United States-led 2026 World Cup bid in jeopardy to Morocco's

Common sense. Mexican gangs ain't happy with Trump and target Americans. Without common sense even the next town is dangerous. How about Chicago? Last World Cup was hosted at Brazil which more often than not top homicide chart every year, yet it's not bad.

This WC is years away so thing can change. One important thing: Trump.

Yes it's Trump's fault mexican cartels are killing people.

You realize how dumb that is right? Like you have to be trolling.

Yes it's Trump's fault mexican cartels are killing people.

You realize how dumb that is right? Like you have to be trolling.

Better bave your kids with bullet proof jacket going to school in your safe country.
Sweeping statement is sweeping.

Also: Shithole?

Some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.

It was a reference to trump calling another country a shithole. At least a half of america is a redneck wasteland.

And sweeping statements about America? Really? They invented sweeping statements so yeah, it is a shithole and Trump is a conman
Better bave your kids with bullet proof jacket going to school in your safe country.

I've lived in Chicago for five years. I'm from Oxford and lived in Liverpool and Manchester for 3 years each.

Chicago is beautiful, clean and friendly. There is the south side, which is ghetto beyond belief but no one goes there.

It makes Manchester and Liverpool look like crime ridden shitholes if you take the southside out of the equation.

It was a reference to trump calling another country a shithole. At least a half of america is a redneck wasteland.

And sweeping statements about America? Really? They invented sweeping statements so yeah, it is a shithole and Trump is a conman

The first part is true. Half of it is a shit hole.

However, the best places - NYC, SF, SD, Chicago, Austin, Seattle, etc. - are incredibly good places to live. Far, far better than anywhere in Europe. Especially if you have any career/business aspirations.
I've lived in Chicago for five years. I'm from Oxford and lived in Liverpool and Manchester for 3 years each.

Chicago is beautiful, clean and friendly. There is the south side, which is ghetto beyond belief but no one goes there.

It makes Manchester and Liverpool look like crime ridden shitholes if you take the southside out of the equation.

The first part is true. Half of it is a shit hole.

However, the best places - NYC, SF, SD, Chicago, Austin, Seattle, etc. - are incredibly good places to live. Far, far better than anywhere in Europe. Especially if you have any career/business aspirations.
That's the point I am making to the other poster. Know where you're heading. You don't have to cross the border to be in danger. Talking down a whole country, just to make you feel better? Good luck with that attitude in life.

Apologize on my behalf to those know where they live better. I don't mean to downplay Chicago, Brazil or anywhere. Just making a point.
However, the best places - NYC, SF, SD, Chicago, Austin, Seattle, etc. - are incredibly good places to live. Far, far better than anywhere in Europe. Especially if you have any career/business aspirations.

That's complete bollocks. So cities that have a lower GDP, smaller population,than many cities in Europe are "far better" than anywhere in Europe if you want to run a businesses or have career aspirations?

Such arrogant bullshit you'd expect from a nation that elected someone like Donald Trump. Do you look at your own shits and chant 'USA!' on loop for a quarter of an hour and then declare it a dump better than anything anyone in Europe could do? Nothing wrong with being proud of your city/country but to basically say "Everything here makes everything in Europe look like a shithole" makes you look like an arse who hasn't really grown up.
People calling the United States a shit hole is hilarious. You literally arrest people for insulting religions.

You guys are absolutely delusional. The USA has improved massively in terms of unemployment, taxes, and is no longer being taken advantage of by foreign nations (like you) who don't give a shit about us. Sorry you listen to your media about the situation here and don't actually see it for what it is. Trump derangement syndrome is real in England it seems.

Whatever though, keep insulting the United States while you guys keep issuing acid attack warnings, have huge increases in knife violence, and have a mayor that is okay with terrorism.
What the feck is this thread.

"Far, far better than anywhere in Europe." ?? Come on @KingMinger22 , that's a very sweeping statement. How many places have you lived in in Europe? Not to mention the subjectivity of it all. But whatever.

Anyway getting this thread back on track. WC in the US would be brilliant. yeah Trump is a cnut but whatever! It would still be great (I live here now so I'm biased to having it here). The size of the country is certainly a factor but you could allow for that, have certain groups play in certain geographic regions and then logically move from there. A lot of stadiums and a lot of good sports cities.
I wonder why some people get defensive when you say the USA are not as advanced as people would like to think. Unless you live in NYC, SF or LA, you generally do not have access to the very best infrastructure (and in the case of NYC, some buildings are nice but the subway is terrible, etc etc...). I mean, you guys have a majority of home without the laundry machine in those cities to begin with...

