U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Examplpe 2: The Associated Press quotes the New York Times management as admitting that the Jayson Blair four years of lying as a Times reporter is "a low point in the 152 year history of the newspaper."

That is an understatement.

It is the lowest point in the history of American journalism.

It is even worse than the New York Times continuing to brag about the 1932 Pulitzer Prize won by their Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty. This creature repeatedly lied in claiming that Joseph Stalin's Red Army never starved to death so many millions of Ukrainians.


That one one quote is from the AP, heard of them?

I'd be more willing to take notice of that if it wasn't written by a right winger who accepted bribes to write favourable stories about South Africa during the 70's
I'd be more willing to take notice of that if it wasn't written by a right winger who accepted bribes to write favourable stories about South Africa during the 70's

The first part of the quote is from the AP saying the NY Times own management says it's the low point. Anyway, believe who you want, I don't care. If you don't see the media has a liberal bias you're blind. I'm not a conservative or a Republican so it makes no difference to me. Both the major parties are full of liars and cheats doing nothing but serving themselves.
People said much of the same about Nixon. Now he's considered a great president so that line means nothing. Only time will tell what kind of president Bush is/was.

I don't know where you heard or read that people consider Nixon a great President, maybe in the latest edition of 'Fascists Now', magazine.

Just because China has become greatly more relevant in recent years, just because Nixon developed relations with the chinese 40 years ago, and that makes the news every now and then... does not equate 'Greatness of Presidency'.

Once, again... Perspective comes to play.

George Bush messured up against Richard Nixon might make Nixon look like an amazing President. This is a sick and twisted shell game.

Here is the sum of that equation = THEY BOTH WERE DESPICABLE HUMAN BEINGS THAT WERE MONUMENTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE WHEN IT CAME TO HUMAN RIGHTS! They both made a right mess of things that took (and will take) a decade or more to straighten out. (Period!)

ps. Most people understand that the same will come from a person of John McCain's calibre.
I don't know where you heard or read that people consider Nixon a great President, maybe in the latest edition of 'Fascists Now', magazine.

Just because China has become greatly more relevant in recent years, just because Nixon developed relations with the chinese 40 years ago, and that makes the news every now and then... does not equate 'Greatness of Presidency'.

Once, again... Perspective comes to play.

George Bush messured up against Richard Nixon might make Nixon look like an amazing President. This is a sick and twisted shell game.

Here is the sum of that equation = THEY BOTH WERE DESPICABLE HUMAN BEINGS THAT WERE MONUMENTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE WHEN IT CAME TO HUMAN RIGHTS! They both made a right mess of things that took (and will take) a decade or more to straighten out. (Period!)

You're entitled to your opinion. I disagree.
The first part of the quote is from the AP saying the NY Times own management says it's the low point. Anyway, believe who you want, I don't care. If you don't see the media has a liberal bias you're blind. I'm not a conservative or a Republican so it makes no difference to me. Both the major parties are full of liars and cheats doing nothing but serving themselves.

calling out conservatives for doing wrong when they've done wrong isn't bias, the media also contains entities such as Fox News, a station Hitler would have been proud of

reading that the ny times were told of the copying of a news article, challenged the reporter to prove they'd written it, accepted his resignation, conducted their own investigation into his errors/lies and printed a 4 page spread admitting those errors...
You're entitled to your opinion. I disagree.

I am a person that respects opinion...

You are confusing - opinion with fact, though.

When you say 'people consider him a great President' - who exactly are you talking about? The boys on FOX News, or possibly something you read in the New Republic, or was it a rumor at the country club?

Because it is my 'opinion' that overall - that statement is bullshit amongst the general population that know who and what Nixon was and was.

ps... Just want a little backround info on you Cali Red;

A. How many times a month do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

B. What does the name Glen Beck, mean to you?
That post just proved that I'm not wumming now. It is obvious that you're the wum here.

Have am I a WUM?

I'm just pointing out to you that Bush cannot again be President, as he is only allowed 2 terms - whilst you want him to be president in that link.
Have am I a WUM?

