U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
CNN aired 1 1/2 hr documentaries on McCain and Obama, tonight.

I know that I can be a smart-ass at times, but I had a very sobering moment at the finish of the two shows. To the core of me, I feel sorry for all the Christians that align themselves with John McCain and his running-mate Palin.

McCain's history is wraught with dishonesty and utter disrespect for the rules of life, from childhood school problems, to his time at Military school, to getting busted in the Keating 5 scandal... straight up to all the lies CNN pointed out, told at the Republican National Convention.

Then... Barak Obama... This man isn't exactly a saint... although he has done more good as an ethics reformer in the Illinios State Senate, then appointed the point-man as the Senator in charge of ethics reform when the Democrats took the Senate majority in 2006.

Getting back to why I feel very badly for the Christians, these are people that are told day-in and day-out, live your principals.

It has to be hard to live with the pressures of your religion that firmly influences you to support a person such as McCain and Palin.


* CNN did a shorter doc. on Palin... Holy Crap!!! It ripped her up and down one side and then another... through a quick documentary and interview shorts, calling her out on her lies.

Very Brutal.:eek:

cant believe CNN actually were trying to do journalism....I suspect something.......the idiots on CNN make me barf....with the exception of Roland Martin and Cafferty.....
Getting back to why I feel very badly for the Christians, these are people that are told day-in and day-out, live your principals.

It has to be hard to live with the pressures of your religion that firmly influences you to support a person such as McCain and Palin.

McCain's quite a character, in 2000 he called the leaders of Christian Religious Right "Agents of Intolerance", now all of a sudden he's their best friend.:wenger:
McCain's quite a character, in 2000 he called the leaders of Christian Religious Right "Agents of Intolerance", now all of a sudden he's their best friend.:wenger:

Obama is as much of a turncoat, look what he said about energy three months ago
Obama is as much of a turncoat, look what he said about energy three months ago

McCain is far worse and the problem with McCain's hypocracy is that it shows he's no different to Bush. He's voted on the issues and bills with Bush over 90 percent of the times, the other occasions where he'd opposed them he's now going back and supporting, like his stance on the Bush tax cuts for the rich and his attitude towards the Christianist conservatives. A two faced man with basically the same record as Bush.
Palin and McCain’s Shotgun Marriage

SARAH PALIN makes John McCain look even older than he is. And he seemed more than willing to play that part on Thursday night. By the time he slogged through his nearly 50-minute acceptance speech — longer even than Barack Obama’s — you half-expected some brazen younger Republican (Mitt Romney, perhaps?) to dash onstage to give him a gold watch and the bum’s rush.

Still, attention must be paid. McCain’s address, though largely a repetitive slew of stump-speech lines and worn G.O.P. orthodoxy, reminded us of what we once liked about the guy: his aspirations to bipartisanship, his heroic service in Vietnam, his twinkle. He took his (often inaccurate) swipes at Obama, but, in winning contrast to Palin and Rudy Giuliani, he wasn’t smug or nasty.

The only problem, of course, is that the entire thing was a sham.

As is nakedly evident, the speech’s central argument, that the 72-year-old McCain will magically morph into a powerful change agent as president, is a non sequitur. In his 26 years in Washington, most of it with a Republican in the White House and roughly half of it with Republicans in charge of Congress, he was better at lecturing his party about reform than leading a reform movement. G.O.P. corruption and governmental dysfunction only grew. So did his cynical flip-flops on the most destructive policies of the president who remained nameless Thursday night. (In the G.O.P., Bush love is now the second most popular love that dare not speak its name.)

Even more fraudulent, if that’s possible, is the contrast between McCain’s platonic presentation of his personal code of honor and the man he has become. He always puts his country first, he told us: “I’ve been called a maverick.” If there was any doubt that that McCain has fled, confirmation arrived with his last-minute embrace of Sarah Palin.

We still don’t know a lot about Palin except that she’s better at delivering a speech than McCain and that she defends her own pregnant daughter’s right to privacy even as she would have the government intrude to police the reproductive choices of all other women. Most of the rest of the biography supplied by her and the McCain camp is fiction.

