Trump and Brexit: What has happened to the world?

Spain looked on course to buck the trend through Podemos, and then the lefty losers opened the door for the ruling conservative party to assume power for another term. Yes, when they finally had their backs against the wall and were struggling to form a government, the fecking socialists handed the conservatives the power.
What had happened? Old people who can't get over the fact that the world is changing.

Pretty much.

People get more conservative as they get older so hoping that the voting age demographics mean that conservatism is dying is wishful thinking.

I read in The Guardian that the phenomenon is thought to be pretty much as you say, that the older brain is more resistant to change. Once you get to a certain age you become less adaptive to changing social attitudes etc. Liberalism progresses by definition so could always have an alienating effect on older age groups.
But then why vote for a rich smug idiot whose middle name could be "global trade deal"? And a lot of his campaugn was absolutely shitting on people who are the worst off in the current systems.

I'm not an American, however it is safe to say that Hillary Clinton embodied so much of what they feel themselves to be struggling against. Even small things, like her being a part of another political dynasty of sorts, would go to heighten her elitist status. She would have been better for the poor than Trump, certainly, yet didn't instil confidence with the voter.
You can't seriously not see the connection between claiming one side is regressive and the question you asked initially.

Argggh. :lol:

Okay. The sky is blue. My shoes are blue. That doesn't mean I blame my shoes for the sky being blue. So if I say "why is the sky blue? Don't tell me it's because of my shoes", that's a sign that I'm not blaming my damn shoes!

Understand? The fact that racism is regressive doesn't mean I blame it for the regressive surge. I've explicitly stated that over several posts. I've bolded those statements. I've put those statements in italics. I've just used an analogy based on the colour of my shoes. I literally don't know how you're not understanding this.
The liberal left wing getting hung on preaching and lecturing about people's real lives and how they should feel/think etc - has finally been blown apart. Was coming IMO - I've been saying for a while (but didn't think it'd happen so soon, in 2016)!

Ah yes. The preachy liberal left wing lecturing people that wanting to ban all Muslims is not something anyone should feel/think.
The left calling a lot of people every ism under the sun and being a lot more preachy has lead to a lot of people becoming disenfranchised

2017 will be an important year for the left world wide and will see if they have listened to peoples problems.
The left calling a lot of people every ism under the sun and being a lot more preachy has lead to a lot of people becoming disenfranchised

2017 will be an important year for the left world wide and will see if they have listened to peoples problems.

That's not the word you're looking for.
And does not the premise of this debate ignore the desertion of millennials in key states? These are young, liberal voters, who either went for Johnson or Trump.
Said this elsewhere but this is a failure of a sanctimonious liberal left which largely focuses on individual freedoms when things like community, religion and nationalism matter to a lot of people. And these things matter because it's been hardwired in our genes: we are a tribal species. Within our species, some of us are genetically more receptive to change (liberals), while others favour stability (conservatives).

The problem is that the media and elite are dominated by the liberals who have ignored or arrogantly dismissed many of the issues - for instance, the erosion of traditional institutions like the church or marriage - important to conservatives.

Jonathan Haidt explains all this much better.
And does not the premise of this debate ignore the desertion of millennials in key states? These are young, liberal voters, who either went for Johnson or Trump.
Yeah I agree, racisms would give him 5-10% and maybe the staunchest of republican states.

There's a lot more going on here, and I don't even think Hillary's shortcomings (which are plenty) are the decisive factor either... This is an emphatic vote against the status quo.
its very straight forward the last decade or so has been really hard on the working classes in many traditionally rich country's.

And as we've seen through out history when economic times are hard for a certain class of people they turn to anyone who is offering change.... and extreme parties and politictions get more votes.
A backlash against globalisation and the effect it's had on regular working class people who don't have the means to be as mobile in the world as the rich folks do?
Someone already said it before but indeed, Clinton is the face of the status quo and people are fed up with it.
In the UK and, from what I've seen, the US, a lot of people feel left behind - longer term as a result of the reduction of the industrial base and, more recently, due to income stagnation since 2008. Mainstream politicians of both main parties seemed unable to alter this state of affairs and, even worse, seemed to ignore the problems while governing from their ivory towers (London/East Coast). As such, people have voted for easy solutions proffered by snake oil salesmen who, crucially, were also prepared to talk up white, mainstream cultural identity in an aggressive, unprecedented manner.
Having Clinton run against him was a disaster.
I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but she is inherently unlikable, comes across as untrustworthy and offered no kind of new ideas for people to get behind. It seemed like it was just a case of getting people to vote for her because she's a woman, or the lesser of two evils. When has marketing a politician as the lesser of two evils ever been a good idea?
Someone already said it before but indeed, Clinton is the face of the status quo and people are fed up with it.

