UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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He's previously defended an anti-Semitic mural and I believe laid a wreath for the 1972 Olympics Munich terrorists, or at the very least was at a ceremony which paid tribute to them. There's been a fair few activists and party members and the like who've come out with anti-Semitic stuff as well. I think there's an argument Labour's anti-Semitism has been overplayed, and there's probably an argument they're not much worse in that regard than the Tories, but I don't think it's something that can just be swept aside altogether. Especially when a considerable number of the British Jewish community have huge concerns.

Are these two instances, which aren't even half truths, enough to label a man, that has being against all forms of discrimination, prejudice, racism and hostility throughout his life, an anti-semite? Corbyn has many flaws, anti-semitism isn't one of them.

@Cheesy you didn’t answer this question.
As the article notes, he is pictured holding a wreath directly in front of the memorial dedicated to Salah Khalaf, Arafat’s number two who was a leading figure in Black September and who was not killed in the 1985 strike you have referred to. Corbyn himself acknowledged that “wreaths were laid” for the Black September operatives (the others were also not killed in 1985), and he acknowledged laying “one wreath” himself. There is no evidence of Corbyn laying a wreath at either of the memorials dedicated to the victims of the 1985 attack which the article mentions, although he is pictured visiting both. This all became clear quite soon after the story broke, which is probably why Labour ultimately dropped the complaint they made to the press regulator regarding coverage of the controversy.
The link you shared does not agree with your conclusion as to why the complaint was dropped.

You didn't answer my question. So I'll summarise again. Nearly 50 people died. Some were PLO some were civilians. Many countries at the time, including the USA did not condone those illegal air strikes by Israel.

Could Corbyn not have attended to only pay respects to the dead civilians?
The link you shared does not agree with your conclusion as to why the complaint was dropped.

You didn't answer my question. So I'll summarise again. Nearly 50 people died. Some were PLO some were civilians. Many countries at the time, including the USA did not condone those illegal air strikes by Israel.

Could Corbyn not have attended to only pay respects to the dead civilians?

was this you phoning in?

I'll summarise... your not helping your cause
The ceremony he was at explicitly involved paying respects to the Munich terrorists though. I'm almost certain we'd not be as willing (rightfully) to absolve Boris if he was in a similar sort of situation.

The mural on its own could've been understandable but the issue is when it feeds into a wider pattern of behaviour.

I don't think Corbyn himself is a rampant anti-Semite who hates Jewish people - nevertheless I can very much understand why members of the Jewish population have concerns both with him and with the Labour party as a whole. Those concerns shouldn't be dismissed when they're so widespread.
I can see your point. But not how it was explicitly paying respect to Munich terrorists? Bearing in mind innocent civilians did die due to an illegal airstrike by Israel.

I would say the pattern of behaviour from Corbyn is standing up for peoples rights regardless of religion or the potential political fallout.

Hummmmm.... I mean that kinda plays right into this particular trope doesn't it.Or are you just making a point about public art
So why are Jews in your opinion particularly impacted by labours economic policy.


That's not the point I'm making. That mural is clearly anti-semitic and Corbyn showed really poor judgement defending it.

But Stephen Pollard and the JC printed a front page piece that is saying that British Jews are afraid of Corbyn. The implication is that they are afraid of a Corbyn government expelling them, or killing them, or putting them in camps or something, which is so patently absurd. So I'm asking what are they afraid of... and I think the foreign policy towards Israel is the biggest thing (see below), with the left wing policies the second. Again no one has responded to the fact that 70% of British Jews voted Tory when Ed Miliband was leader, which isn't indicative of a social group that would be fond of Corbyn's policy platform.