She didn’t say “no thanks” to the “Bridge to Nowhere” until after Congress had already abandoned it but given Alaska a blank check for $223 million in taxpayers’ money anyway. Far from rejecting federal pork, she hired lobbyists to secure her town a disproportionate share of earmarks ($1,000 per resident in 2002, 20 times the per capita average in other states). Though McCain claimed “she has had national security as one of her primary responsibilities,” she has never issued a single command as head of the Alaska National Guard. As for her “executive experience” as mayor, she told her hometown paper in Wasilla, Alaska, in 1996, the year of her election: “It’s not rocket science. It’s $6 million and 53 employees.” Her much-advertised crusade against officials abusing their office is now compromised by a bipartisan ethics investigation into charges that she did the same.

How long before we learn she never shot a moose?

Given the actuarial odds that could make Palin our 45th president, it would be helpful to know who this mystery woman actually is. Meanwhile, two eternal axioms of our politics remain in place. Americans vote for the top of the ticket, not the bottom. And in judging the top of the ticket, voters look first at the candidates’ maiden executive decision, their selection of running mates. Whatever we do and don’t know about Palin’s character at this point, there is no ambiguity in what her ascent tells us about McCain’s character and potential presidency.

He wanted to choose the pro-abortion-rights Joe Lieberman as his vice president. If he were still a true maverick, he would have done so. But instead he chose partisanship and politics over country. “God only made one John McCain, and he is his own man,” said the shafted Lieberman in his own tedious convention speech last week. What a pathetic dupe. McCain is now the man of James Dobson and Tony Perkins. The “no surrender” warrior surrendered to the agents of intolerance not just by dumping his pal for Palin but by moving so far to the right on abortion that even Cindy McCain seemed unaware of his radical shift when being interviewed by Katie Couric last week.

That ideological sellout, unfortunately, was not the worst leadership trait the last-minute vice presidential pick revealed about McCain. His speed-dating of Palin reaffirmed a more dangerous personality tic that has dogged his entire career. His decision-making process is impetuous and, in its Bush-like preference for gut instinct over facts, potentially reckless.

As The New York Times reported last Tuesday, Palin was sloppily vetted, at best. McCain operatives and some of their press surrogates responded to this revelation by trying to discredit The Times article. After all, The Washington Post had cited McCain aides (including his campaign manager, Rick Davis) last weekend to assure us that Palin had a “full vetting process.” She had been subjected to “an F.B.I. background check,” we were told, and “the McCain camp had reviewed everything it could find on her.”

The Times had it right. The McCain campaign’s claims of a “full vetting process” for Palin were as much a lie as the biographical details they’ve invented for her. There was no F.B.I. background check. The Times found no evidence that a McCain representative spoke to anyone in the State Legislature or business community. Nor did anyone talk to the fired state public safety commissioner at the center of the Palin ethics investigation. No McCain researcher even bothered to consult the relevant back issues of the Wasilla paper. Apparently when McCain said in June that his vice presidential vetting process was basically “a Google,” he wasn’t joking.

This is a roll of the dice beyond even Bill Clinton’s imagination. “Often my haste is a mistake,” McCain conceded in his 2002 memoir, “but I live with the consequences without complaint.” Well, maybe it’s fine if he wants to live with the consequences, but what about his country? Should the unexamined Palin prove unfit to serve at the pinnacle of American power, it will be too late for the rest of us to complain.

We’ve already seen where such visceral decision-making by McCain can lead. In October 2001, he speculated that Saddam Hussein might have been behind the anthrax attacks in America. That same month he out-Cheneyed Cheney in his repeated public insistence that Iraq had a role in 9/11 — even after both American and foreign intelligence services found that unlikely. He was similarly rash in his reading of the supposed evidence of Saddam’s W.M.D. and in his estimate of the number of troops needed to occupy Iraq. (McCain told MSNBC in late 2001 that we could do with fewer than 100,000.) It wasn’t until months after “Mission Accomplished” that he called for more American forces to be tossed into the bloodbath. The whole fiasco might have been prevented had he listened to those like Gen. Eric Shinseki who faulted the Rumsfeld war plan from the start.