Yet they voted for a person who helped create the current political structures by "donating" to politicians in order to get favors in return. Expecting him to fix this system is insane. He got the image of being an outsider by insulting people and creating an image that he is not part of this in-group of politicans, rich people and big industry.
Someone already said it before but indeed, Clinton is the face of the status quo and people are fed up with it.
So they vote for the alternative which will be waaay worse in the long term. Are people really this shortsighted?
Appealing to fear and anger is a winning ticket in 2016.

And the media plays an incredibly powerful role in delivering that message .
So they vote for the alternative which will be waaay worse in the long term. Are people really this shortsighted?
I guess so Vato. Honestly I don't understand what the feck is going on.
Explain this to me.

I don't just mean "people are stupid" or "people are racist". People have always been stupid and racist. So where has this regressive surge come from? Also, what the hell comes next?

Btw, if you don't think Brexit and Trump are part of the same thing, just stop. Seriously.

It is part of the same thing, though. Global recession makes people hate the status quo enabling total chancers make a power grab promising they can roll back the clock to a quasi-fictional happier/wealthier past. Before "others" came to our country, stealing our women, stealing our jobs. Throw in a bit of resentment of "experts" and pepper your campaign with blatant lies. The similarity is blatant.
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And does not the premise of this debate ignore the desertion of millennials in key states? These are young, liberal voters, who either went for Johnson or Trump.

She won voters under 44, and she won by bigger margins voters under 30. Trump did badly with young voters.
In the UK and, from what I've seen, the US, a lot of people feel left behind - longer term as a result of the reduction of the industrial base and, more recently, due to income stagnation since 2008. Mainstream politicians of both main parties seemed unable to alter this state of affairs and, even worse, seemed to ignore the problems while governing from their ivory towers (London/East Coast). As such, people have voted for easy solutions proffered by snake oil salesmen who, crucially, were also prepared to talk up white, mainstream cultural identity in an aggressive, unprecedented manner.

Probably quite a lot of people were also fed up with all the anti-trumpism that was literally everywhere. I couldn't give a shit about USA elections for various reasons, paid absolutely no attention to it, didn't follow charts, polls, didn't watch any TV programmes related to it and still I was constantly bombarded by every single fecking media, 'celebrities' who apparently had this nous regarding politics for some reason, politicians including this cnut president of European Council telling me that Trump is dick and nobody should vote for him because he's literally the second coming of Hitler and we're all fecked if he wins.

Mind you that it's in Poland and I'm talking about Polish media somehow still shoving all this shit down my throat. I believe that there were quite a many people in the USA who were fed up with even bigger portion of all this and who would probably not even go to voting wasn't it for all the anti-trumpism.
It's people who should be voting left to change the economic system who have had their anger misdirected and are voting right
Probably quite a lot of people were also fed up with all the anti-trumpism that was literally everywhere. I couldn't give a shit about USA elections for various

reasons, paid absolutely no attention to it, didn't follow charts, polls, didn't watch any TV programmes related to it and still I was constantly bombarded by every single fecking media, 'celebrities' who apparently had this nous regarding politics for some reason, politicians including this cnut president of European Council telling me that Trump is dick and nobody should vote for him because he's literally the second coming of Hitler and we're all fecked if he wins.

Mind you that it's in Poland and I'm talking about Polish media somehow still shoving all this shit down my throat. I believe that there were quite a many people in the USA who were fed up with even bigger portion of all this and who would probably not even go to voting wasn't it for all the anti-trumpism.

You know what? They were right. All of them.
South Park nailed it as usual with the whole Memberberry thing, people looking backwards and wanting to turn the clock back due to some misguided rose-tinted nostalgia of what their country once was, when in so many ways things are far better now.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiiiiiiine...
As long as people are well off economically they don't care. As soon as there is a little trouble they start blaming anyone and everyone instead of taking personal responsibility.

We won't work towards 'Making America/Britain Great Again' by getting a better education, believing in equality and moving ahead with time. We'll 'Make America/Britain Great again' by moving back towards the stone ages.

Don't tell us what is better for us. Tell us what we want to hear.

But let's not worry too much, it's only a temporary phenomenon (I hope). In the next 4 years they'll find out that talking the big talk is easy, walking the walk isn't. Michigan and Cleveland ain't getting their factories back. Automation is the way forward. There will be no wall. And Color is very much part of America.

May be it's the jolt the progressives needed to wake up from their slumber. The racists, the bigots and the white nationalists are serious.
Agree. My hope is that this and Brexit will work as self-correction. Perhaps, it is what the world needs: a bone-jarring reality check.
If anything good comes from this, I hope it's that my millenial generation learn that voting fecking matters.
It's like an 80s sci fi set in a dystopia future. Trump? That would never happen in real life! The world will be fine. The States however? Perhaps not. Good luck Yankees.
I think a lot is to do with anger at the general state of politics and how vacuous it has become.

You also see it on the left - With the rise of Corbyn and Sanders swinging away from the middle. There was a window of opportunity to change the world for the better in all this that has now come and gone.

It's just easier to pick up votes on a patos-driven ticket. Welcome to the post-centric era.