Is that a problem? Not necessarily, but what is certain is that NYC is not the USA at all. I live and work in NYC now, while I travel a lot to many different cities for work. Yeah, it feels a bit less advanced in many other cities for sure. And even in NYC, who really enjoys the NYC life? Unless you can afford a life in one of the expensive buildings at a high rise floor, or a whole brownstone building, and get access to NYC culture (museums, operas, ballets, concerts...), it's gonna be a tough life in NYC anyway, with the high cost of life. And God forbid if you ever become sick without a major insurance to cover for you.

So again, people need to wake up, even when I live in NYC and I go to some places in Asia, I am literally blown away by some of their infrastructures.

As for the world cup, I agree both choices would be good. Morocco has never had one so why not? I also don't see the needs for the US to get the world cup. The country is not that interested in football, and a world cup has been a disaster economically speaking for ages. Nobody is interested in organizing the Olympics for the exact same reason. Why push for such an event?
Yes it's Trump's fault mexican cartels are killing people.

You realize how dumb that is right? Like you have to be trolling.

Don't know what your hashtag has to do with this thread.
People calling the United States a shit hole is hilarious. You literally arrest people for insulting religions.

You guys are absolutely delusional. The USA has improved massively in terms of unemployment, taxes, and is no longer being taken advantage of by foreign nations (like you) who don't give a shit about us. Sorry you listen to your media about the situation here and don't actually see it for what it is. Trump derangement syndrome is real in England it seems.

Whatever though, keep insulting the United States while you guys keep issuing acid attack warnings, have huge increases in knife violence, and have a mayor that is okay with terrorism.
Mods, who is this guy?
Donald Trump and Americans have every right to decide who should enter their nation. America is not a dumping ground for the world's poor. I have never seen any criticism on how the Arab nations, Japan, South Korea, China, India, etc. don't take in refugees. I'm sick and tired of hearing African and Middle East nations blame the United States for everything. It is not America's fault that Asian/African government's are corrupt. It is not America's fault that crony corporatism exists in these countries. It is not America's fault that many African/Asian government's have failed to provide infrastructure, legal structures and good governance to their people. It is definitely not America's fault that the vast majority of the African/Asian politicians exploit their own people. It is not America's fault that the majority of Asian/African leaders don't have the vision or the knowledge of how to develop their country. America owes nobody anything.

Also, where is the proof that Donald Trump referred to poor countries as sh*tholes? The only 2 people making that claim (and were present in the room) were an open never-Trumper who actively campaigned against Trump's policies and a Democrat who has previously been discredited for making things up.

If you don't want to give America a World Cup, because America refuses to take in unskilled labor or Morocco has an amazing plan, then that is fine. But don't rationalize it by saying America has no right to decide who to let in. I want to be a good neighbor to everyone. But I also want to have the right not to let in KKK supremacists or Black gangsters or homeless people or drug addicts into my house.
Mods, please do ya thing.
Just been alerted to this 'proposal' thread etc.

Seriously has Morocco filed to host a World Cup ? Seriously ? I was thinking 'well that is probably the craziest idea I have come across for some time' but then I realised where the 2022 WC is being played.

No disrespect to the Moroccan people but even they know that a World Cup is totally impossible implausible.

The world is going madder by he day.

Morocco ( shaking my head)
People calling the United States a shit hole is hilarious. You literally arrest people for insulting religions.

You guys are absolutely delusional. The USA has improved massively in terms of unemployment, taxes, and is no longer being taken advantage of by foreign nations (like you) who don't give a shit about us. Sorry you listen to your media about the situation here and don't actually see it for what it is. Trump derangement syndrome is real in England it seems.

Whatever though, keep insulting the United States while you guys keep issuing acid attack warnings, have huge increases in knife violence, and have a mayor that is okay with terrorism.

Knife crime and acid attacks in England are no where near as frequent as gun crime in the US. School shootings happen all the time, not to mention white and black supremacism is terrible along with racism. Gang crime and drugs are more prolific in the US than England also.

It is funny because the majority of the US are pro guns and for gun legality but then wonder why gun crime is so prolific.

England has nothing on the US and you are fooling yourself to pretend otherwise.
Some characters have turned up in this thread!
Wow, this thread fairly brought the caf's hidden Trumpers crawling out from beneath his intricately combed coiff.
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lol at all the Americans worried about foreigners coming over imposing their way of life on them, but don't give a shit when their country goes abroad and does the same, using military force!
Which cities are hosting the games?

Hopefully only in blue states and nothing for the deplorables.
Which cities are hosting the games?

Hopefully only in blue states and nothing for the deplorables.
The deplorables, you mean the ones who were looked down by "crooked Hillary"? :lol:
Just been alerted to this 'proposal' thread etc.