In other words, McCain’s hasty vetting of Palin was all too reminiscent of his grave dereliction of due diligence on the war. He has been no less hasty in implying that we might somehow ride to the military rescue of Georgia (“Today, we are all Georgians”) or in reaffirming as late as December 2007 that the crumbling anti-democratic regime of Pervez Musharraf deserved “the benefit of the doubt” even as it was enabling the resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. McCain’s blanket endorsement of Bush administration policy in Pakistan could have consequences for years to come.

“This election is not about issues” so much as the candidates’ images, said the McCain campaign manager, Davis, in one of the season’s most notable pronouncements. Going into the Republican convention, we thought we knew what he meant: the McCain strategy is about tearing down Obama. But last week made clear that the McCain campaign will be equally ruthless about deflecting attention from its own candidate’s deterioration.

What was most striking about McCain’s acceptance speech is that it had almost nothing in common with the strident right-wing convention that preceded it. We were pointedly given a rerun of McCain 2000 — cobbled together from scraps of the old Straight Talk repertory. The ensuing tedium was in all likelihood intentional. It’s in the campaign’s interest that we nod off and assume McCain is unchanged in 2008.

That’s why the Palin choice was brilliant politics — not because it rallied the G.O.P.’s shrinking religious-right base. America loves nothing more than a new celebrity face, and the talking heads marched in lock step last week to proclaim her a star. Palin is a high-energy distraction from the top of the ticket, even if the provenance of her stardom is in itself a reflection of exactly what’s frightening about the top of the ticket.

By hurling charges of sexism and elitism at any easily cowed journalist who raises a question about Palin, McCain operatives are hoping to ensure that whatever happened in Alaska with Sarah Palin stays in Alaska. Given how little vetting McCain himself has received this year — and that only 58 days remain until Nov. 4 — they just might pull it off.

Those earmarks have more to do with Ted Stephens and Alaska's oil
McCain is far worse and the problem with McCain's hypocracy is that it shows he's no different to Bush. He's voted on the issues and bills with Bush over 90 percent of the times, the other occasions where he'd opposed them he's now going back and supporting, like his stance on the Bush tax cuts for the rich and his attitude towards the Christianist conservatives. A two faced man with basically the same record as Bush.

sums it up......and one other thing...McCain cares a feck for ordinary Americans...hey what would you expect from someone who is so out of touch that he cant even remember how many houses he has.....
cant believe CNN actually were trying to do journalism....I suspect something.......the idiots on CNN make me barf....with the exception of Roland Martin and Cafferty.....

Absolutely. I can't even watch CNN, CNBC (and I won't even mention the other one). 'Earnest' talking heads. Spasicated talk shows. All of it exposes the weakness of the 24hr news format. With so much time to fill, it becomes more about grabbing the viewer and holding on to them, than informing them. Endless stories about disgraced athletes, scenes of car chases, paranoia, misquoted financiers, etc. It's all crap and nowt to do with news.

The press over here really lets this country down. As the primary avenue for educating the electorate, it really is a weak link. The Yanks need better.
Those earmarks have more to do with Ted Stephens and Alaska's oil

The earmarks are, no doubt, about Stevens, but Sarah Palin emersed herself in it when she insinuated that she was firmly against the hundreds of millions of dollars for the bridge to nowhere...

As we all know now, she was for the 'Bridge' before she was against it. This shows she has;

A. Bad Judgement with the taxpayer's money...

B. She's a liar for not admitting to being for it, then going against it after Stevens got into trouble with Capitol Hill.
She made it sound like she was leading the charge to kill Steven's efforts.

*But enough of this silly BS.


Joe Biden, was just on 'Meet the Press'... He must be scaring the living crap out of Palin and McCain.

Palin and the Republican Party (I find it hard to associate the word 'Party' with the GOP... maybe Rep. Doomed Cluster of Corp./Eval-Cons. is more fitting) ...:lol:

Lemme start over... McCain/Palin are in serious trouble with the seasoned veteran politician, that is Biden.