  • British Jews are strongly attached to Israel. The vast majority of our respondents support its right to exist as a Jewish state (90%), express pride in its cultural and scientific achievements (84%), see it as a vibrant and open democracy (78%) and say that it forms some part of their identity as Jews (93%).
  • a clear majority (70%:18%) say that the Palestinians “must recognise Israel as a Jewish state, not just recognise Israel’s right to exist
(It's worth noting that right to exist as a Jewish state is quite a hardline position... that enables all of the ethnostate policies that are most people on the lefts' problems with Israel. e.g treating Palestinian Israeli's as second class citizens, denying Palestinian right of return, etc)

Then you worded it pretty badly because to be honest your post read to me pretty much exactly as @2cents described it


I do think the anti-semitism crisis is blown out of proportion, I do think it is politically motivated, and i think that is best represented by the fact that the Panorama documentary on it opened with a crying girl Ella Rose, who worked for the Israeli embassy, and who Al Jazeera filmed saying "“f*** you, f*** you, f***ing antisemites the lot of them" in regard to pro-Palestinian activists.

I do think the anti-semitism crisis is blown out of proportion, I do think it is politically motivated, and i think that is best represented by the fact that the Panorama documentary on it opened with a crying girl Ella Rose, who worked for the Israeli embassy, and who Al Jazeera filmed saying "“f*** you, f*** you, f***ing antisemites the lot of them" in regard to pro-Palestinian activists.
I guess the EHRC will be the definitive report into the Labour Antisemitism and we wont find out till then
Personally I think that will be the end of corbyn no matter what happens in the election (i.e. if he somehow wins that will force him to resign and if (when) he looses they keep him aroud long enough to throw him under the bus - the evidence bar to trigger a formal investigation is so high I genuinely cant conceive of a way this ends well for them)
Time will tell... Just wish it was published now at least then all the evidence would be out in the open for people to see

Hummmmm.... I mean that kinda plays right into this particular trope doesn't it.Or are you just making a point about public art
So why are Jews in your opinion particularly impacted by labours economic policy.


That's not the point I'm making. That mural is clearly anti-semitic and Corbyn showed really poor judgement defending it.

I'm still don't see this mural as anti-semitic. Maybe I'm missing something, but here is a quote from the artist:

'I came to paint a mural that depicted the elite banker cartel known as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, the ruling class elite few, the Wizards of Oz. They would be playing a board game of monopoly on the backs of the working class. The symbol of the Free Mason [sic] Pyramid rises behind this group and behind that is a polluted world of coal burning and nuclear reactors. I was creating this piece to inspire critical thought and spark conversation. A group of conservatives do not like my mural and are playing a race card with me. My mural is about class and privilege. The banker group is made up of Jewish and white Anglos. For some reason they are saying I am anti-semitic. This I am most definitely not... What I am against is class'

Some of these top bankers are Jewish. Some are not. It really does appear that criticism of a group which includes Jews, is off limits according to some.
In other news the Lib Dems are persisting with their tactical bullshit campaign

I think altringham will be a stretch for the Libs... but they finished ahead of labour in 2010 (the last time they were polling at these levels nationally) and it was around 62% remain - so I could see them potentially finishing 2nd this time

They are identical odds at the bookies with labour for the seat at betfair, paddy power and ladbrooks

I would say that the only way that conservative majority could be overturned is with a united remain vote - and Labour are not committed to remain so yeah libs probably are the natural challenger there I think - A remain Labour party in the remain alliance would probably win there but meh they wont commit to remain so somebody has to represent the 62%
I think altringham will be a stretch for the Libs... but they finished ahead of labour in 2010 (the last time they were polling at these levels nationally) and it was around 62% remain - so I could see them potentially finishing 2nd this time

They are identical odds at the bookies with labour for the seat at betfair, paddy power and ladbrooks

I would say that the only way that conservative majority could be overturned is with a united remain vote - and Labour are not committed to remain so yeah libs probably are the natural challenger there I think - A remain Labour party in the remain alliance would probably win there but meh they wont commit to remain so somebody has to represent the 62%

Bit of stretching there. 2010 was before they fecked over their core voter base. Brexit or not I expect most of the people burned by that will never come back.

The point is they seem to be running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on misleading poll data.
Bit of stretching there. 2010 was before they fecked over their core voter base. Brexit or not I expect most of the people burned by that will never come back.

The point is they seem to be running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on misleading poll data.
friendly tenner on libs beating labour in that constituency?
and meh Labour are running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on a misleading brexit policy... and the conservatives are being managed by the kings of duplicitous campaigns - welcome to 2019
The link you shared does not agree with your conclusion as to why the complaint was dropped.

