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He's Ray's Lieutenant/Boss.I've read online that the guy that killed the gay cop is called Kevin Burriss.
I just assumed he was some random goon. Can someone tell me who he is? Have we seen him before?
He's Ray's Lieutenant/Boss.I've read online that the guy that killed the gay cop is called Kevin Burriss.
I just assumed he was some random goon. Can someone tell me who he is? Have we seen him before?
They talked about it in this weeks episode.I dunno, they've ignored quite a lot this season.
There's been no mention of the deadliest shootout in L.A. history since it happened, for example. Felt like a silly plot device thrown in just to get them off the force and skip forward 3 months.
Thanks.He's Ray's Lieutenant/Boss.
I've read online that the guy that killed the gay cop is called Kevin Burriss.
I just assumed he was some random goon. Can someone tell me who he is? Have we seen him before?
I dunno, they've ignored quite a lot this season.
There's been no mention of the deadliest shootout in L.A. history since it happened, for example. Felt like a silly plot device thrown in just to get them off the force and skip forward 3 months.
So the Russians are just going to plow right on ahead with a $12 million cash deal the day after both of their casinos go up in smoke?
yeah, I suppose it is, I guess I just expected more backlash than we actually got from it? Calling it the deadliest shootout in L.A. history and then sort of dismissing it to the background felt a bit meh, for me. I wanted to see far more of the aftermath but instead they just jumped forward three months.It's an integral part of the plot still, though. The shoot-out happened because they were looking to bust a dodgy bloke whose girlfriend had been pawning Caspare's stuff. The assumption being that yer man was involved in killing Caspare. Turns out he was also running a crack lab and willing to have a crazy gun battle to defend it.
A few episoded later we find out gangster Mexican bloke's bird was actually pawning the stuff at the behest of a "thin cop", which Frank found out shortly before said girlfriend had her throat cut by Mexican gangsters for dealing with cops.I reckon the "thin cop" is the guy who offed Caspare.
It's an integral part of the plot still, though. The shoot-out happened because they were looking to bust a dodgy bloke whose girlfriend had been pawning Caspare's stuff. The assumption being that yer man was involved in killing Caspare. Turns out he was also running a crack lab and willing to have a crazy gun battle to defend it.
A few episoded later we find out gangster Mexican bloke's bird was actually pawning the stuff at the behest of a "thin cop", which Frank found out shortly before said girlfriend had her throat cut by Mexican gangsters for dealing with cops.I reckon the "thin cop" is the guy who offed Caspare.
I thought the thin cop was Burris?
I think the identity of Casperes murderer is the classic Scooby Doo reveal detailed in the link on the last page and brought up again in the last episode.
Gah. Haven't watched the most recent episode!
yeah, I suppose it is, I guess I just expected more backlash than we actually got from it? Calling it the deadliest shootout in L.A. history and then sort of dismissing it to the background felt a bit meh, for me. I wanted to see far more of the aftermath but instead they just jumped forward three months.
That's not confirmed btw. Just a guess.
I don't mind the jump forward at all, I think it helped the show, got rid of a lot of silly side plots in a way, I just think we could've seen more of the backlash of the shooting before they did it. It felt very anti-climactic to me.I think that three month jump forward was seen as a reasonable time period for the subsequent shit storm to die down. Which isn't all that far-fetched when you think about how quickly we stop thinking/talkng about what initially seem like cataclysmic events in real life (e.g. charlie hebdo or Tunisia shootings)
He was the guy who came by CF's house and told him that he'll need to vacate since he's no longer on the police force.(I do know/remember Ray's lieutenant, but I didn't recognise him in that scene, and I definitely didn't know his name. I doubt many do/did.)
Also, why when you have the advantage (i.e taking the gun off the black guy and having him as hostage, and getting the goons to drop their weapons), would you just not shoot them there and then? There was no need for that running around in the dark. Ok, maybe he feels bad killing them in cold bloody. But he could have shot them in the leg or something or at least found a way to get them to turn around with their hands on their heads or something.Why was Tim Riggins so afraid of being exposed as gay that he risked going it alone against 5/6 armed men in an isolated tunnel?
He had not nothing worth losing if he were exposed. Reputation maybe?
I also appreciate the bad guys keeping their torches on as to give away their position and make Tims job easier when deciding where to hide and attack.
You don't get that much consideration from bad guys these days
Why was Tim Riggins so afraid of being exposed as gay that he risked going it alone against 5/6 armed men in an isolated tunnel?
He had nothing worth losing if he were exposed. Reputation maybe?
WHAT THE FECK IS THATDid anyone see Vince Vaughn's thumb when he was holding the passport? The feck is going on there.
Agree with all of this. I'm a bit of a crime/ noir fiction junkie, so this feels like a fun TV version of lots of those books (mainly Ellroy's LA stories).Well, exactly. It was all those "hints at wider things" which made it hard to follow. There were almost a dozen different threads to the investigation you were trying to keep a grip on, until they were all left hanging, then ignored completely in the conclusion. It was infuriating.
This season (so far anyway, I haven't watched the most recent episode) the different clues and plot strands introduced are at least followed through on. They recur and are linked together. You get rewarded for making an effort to remember details from earlier episodes. Which makes it far more coherent and satisfying as a plot.
Still think season one was much more enjoyable because the dialogue didn't feel so strained and the performances were so much better (although I am warming to the acting in this one) but as a police procedural, the plot in this makes a load more sense than season one.
Looks like a fat Seahorse.
I think NP was aiming for much higher than that though, the corruption of the entire town/suburb of Vinci from top to bottom, unfortunately I think it didn't pay off because most people don't really know who these big high up guys are because they've had such limited screen time. It's definitely better now though.Last season we had child abduction, ritual killings and a serial killer.....this season it's some shit about a land deal (which affects who apart from Frank exactly?) and some diamonds going missing.
It's been better the last couple of episodes because I've actually become interested to see how the main characters get themselves out of the pickle they're now in.....which is another thing that this season has completely lacked, a genuine sense of something at stake.
Last season we had child abduction, ritual killings and a serial killer.....this season it's some shit about a land deal (which affects who apart from Frank exactly?) and some diamonds going missing.