Biden expresses himself with a calming and intelligently layed out way that McCain and Palin couldn't achieve in another 20 years. The concept that Biden is a 'Big Town Boy', isn't going to fly... for anyone that knows how tiny Deleware is, they'd know there is nothing bigtown about it. He has represented small-town people for more than 20 years. Whilst Palin has less than 4 years under her skirt as Mayor and Gov.

In addition, to the show... Thomas Friedman (NY Times reporter and author: Someone that is very bright. A person I've given great praise and someone that I watched turn to the corp. powers since write his Globalization book)

Mr. Friedman points out that alternative/renewable energies such as wind-solar etc. will take effect for more than 5-10. He displays this point in an attempt to have people look in McCain's direction, but that is not realistic.

McCain has proven that he is very deep into the pockets of the Oil-Gas-Coal industry pockets. There will be little to nothing, as far as government funded science towards such deversions for the interest of fossil fuels, if McCain/Palin are voted into office.

On the otherhand, Obama and Biden come across as the only option that will move the United State towards alternative energies. Mark my words... when McCain/Palin debate this issue, it will make them look like manipulating morons when they suggest that Obama will kill all efforts to keep America moving forward with our need for fossil fuels and throw it all towards wind or Solar or Corn Oil.

Point is... Direction - McCain represents the 'Stuck on Stupid' Americans. While Obama/Biden has the courage to listen for new ideas and stand behind the correct path instead of holding out his hand to the Energy Companies that pay for liar politicians.

Just to back up the Friedman comment about the alternative fuels arguement being off by 5-10 years... My involvement in environmentalism over the past few years, I've made an acquaintence (hesitate to say friend) with an Exxon geologist. He tells me that the 'Clean-Coal' concept is a fictional concept. If science is able to figure out how to use coal in an environmentally friendly manner, it will be at least 10-20 years.

McCain would more than likely put minimal money into science that isn't likely to work for a very very long time. Compared to, Obama that will enact efforts like Solar and Wind immediately.

*Steps off the 'Soap Box':p
Absolutely. I can't even watch CNN, CNBC (and I won't even mention the other one). 'Earnest' talking heads. Spasicated talk shows. All of it exposes the weakness of the 24hr news format. With so much time to fill, it becomes more about grabbing the viewer and holding on to them, than informing them. Endless stories about disgraced athletes, scenes of car chases, paranoia, misquoted financiers, etc. It's all crap and nowt to do with news.

The press over here really lets this country down. As the primary avenue for educating the electorate, it really is a weak link. The Yanks need better.

I've been saying the same thing for years and years...

Although, I pointed out the Documentaries of McCain and Obama (on CNN, last night) because they appeared relatively accurate and almost thorough, more than any other bias program that I've seen in a while.

It was shocking to me that CNN that plays Exxon and Gas and Coal Coalition commercials at nearly every commercial break.
one other fact about Biden...he is the 'poorest' senator in congress...a net worth of only $150,000 after 30 years of service.....and the fact that Obama is worth more is because of his book sales....

both of their personal wealth fades into insignificance when compared to 'please help me count my houses' McCain....
this is interesting......

so who Really is the father of Palin's soon to be grandchild????


Who cares who BP sleeps with (other than Mam P :p) ?

one other fact about Biden...he is the 'poorest' senator in congress...a net worth of only $150,000 after 30 years of service.....and the fact that Obama is worth more is because of his book sales....

both of their personal wealth fades into insignificance when compared to 'please help me count my houses' McCain....

I'm not really concernd with their personal wealth. It does seem strange that Biden has almost none. And to be somewhat fair to McCain he married into his similar to Kerry IIRC.
I'm not really concernd with their personal wealth. It does seem strange that Biden has almost none. And to be somewhat fair to McCain he married into his similar to Kerry IIRC.

It is of concern...because it shows Biden has not enriched himself through his position...while clearly MCCain has...and marrying into more.....but the real issue is by him not knowing how many houses he has at a time when many Americans are losing their homes...it shows he is out of touch...which he is.....
It is of concern...because it shows Biden has not enriched himself through his position...while clearly MCCain has...and marrying into more.....but the real issue is by him not knowing how many houses he has at a time when many Americans are losing their homes...it shows he is out of touch...which he is.....

