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So does Jared.Apparently he has to wear that to get action from his wife.
So does Jared.Apparently he has to wear that to get action from his wife.
So does Jared.
Covfefe?hes been delivering alot of Coffee![]()
There's no collusion. This is just the life of a lazy narcissist who likes to delegate all his decisions to other people, unfortunately for him the people he delegated to thought they could arse lick him into accepting some very dodgy advice.Are people here absolutely convinced of collusion? To be honest I haven't reached that stage yet - although I do think it's possible.
I mean, I do think Trump's team was a cess-pit of dodgy feckers but the indictments are for things that pretty much everyone would expect those sorts to get up-to, right?
I feel more-or-less the same about Hillary's lot - and I reckon if you dug into their affairs closely enough you could probably find similarly arrest-worthy shit.
This is odd. The plot thickens:
White House chief of staff John Kelly said Monday that the Russia investigation is “very distracting” to President Trump, despite the White House saying that the indictments have “nothing to do” with the president.
"It is very distracting to the president, as it would be to any citizen, to be investigated," Kelly said in an interview with Fox News's Laura Ingraham.
His tweets aren't for his supporters. They're just intended to anger liberal anti-Americans because...4D chess.
#Kasparov #LOSER
Are people here absolutely convinced of collusion? To be honest I haven't reached that stage yet - although I do think it's possible.
I mean, I do think Trump's team was a cess-pit of dodgy feckers but the indictments are for things that pretty much everyone would expect those sorts to get up-to, right?
I feel more-or-less the same about Hillary's lot - and I reckon if you dug into their affairs closely enough you could probably find similarly arrest-worthy shit.
https://lawfareblog.com/robert-muellers-show-strength-quick-and-dirty-analysisThe first big takeaway from Monday morning’s flurry of charging and plea documents with respect to Paul Manafort Jr., Richard Gates III and George Papadopoulos is this: The president of the United States had as his campaign chairman a man who had allegedly served for years as an unregistered foreign agent for a puppet government of Vladimir Putin, a man who was allegedly laundering remarkable sums of money even while running the now-president’s campaign, a man who allegedly lied about all of this to the FBI and the Justice Department.
The second big takeaway is even starker: A member of President Trump’s campaign team admits that he was working with people he knew to be tied to the Russian government to “arrange a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian government officials” and to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of hacked emails—and that he lied about these activities to the FBI. He briefed President Trump on at least some of them.
Lock him up!
Who on the Leave side honestly thought it was a good idea sharing a video where he squirms so much
Brings joy to my heart to see him so uncomfortable.
Oh god please I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.
This is odd. The plot thickens:
Lock him up!
The simulation theory gets more likely by the minute.
A bloke sharing a surname with sharon papadopolous, which was a name used a gag for about 10 series of birds of a feather, is now a central figure in a plot by the russians to take control of the US executive.
The only possible explanation is that its a simulation, and some coder is having a right laugh.
This is from June.
This is from June.
Strange.How odd given that a lot of journos are referencing the article today. Wonder if there's something else going on in another article.
No posting rule? Aw you're missing out![]()
Nah mate, life and the mood I've been in recently I would just be banned instantly. It's been so hard reading some of the bullshit in this thread and the Trump thread without replying but fun reading you lot doing a good job slapping the muppets down and saving me getting booted![]()
A bit like how he detests Europe yet still lied to German authorities about being resident there for 6 years so he could get a German passport the day after Brexit?There's something a bit disconcerting about politicians trying to pin their own crimes on the 'establishment.' A genuine sense of entitlement that they can do whatever the feck what they want and expect to get away with it because of their own political agenda.
I'd imagine Hope Hicks and Skeletor are on the list.