Seriously has Morocco filed to host a World Cup ? Seriously ? I was thinking 'well that is probably the craziest idea I have come across for some time' but then I realised where the 2022 WC is being played.

No disrespect to the Moroccan people but even they know that a World Cup is totally impossible implausible.

The world is going madder by he day.

Morocco ( shaking my head)

Morocco have bid for loads of World cups in the past, they were close to hosting the 2010 edition but South Africa just beat them in the voting process IIRC.
And on another note... why the effing hell is England not getting a world cup!?
The whole thing is still corrupt and ran like a dictatorship, it would be silly to throw money at a bid just to lose anyway. America are expecting to be 'rewarded' with the World Cup due to toppling Blatter but they're about to find out that the rest of FIFA took exception to that.

Infantino must be worried about his position as the next FIFA election is 2019.
I don't agree with this sentiment. If that were the case, England could never host again.
I'd like to see a joint bid from Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland before England got it again. Would be a good excuse to put some investment in Belfast too, with a new good sized multi-purpose stadium there.
USA last had it in 94 and they arent even a football mad nation. There are any number of countries that should be in front of them in the queue. England the home of football and the most watched and supported league in the world hasnt had one since 66.

A British bid would be great, not just using Premier League stadiums but also those readily available in Cardiff & Glasgow.
Have any of you guys been to Morocco?

Yes many times - have you? in fact I was there for the Club World Cup couple of years ago which was well organised

the only shame is that they missed out when the world cup was 32 teams, 48 team WC will be a bit of a stretch for them under the current FIFA rules about required number of cities and stadia
and is no longer being taken advantage of by foreign nations (like you) who don't give a shit about us. Sorry you listen to your media about the situation here and don't actually see it for what it is.

Whoaa the US don't take advantage from foreign nations, the US care so much about other nations.
Thanks you.
you don't listen to your media about other cultures, about other countries, about Muslims?

And who is this mayor who is ok with terrorism? Mayor of Londonistan?
Donald Trump and Americans have every right to decide who should enter their nation. America is not a dumping ground for the world's poor. I have never seen any criticism on how the Arab nations, Japan, South Korea, China, India, etc. don't take in refugees. I'm sick and tired of hearing African and Middle East nations blame the United States for everything. It is not America's fault that Asian/African government's are corrupt. It is not America's fault that crony corporatism exists in these countries. It is not America's fault that many African/Asian government's have failed to provide infrastructure, legal structures and good governance to their people. It is definitely not America's fault that the vast majority of the African/Asian politicians exploit their own people. It is not America's fault that the majority of Asian/African leaders don't have the vision or the knowledge of how to develop their country. America owes nobody anything.

Also, where is the proof that Donald Trump referred to poor countries as sh*tholes? The only 2 people making that claim (and were present in the room) were an open never-Trumper who actively campaigned against Trump's policies and a Democrat who has previously been discredited for making things up.

If you don't want to give America a World Cup, because America refuses to take in unskilled labor or Morocco has an amazing plan, then that is fine. But don't rationalize it by saying America has no right to decide who to let in. I want to be a good neighbor to everyone. But I also want to have the right not to let in KKK supremacists or Black gangsters or homeless people or drug addicts into my house.

Why not mention bad hombres, Yakuzas and terrorists while you're at it? Trump did use those words, his denial was very unconvincing. I can't believe how many people in this country can believe anything this guy says.
Lads this is the Football Forum - if you are not posting anything relevant to the World Cup bids then dont post here !
Have any of you guys been to Morocco?

Been there many times and lived there for a time. Have some doubts about their bid but if they can somehow get the stadiums and infrastructure in order it will be an excellent choice.
I'd like to see a joint bid from Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland before England got it again. Would be a good excuse to put some investment in Belfast too, with a new good sized multi-purpose stadium there.

England could host the WC on a weeks notice though, but if it was the whole UK then there is a few decent stadiums out of England that could be used instead of spending a fortune on stadiums that will barely get used after.

Out of England stadiums include;
Millenium Stadium,
Celtic Park,
Hampden Park,
Croke Park,
Semple Stadium,
Aviva Stadium,
Gaelic Grounds,
Fitzgerald Stadium,
Pairc Ui Chaoimh,

Most of them are above 45,000
England could host the WC on a weeks notice though, but if it was the whole UK then there is a few decent stadiums out of England that could be used instead of spending a fortune on stadiums that will barely get used after.

Out of England stadiums include;
Millenium Stadium,
Celtic Park,
Hampden Park,
Croke Park,
Semple Stadium,
Aviva Stadium,
Gaelic Grounds,
Fitzgerald Stadium,
Pairc Ui Chaoimh,

Most of them are above 45,000

Six of those aren’t in the UK though, you’d have to bring Ireland into it.