I'm just pointing out to you that Bush cannot again be President, as he is only allowed 2 terms - whilst you want him to be president in that link.

You are calling me a WUM again and again for no apparent reason and I used that link to prove that I am not winding up anybody in this thread. I wasn't sure about the third time thing, that is why I added "If possible" at the end of that post.
People said much of the same about Nixon. Now he's considered a great president so that line means nothing. Only time will tell what kind of president Bush is/was.

When's Nixon going on Mount Rushmore, then? It's pretty obvious at the time whether a president or other leader is great. History doesn't need more time to give a verdict on Bush, whose reputation has gone the same way as Neville Chamberlain's - south.
You are calling me a WUM again and again for no apparent reason and I used that link to prove that I am not winding up anybody in this thread. I wasn't sure about the third time thing, that is why I added "If possible" at the end of that post.


If you don't know American Presidents are only allowed 2 terms, then what hell are you doing in this thread, and more importantly in the CE forum?

Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

If you don't know American Presidents are only allowed 2 terms, then what hell are you doing in this thread, and more importantly in the CE forum?

Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

That post was from almost 6 months ago and I still knew it back then. I just wasn't sure enough.
I am a person that respects opinion...

You are confusing - opinion with fact, though.

When you say 'people consider him a great President' - who exactly are you talking about? The boys on FOX News, or possibly something you read in the New Republic, or was it a rumor at the country club?

Because it is my 'opinion' that overall - that statement is bullshit amongst the general population that know who and what Nixon was and was.

ps... Just want a little backround info on you Cali Red;

A. How many times a month do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

B. What does the name Glen Beck, mean to you?

Ah yes, there it is. When someone disagrees with you go to the old 'you must be a neocon' card. How boring. The statement would only be bullshit in your circles apearantly, shouldn't you be off to a PETA meeting?
When's Nixon going on Mount Rushmore, then? It's pretty obvious at the time whether a president or other leader is great. History doesn't need more time to give a verdict on Bush, whose reputation has gone the same way as Neville Chamberlain's - south.

There again, never said he was the greatest president and never would. And why would I want him on Rushmore? And history judges all presidents. To say we know everything now is very short sighted. Don't worry though, your man Obama will be in the chair soon enough.Then the good times are here, right?
I just didn't realize how everyone outside the US is an expert on American politics
There again, never said he was the greatest president and never would. And why would I want him on Rushmore? And history judges all presidents. To say we know everything now is very short sighted. Don't worry though, your man Obama will be in the chair soon enough.Then the good times are here, right?

Yeah, FDR isnt on Mt. Rushmore, guess he was a shit President too, only won 4 elections
One more thing for the neo-consense of Cali-Red...

In case you haven't read a news paper or seen news on tv in the past 4 years...

One the biggest reasons why conservatives hate George Bush and Dick Cheney is because they blew the cover off the farce that is utter neo-consensicle teminology, 'Liberal Media'

For generations to come, that term will mean nothing due to the Plame case of outting a CIA agent to the NY Times, Washington Post's Novak, and NBC's Chris Mathews.

They all ate it and played the neo-con message from Carl Rove and Dick Cheney, like it was their patriotic duty.

So, :p to your silly claims of 'Liberal Media'.
Back to things at hand, I think Biden was a horrible VP choice for Obama, think he could have done much better, even with Hilary
One more thing for the neo-consense of Cali-Red...

In case you haven't read a news paper or seen news on tv in the past 4 years...

One the biggest reasons why conservatives hate George Bush and Dick Cheney is because they blew the cover off the farce that is utter neo-consensicle teminology, 'Liberal Media'

For generations to come, that term will mean nothing due to the Plame case of outting a CIA agent to the NY Times, Washington Post's Novak, and NBC's Chris Mathews.

They all ate it and played the neo-con message from Carl Rove and Dick Cheney, like it was their patriotic duty.

So, :p to your silly claims of 'Liberal Media'.

So now you're trying to say the media in the US is conservative biased? :lol: Now that is very funny. Please, more, I beg you.
So now you're trying to say the media in the US is conservative biased? :lol: Now that is very funny. Please, more, I beg you.

