But do you really think with this attitude you get your message across? Feck the Tories, evil poor hating cnuts, you deserve everything that’s coming to you (blah blah blah) - it’s actually laughable.
what you don’t seem to understand, is that whatever you put inside this wrapper of hate and resentment doesn’t get heard because you can’t articulate it through all the hate that you are spouting.
All that happens is you get ignored, and rational minded people (who you want to bring over to the Labour Party, or indeed keep to gain power), stay silent and don’t engage with you - because your immediate stance is “you evil bastard, your guilty of voting in this government, you baby killer”.
Corbyn is a genuine man, not a leader (and we all know this), but it’s his following, and the likes of yourself that are deluded into this entrenched thinking that actually alienates the very people you need.
Or if your happy just being a noisy protest party, and winning on Twitter - carry on