The link doesn’t offer any opinion, it simply reports the explanation given by Labour for dropping the complaint.

You didn't answer my question. So I'll summarise again. Nearly 50 people died. Some were PLO some were civilians. Many countries at the time, including the USA did not condone those illegal air strikes by Israel.

Could Corbyn not have attended to only pay respects to the dead civilians?

Not if he’s pictured with a wreath standing directly in front of the memorial dedicated to a Black September operative who had nothing to do with the attack you’re referring to.
I think altringham will be a stretch for the Libs... but they finished ahead of labour in 2010 (the last time they were polling at these levels nationally) and it was around 62% remain - so I could see them potentially finishing 2nd this time

They are identical odds at the bookies with labour for the seat at betfair, paddy power and ladbrooks

I would say that the only way that conservative majority could be overturned is with a united remain vote - and Labour are not committed to remain so yeah libs probably are the natural challenger there I think - A remain Labour party in the remain alliance would probably win there but meh they wont commit to remain so somebody has to represent the 62%
They got 7.7% of the vote in Altrincham in the most recent 2017 election. Labour got 38%. Tories 51%. Are you really trying to justify their claim that it is a 2 horse race betwen Lib Dems and the Tories there?

Thats a very Trump like claim.

Do you think these lies/exaggerations are going to help the Lib Dems? The survey company they have been using have openly criticised the Lib Dems as misleading the public with their surveys.
They got 7.7% of the vote in Altrincham in the most recent 2017 election. Labour got 38%. Tories 51%. Are you really trying to justify their claim that it is a 2 horse race betwen Lib Dems and the Tories there?
no i think its a one horse race the conservatives will walk it with probably 45-50% of the votes ... but that the libs can put labour in third because i expect labour to loose a fek ton of votes as outside of their echo chamber they really are not very popular... especially in such a strong remain area when labours brexit policy is such a mess
friendly tenner on libs beating labour in that constituency?
and meh Labour are running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on a misleading Brexit policy... and the conservatives are being managed by the kings of duplicitous campaigns - welcome to 2019

Negotiating their own deal and putting it to a referendum? Wankers. :rolleyes:
friendly tenner on libs beating labour in that constituency?
and meh Labour are running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on a misleading brexit policy... and the conservatives are being managed by the kings of duplicitous campaigns - welcome to 2019
Bit of false equivalency there. You may disagree with the Labour brexit policy but both May and Johnson have come away with "deals" from the EU. Whatever you think if those deals, in principle it is feasible.

Altrincham is a strong Conservative area but the Lib Dems are using these lies and skewed misleading bar charts in many constituencies. Its certainly not an ethical or effective way to work. It ultimately will benefit the Tories and make the Lib Dem main policy of remain much less likely.
Who the feck is Boris Johnston? Comments are gold. :lol:

In other news the Lib Dems are persisting with their tactical bullshit campaign

and if you look back further:


The universe didn't begin in 2017, in '15 and ''17 the Lib Dems suffered from the coalition being fresh in people's memories, this election is very different.

Current MRP estimate of voters intention in that constituency without tactical voting:

When are these manifestos being published so that we can see how feasible the 'feasible' deal Labour propose is?
the ITV debate between johnson and Corbyn (probably not swinson depending on the formal complaint) is only 11 days away... i would hope that both parties have published well enough in advance that people can ask detailed questions - that said i could imagine both parties seeing some advantage in launching manifestos as late as possible to avoid detailed scrutiny on a live debate
friendly tenner on libs beating labour in that constituency?
and meh Labour are running a fundamentally duplicitous campaign based on a misleading brexit policy... and the conservatives are being managed by the kings of duplicitous campaigns - welcome to 2019


Bit of false equivalency there. You may disagree with the Labour brexit policy but both May and Johnson have come away with "deals" from the EU. Whatever you think if those deals, in principle it is feasible.