No, I am saying that the media is mixed with both liberal perspective and extremely conservative perspective... the facts have resulted in motivating a public that has voted for 28 years of radically neo-conservitive/pro-corporate executive branch presidencies.

The result has been...

1. Two of the longest running wars in US history for Oil.

2. Due to deregulation of the corporate powers, millions of people are homeless due to the mortgage crisis.

3. The messure of earnings between the top 5% and those bellow, in the past 28 years have left many more millions without a living wage.

4. Do I, really, need to mention 'Healthcare'?

Cali Red... I am a well read individual. You don't want to challenge me. (Fair warning)

Oh, and I have over 8 years experience debating this side of the arguement, here at the redcafe. ;)

Maybe you should stick to discussing politics with the boys at the Coto Bar & Grill.
No, I am saying that the media is mixed with both liberal perspective and extremely conservative perspective... the facts have resulted in motivating a public that has voted for 28 years of radically neo-conservitive/pro-corporate executive branch presidencies.

The result has been...

1. Two of the longest running wars in US history for Oil.

2. Due to deregulation of the corporate powers, millions of people are homeless due to the mortgage crisis.

3. The messure of earnings between the top 5% and those bellow, in the past 28 years have left many more millions without a living wage.

4. Do I, really, need to mention 'Healthcare'?

Cali Red... I am a well read individual. You don't want to challenge me. (Fair warning)

Oh, and I have over 8 years experience debating this side of the arguement, here at the redcafe. ;)

Maybe you should stick to discussing politics with the boys at the Coto Bar & Grill.

This made me chuckle.
No, I am saying that the media is mixed with both liberal perspective and extremely conservative perspective... the facts have resulted in motivating a public that has voted for 28 years of radically neo-conservitive/pro-corporate executive branch presidencies.

The result has been...

1. Two of the longest running wars in US history for Oil.

Thats right I forgot the last time I filled up gas was $1.00 a gallon. Brilliant argument.

2. Due to deregulation of the corporate powers, millions of people are homeless due to the mortgage crisis.

Really? And here I thought it was all those rediculous loans people took out on inflated real estate values, silly me.

3. The messure of earnings between the top 5% and those bellow, in the past 28 years have left many more millions without a living wage.

Odd. I'm no where near that and I'm fine. If people took more self responsibility for their finances instead of spend, spend spend and borrow, borrow, borrow there wouldn't be near the level of problems we have.

4. Do I, really, need to mention 'Healthcare'?

No, because obviously you're going to go on some socialized healthcare diatribe and I'm not interested.

Cali Red... I am a well read individual. You don't want to challenge me. (Fair warning)

Oh, and I have over 8 years experience debating this side of the arguement, here at the redcafe. ;)

Maybe you should stick to discussing politics with the boys at the Coto Bar & Grill.
I think I'd leave off the Red Cafe Debate Team on my resume.
No, I am saying that the media is mixed with both liberal perspective and extremely conservative perspective... the facts have resulted in motivating a public that has voted for 28 years of radically neo-conservitive/pro-corporate executive branch presidencies.

The result has been...

1. Two of the longest running wars in US history for Oil.

2. Due to deregulation of the corporate powers, millions of people are homeless due to the mortgage crisis.

3. The messure of earnings between the top 5% and those bellow, in the past 28 years have left many more millions without a living wage.

4. Do I, really, need to mention 'Healthcare'?

Cali Red... I am a well read individual. You don't want to challenge me. (Fair warning)

Oh, and I have over 8 years experience debating this side of the arguement, here at the redcafe. ;)

Maybe you should stick to discussing politics with the boys at the Coto Bar & Grill.

Lets allow Iraqis who lived through the ''occupation'' to give their verdict as to whether it was the right or wrong thing to do, in 20-30 years time.

I think people will be surprised by what they say, let us not forget an individual by the name of Saddam Hussein was removed from power. At least now there is some hope for the ordinary Iraqi, five and a half years ago there was none.