesses or have career aspirations?

Such arrogant bullshit you'd expect from a nation that elected someone like Donald Trump. Do you look at your own shits and chant 'USA!' on loop for a quarter of an hour and then declare it a dump better than anything anyone in Europe could do? Nothing wrong with being proud of your city/country but to basically say "Everything here makes everything in Europe look like a shithole" makes you look like an arse who hasn't really grown up.

Name one city in Europe that has a per capita GDP larger than the US ones I listed.

There is none.