Exactly. Nothing misleading about any of it. You could argue his ability to get a decent deal, as you could May and Johnson, but that doesn't make it misleading.
The link doesn’t offer any opinion, it simply reports the explanation given by Labour for dropping the complaint.

Not if he’s pictured with a wreath standing directly in front of the memorial dedicated to a Black September operative who had nothing to do with the attack you’re referring to.
Yes, it was ill advised to go to this cemetery if there are black September operatives buried / plaques there. But he is in a cemetery where there is a victim's monument, containing the 47 names of Palestinians killed in 1985. Which is what the wreath was for.
and if you look back further:


The universe didn't begin in 2017, in '15 and ''17 the Lib Dems suffered from the coalition being fresh in people's memories, this election is very different.

Current MRP estimate of voters intention in that constituency without tactical voting:

So 9 years is all it takes to forget the duplicitous Lib Dems actions?

No wonder we are in such a mess of the electorate have such a short term memory.
I'm still don't see this mural as anti-semitic. Maybe I'm missing something, but here is a quote from the artist:

'I came to paint a mural that depicted the elite banker cartel known as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, the ruling class elite few, the Wizards of Oz. They would be playing a board game of monopoly on the backs of the working class. The symbol of the Free Mason [sic] Pyramid rises behind this group and behind that is a polluted world of coal burning and nuclear reactors. I was creating this piece to inspire critical thought and spark conversation. A group of conservatives do not like my mural and are playing a race card with me. My mural is about class and privilege. The banker group is made up of Jewish and white Anglos. For some reason they are saying I am anti-semitic. This I am most definitely not... What I am against is class'

Some of these top bankers are Jewish. Some are not. It really does appear that criticism of a group which includes Jews, is off limits according to some.

You don't see anything wrong with this at all? If he had said just white bankers, fair enough, but why Jewish & white? It's quite clearly antisemitic.

"Honest, I'm not antisemitc, and to prove it I will make a clearly antisemitc statement." Also, the clear trope/stereotype (as used by the Nazis in their propaganda), that's is also clear antisemitism.
the ITV debate between johnson and Corbyn (probably not swinson depending on the formal complaint) is only 11 days away... i would hope that both parties have published well enough in advance that people can ask detailed questions - that said i could imagine both parties seeing some advantage in launching manifestos as late as possible to avoid detailed scrutiny on a live debate

I just saw an article that said it could be several weeks, almost as if they're all trying to hide something.

Exactly. Nothing misleading about any of it. You could argue his ability to get a decent deal, as you could May and Johnson, but that doesn't make it misleading.

It's misleading if the proposed deal has zero chance of success. Why won't they spell it out, trying to keep the leave side happy by saying they're leaving the single market having new independent trade deals etc and trying to con the remain side into thinking not much will change. That is dishonest. It works with loyal Labour voters, won't work with swing voters they need.
So 9 years is all it takes to forget the duplicitous Lib Dems actions?

No wonder we are in such a mess of the electorate have such a short term memory.

It's not about not remembering, they are taking remain voters from Labour but they are also taking voters from the Tories too, specifically one nation Tories who can't stand Johnson, plus they are taking young voters who feel strongly about Brexit and are too young to really know about 2010 election and the fallout for them.

One of the reasons they have been able to rehabilitate themselves so effectively is that the Tories and Labour have abandoned the centre ground, leaving the Lib Dems as the only option for many, even those with doubts about them. If one of those parties was still somewhere near the centre or Labour had come out as a remain party at least 12 months ago then the Lib Dems wouldn't be polling so well.
It's not about not remembering, they are taking remain voters from Labour but they are also taking voters from the Tories too, specifically one nation Tories who can't stand Johnson, plus they are taking young voters who feel strongly about Brexit and are too young to really know about 2010 election and the fallout for them.

One of the reasons they have been able to rehabilitate themselves so effectively is that the Tories and Labour have abandoned the centre ground, leaving the Lib Dems as the only option for many, even those with doubts about them. If one of those parties was still somewhere near the centre or Labour had come out as a remain party at least 12 months ago then the Lib Dems wouldn't be polling so well.
Can I have the number of your dealer ? Seems like your getting some great stuff at the moment.
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