UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The groans of folk when Jeremy Corbyn brought up the poor suffering in the developing world due to climate change. What the feck is wrong with this country.

The same screw-everyone-else ism that voted for Brexit and a Tory majority in the first place :nervous:
I've yet to see a good leadership debate performance from anyone though. It's a poor format to do what you're saying.

You need Obama level in oratory to make much of a dent. You can feck it up easily like May though.

I completely agree with the format thing.

However, you can not seriously tell me it's ok to keep using excuses. You can blame the voters, racism, brexit, media...everything that's already blamed, but the fact of the matter is that he was still standing there and he still did feck all.

How you guys think that's a leader who can get us a Labour government, or even a party who want the power, is beyond me. Especially in the face of Boris fecking Johnson.

How long do you guys let the excuses flow for until we learn how to play the game? I mean, for fecks sake, it was obvious what Boris was going to bang on about, why was there no answer planned to put him in place? Why stand there and fecking flounder.
Everyone should flood Tory email addresses with "fact checking questions".

"Is it true Boris Johnson gained 1stone in the time since becomming PM"

"Does Dominic Raab really not know how to read a clock"
Literally asked Corbyn about trust in politics and he didn’t lay into Johnson about his shady affairs.

What a joke.

Would that have been a good look no more than 15 minutes after agreeing that our politics had become toxic? Not sure tbh.
I actually thought that comment was an attempt to embarrass the Tories, as it was them that claimed there weren't any but then found some. Boris batted that one back well though.
But the attempt failed as soon as the presenter said to Corbyn that its looks like Labour have found a couple of money trees. This is was meant to be a ''serious'' debate.

It means forcing the narrative for a fecking start.
Forcing the narrative how ? The debate centred around audience questions, which some of them were just bizarre, wanting a yes or no answer to the question - which is more important the Union or Brexit is literally that Limmy sketch.

It was awful all round, but surely you can see Corbyn had the most to lose and most to gain yet pretty much treaded water.
I did say it was a awful debate for everyone involved(Which includes Corbyn). I might be wrong be people tend to views these debates similar to a cup final match(Oddly enough people talk about the fact checker in similar ways to a referee) but the reality is there was never going to be the ''west wing moment'' where Corbyn owns Boris and suddenly the country view of him is changed.

The 51% of people who thought Boris won the debate can't be won over or really anyone who is still pro Boris and pro tory. The lies, the rambling, the bigotry, the cruelty is all part of the appeal for Tory voters, no amount of gotcha's are going to work.

The people who Labour need to win over won't have watched tonight, they might not even know there's an election going on. They will possibly be first time voters or disenchanted voters and they'll be won over through local activists, online activism, labour family members and a manifesto that will material improve their lives.
There's no way they'd think they could masquerade as an independent fact-checker and get away with it. How many people do we think have access to that account? Perhaps a possible hack in retaliation for the supposed Labour hack last week?
Would that have been a good look no more than 15 minutes after agreeing that our politics had become toxic? Not sure tbh.
Yeah that’s true but you could maybe spin that to say Johnson is the sort of disgusting person who is causing this division.
There's no way they'd think they could masquerade as an independent fact-checker and get away with it. How many people do we think have access to that account? Perhaps a possible hack in retaliation for the supposed Labour hack last week?
Michael Gove and Priti Patel both defended it as "fact checking labour".

They have a proper propaganda regime at this point.
The groans of folk when Jeremy Corbyn brought up the poor suffering in the developing world due to climate change. What the feck is wrong with this country.

That was shocking to be honest. Johnson is a disgrace and I can’t see Corbyn ever being electable, but feck me that was bad.
But the attempt failed as soon as the presenter said to Corbyn that its looks like Labour have found a couple of money trees. This is was meant to be a ''serious'' debate.

Forcing the narrative how ? The debate centred around audience questions, which some of them were just bizarre - wanting a yes or no answer to the question - which is more important the Union or Brexit is literally that Limmy sketch.

I did say it was a awful debate for everyone involved(Which includes Corbyn). I might be wrong be people tend to views these debates similar to a cup final match(Oddly enough people talk about the fact checker in similar ways to a referee) but the reality is there was never going to be the ''west wing moment'' where Corbyn owns Boris and suddenly the country view of him is changed.

And while I hate the country is divide narrative, the 51% of people who thought Boris won the debate can't be won over or really anyone who is still pro Boris and pro tory. The lies, the rambling, the bigotry, the cruelty is all part of the appeal for Tory voters, no amount of gotcha's are going to work.

The people who Labour need to win over won't have watched tonight, they might not even know there's an election going on. They will possibly be first time voters or disenchanted voters and they'll be won over through local activists, online activism, labour family members and a manifesto that will material improve their lives.

That's all guesswork though, and more excuses.

"Oh it doesn't matter what he says, those people won't be watching!". This is not an attack on you my friend, I have plenty of time for you as you know, I'm just frustrated. I'm frustrated that time and time again you guys tell us that Corbyn is better than what the media present, there's an agenda, he's much smarter and better and debating...