I suppose that it could also show that he absolutely no idea how to manage money. Not a good thing if you are trying manage the US economy (unless he wants to continue with the status quo of spend spend spend). Someone in his profession at his should have substantially more net wealth than what he has. I suppose it's a good thing he has the cushy government retirement plan. And certainly McCain did look pretty bad when he made that statement considering the housing mess right now. And I hate to tell you but ALL elected officials on the federal level are out of touch with the "average" American.
one other fact about Biden...he is the 'poorest' senator in congress...a net worth of only $150,000 after 30 years of service.....and the fact that Obama is worth more is because of his book sales....

both of their personal wealth fades into insignificance when compared to 'please help me count my houses' McCain....

Great point...

The follow-up question on the show led to Biden explaining that legislation will not be, so largely, scripted by the special interests, if Obama is elected.


I hope that the enormous majority that express dissatisfaction with congress understand that significance of this... The current process of the Energy and Healthcare industry management creating law is causing the declining economy and overall stability of our nation and those investors abroad.
I suppose that it could also show that he absolutely no idea how to manage money. Not a good thing if you are trying manage the US economy (unless he wants to continue with the status quo of spend spend spend). Someone in his profession at his should have substantially more net wealth than what he has. I suppose it's a good thing he has the cushy government retirement plan. And certainly McCain did look pretty bad when he made that statement considering the housing mess right now. And I hate to tell you but ALL elected officials on the federal level are out of touch with the "average" American.

...sort of understand where you are coming from.....Obama has stressed that if he becomes President, he will try and have townhall meetings regularly...though of course they will not be as frequent as now.....
Sarah Palin's first big big mistake...

Palin assumes that Obama doesn't think much of her...

Fact: Obama didn't have a comment about Ms. Palin because she was such an unknown at the time.

Ms. Palin and the writers of her speech decide to hit out at Barak Obama's backround, not comprehending how it might affect the opinions of local footsoldiers that have the respected ear of the communities.


This snyde and disgusting slap at the work community organizers is a fatal mistake.


Joe Biden, on 'Meet the Press' was shown this video and asked his opinion...

He simply replied, 'Oh, It was a good line...' and left it alone.


My Prediction:

Biden is going to get face-to-face in a debate with Palin, and he is going to mash her over the head with that statement. No doubt, they are going to make her pay for it, in a big way.
Why exactly did everyone start cheering before she delivered the punch line? Confused the hell out of me that.
Surely Abama just has to point out that he isn't George Bush and he will win in a landslide.
Surely Abama just has to point out that he isn't George Bush and he will win in a landslide.

If he were running against Bush all he's have to do is raise enough money to have one commercial saying "Hi, I'm not George Bush". However the polls are close. I think in the end the dems will get the vote out pretty well on election day and win. And it probably won't be real close.
Crazy, the polls are such bullshit though.

The Alex poll says: Alex will be the next President of the United States in a landslide victory.
Depends on who you pick as a running mate. If you pick LABOB or AlwaysRedwood no god damn way. ;)
If he were running against Bush all he's have to do is raise enough money to have one commercial saying "Hi, I'm not George Bush". However the polls are close. I think in the end the dems will get the vote out pretty well on election day and win. And it probably won't be real close.

But surely they know that Bush was more cautious than hawks like McCain and it is he and Rumsfeld (and others no doubt) who pushed him into the war in Iraq?
But surely they know that Bush was more cautious than hawks like McCain and it is he and Rumsfeld (and others no doubt) who pushed him into the war in Iraq?

They also knew that Kerry was more cautious than nutjobs like Bush and Cheney, it didn't stop them from re-electing the monkey.
Electing a regular bloke to be President is pretty foolish, really. If you elect people whom you could have a beer with to be President, you really just end up electing some bloke who knows a lot about beer.
Depends on who you pick as a running mate. If you pick LABOB or AlwaysRedwood no god damn way. ;)

I'd imagine Alex's vetting process would be to review the Playboy of the Month details, and no doubt choosing Heff's right-hand lady...


Is it me, or does she look contstipated in that upper right-side photo?