Then we get that.

For me Corbyn slightly won. But a slight victory against Boris Johnson? Yeah, let's celebrate slightly being more composed than a man who's whole schtick is being a bumbling fool.

My question is, how much longer will it be before you guys realise what disillusioned people who fall outside demographics, like me, already see? How many times do we go through this shit before we realise that the Labour party as they stand and are right now not the saviours we all want? They are a shambles, they are cowards and they are almost every bit as responsible for this mess as the cnuts in charge. Again, I'll say, I'm convinced they are fecking happy being the shadow party and getting the paycheck and power involved. Otherwise, why not actually do something different, like at least have a fecking answer ready to the most obvious question Boris was going to stutter out of his fat mouth...

But hey, Corbyn needs a better format and better moderator. That's a real strong leader.
The groans of folk when Jeremy Corbyn brought up the poor suffering in the developing world due to climate change. What the feck is wrong with this country.

The same screw-everyone-else ism that voted for Brexit and a Tory majority in the first place :nervous:

Or perhaps people are a little disillusioned with this prescribed responsibility to fix the world's problems when there's more than they know how to handle in their own communities and for some, even in their own homes. How do you expect an underpaid public sector worker who's reliant on food banks to survive or a teacher who regularly sees malnourished children in their classroom not to feel exasperated when they're laden with the additional burden of being solely responsible for repairing the planet when major countries like America and China egregiously flout international climate change agreements?
Increasing middle class? The middle class is disappearing as divide between rich and poor grows wider.

It’s the lower to middle class that think because they’ve used inheritance to help buy a house, or have been left one, that everyone who can’t afford one hasn’t tried hard enough in life.
On factcheck - why do Tories have to be such cnuts? Isn't being greedy and selfish enough for them?
There's no way they'd think they could masquerade as an independent fact-checker and get away with it. How many people do we think have access to that account? Perhaps a possible hack in retaliation for the supposed Labour hack last week?

Probably a trick to actually get more people on Twitter to read their account because it isn’t their natural habitat. It will make news and get people talking about it.
I thought Corbyn did well, for what that's worth. Which is a positive.

Unfortunately I also think Labour under Corbyn are in a position where they're extremely likely to lose the election regardless of what Corbyn does between now and then anyway. So it ain't much of a positive.

If the Tories do win the election then Corbyn's time leading the Labour will rightly go down as a disastrous mess. That won't be because of how he performs between now and election day though. I also think it's unfair to look to him to put in a miracle performance on TV that drastically changes a political landscape that has built over several years. Being in a position where that needs to happen doesn't make it a reasonable expectation.
I'm about 7 minutes in watching it back on YouTube.

The clapping. The predictable soundbites. The horrific format.

Is there any real reason to continue watching? Does it become interesting at all?
I thought Corbyn did well, for what that's worth. Which is a positive.

Unfortunately I also think Labour under Corbyn are in a position where they're extremely likely to lose the election regardless of what Corbyn does between now and then anyway. So it ain't much of a positive.

If the Tories do win the election then Corbyn's time leading the Labour will rightly go down as a disastrous mess. That won't be because of how he performs between now and election day though. I also think it's unfair to look to him to put in a miracle performance on TV that drastically changes a political landscape that has built over several years. Being in a position where that needs to happen doesn't make it a reasonable expectation.

How long has he been leader for? Several years?

I mean, who's fault is it that it's been left late to stand up and actually do something? And even then, why put on a performance that doesn't actually do anything?

It's not unfair at all to expect him or anyone else to do their job properly. Be the opposition and fight the fight. In fact he even fought to stay as leader. Forgive me if I'm a little short on the pity for how hard he has it...
I'm about 7 minutes in watching it back on YouTube.

The clapping. The predictable soundbites. The horrific format.

Is there any real reason to continue watching? Does it become interesting at all?
Well Corbyn ruled out a coalition with anyone. It was big news on here when Swinson did that, but it doesn't matter now, apparently.
These polls are stooopid. They're like:

Who do you think should be Prime Minister?

Johnson 70%
Corbyn 30%

And now, who do you think should be PM?

Corbyn 70%
Johnson 30%
These polls are stooopid. They're like:

Who do you think should be Prime Minister?

Johnson 70%
Corbyn 30%

And now, who do you think should be PM?

Corbyn 70%
Johnson 30%
So you want a realistic down-to-earth Prime Minister that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?
These polls are stooopid. They're like:

Who do you think should be Prime Minister?

Johnson 70%
Corbyn 30%

And now, who do you think should be PM?

Corbyn 70%
Johnson 30%
Who lied less?

Corbyn 95%
Johnson 5%


Who would you trust to watch your kids?

Corbyn 95%
Johnson 5%


What did the leering Brexiteers say to Swinson when she turned up in a slightly tight top to their anti-immigration rally? (Oddly specific)

Get Them Out 50%
Get Them Out 50%
I like to read them as if they've surveyed one person and they're giving their answers as percentages.
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