Television True Detective | Season 2 Spoilers

The main problem with this season is we're supposed to care about characters we've barely seen, let alone got to know, so there's no emotional impact.

This also impacts the main plot, if one such exists. Why do I care which of the minor sidekick characters that killed Caspere? Fecked if I know.
Looking forward to this episode. It's a 90 minute feature length episode, so let's hope it goes out in style.
How does Vince Vaughn's character tie in to the others?
I'm assuming you understand his relationship with Farrell. The others were investigating Caspere, which brought them in the vacinity of Frank (VV), but no more than that. It doesn't appear they even know who he is. Woodrugh (Kitsch) went to his club when trying to find a hooker who knew Caspere, but only brushed past him.
Yeah I get that part, I just don't see enough ties with the rest of the story. Why has so much time been spent on him?
I don't think he has any other connection to the other main characters. Had a drink though so I can't fully recall right now :)
Yeah I get that part, I just don't see enough ties with the rest of the story. Why has so much time been spent on him?
Well Frank and the Detectives are all investigating the same thing (who killed Caspere and why), that's the main mystery and what ties everything together. Through both sides going after the same mystery in different ways we've learned more than we would have just following the Detectives. Guess you have a point that he should have been integrated more with the other main characters though, I definitely assumed it would end with them all being in conflict.
I just started it. None of these people can carry a show. "You can't act for shit," is the most accurate thing in this show so far.
Not usually a good sign when an emotional season-ending finale leaves me thinking: "Man, I'd love some Venezuelan street food right about now..."
There are going to be too many "main" characters to really go in depth with them the way they did with Cohle and Hart.

A load of convoluted plot lines that did nothing. It's a bit like the Star Wars prequels. They looked at what worked and added more of everything else.
In order to "solve" the murder of one person (Ben Caspere), the following people had to die:

  • Orgy guard who got knifed in the groin
  • A bus full of innocent civilians
  • Highway cop Paul Woodrugh
  • District Attorney lady
  • The Mayor Himself in HIS OWN POOL!
  • All the drug lords in the meth cook house
  • The entire Russian mafia in a cabin
  • The Chief of Police
  • Some kid who was the victim of a diamond robbery
  • Frank the smooth criminal Semyon
  • Blake
  • Stan!
  • Some other guy who worked with Stan?
  • Mafia bodyguard shot in the casino
  • Security Contractors of Blackrockmountain killed in underground tunnel
  • Ray Velcro and all his dreams and a car full of guys chasing him
  • Tascha the whore
  • The Mexican gang girl
One investigation resulted in hundreds of murders and every one of those murders have to be investigated. You can see that pretty soon the population of California will be killed off by detective work.
Great theory on IMDB which
states that the brother and sister will turn out to be the heroes of the show -- that the brother killed Caspere for revenge (Caspere had the diamonds which rightfully belonged to their parents). Also that the brother is the assistant camera guy on the film set, which makes a lot of sense.

I have a feeling Ray dies, similar to the dream he has in the 3rd episode where his father is telling him how he sees him getting shot in the woods.
Nailed that more or less.

I was wondering who the twins were even at the end of the series.
The last few episodes were better than this one. Good, not great series with an engaging plot, but definitely not as good as it should have been.

Hopefully Pizzolatto is able to understand what did, and didn't work from the last couple of seasons, and create another story that rivals Season One. I'd doubt it though - do these types of shows ever improve over time?
All we seem to be in the dark about now is who killed Casper. I'm going to guess it's someone not really involved in the main story, but who links a lot of the above groups together... most likely the orphaned boy from '92. Plus that birdman, maybe the same guy.

My main annoyance from the episode was how cringey the final couple of cabin scenes were. McAdams and Farrell have been great, and if that was supposed to be their big moment then the script completely let them down.
Got it right too. And again, I really failed to believe the romance between McAdams and Farrell. I don't know if that was the point (that they were desperate and the idea of running away together was ludicrous), but I doubt it. Think it was just another example of the story failing to build our relationships with the characters in the intended way. Shame, as there was a lot I liked.
Very lackluster season overall. All surface and little beneath which funnily enough you could say about season one by the end but thanks mostly to Mcconaughey and Harrelson that journey was a lot more engrossing.
I feel a bit sorry for the way the characters ended up. Not because they were that great, but they were killed by really unlikeable thugs. Must say that there was something about the bad characters in the show.
As for Vince, Colin, Rachel and the bike-guy .... I liked the romantic touch that Vince' character had, but never got that weird relationship. I was wondering why Rachel didn't join the shooting at the house.

How did those guys find Vince? What were his plans of escape?

I must say that Colin's scene when he went to school to visit his scene was pretty powerful. (I've seen that kind of scenes in many movies, but can't remember any of them now. Anyone else?) It was bitter at the end that the message didn't upload.

Frank's end was nicely shot though.
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Compete arse liquid.

Can't even be bothered to highlight the individual problems with it because it'd be like picking chunks out of someone else's vomit.
I must say that Colin's scene when he went to school to visit his scene was pretty powerful. (I've seen that kind of scenes in many movies, but can't remember any of them now. Anyone else?) It was bitter at the end that the message didn't upload.

Looked like a blatant 'Heat' rip off to me.
Not a popular opinion but I didn't think Vince Vaughn was bad. We laugh at some of the lines he said but that's the script, not him. He was also meant to be a bit of a weird gangster, they did everything they could to make you see him as a good guy so as a pure gangster like the Russians/Mexicans etc. he looked weak in comparison.

As for the season and story, it was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
I heard from few people it's shit. Is it true?
Still dont know why they took Vaughn. I mean he's for comedies with Jennifer Aniston and that sort of thing. Farrell isnt much better

I actually liked Vaughn in it to be honest. His lines are the script, it's not his fault they are utter shit. Plus they tried to make him someone you support/not as bad as the people he associates with so didn't really get to be just that gangster I assumed he was meant to be.

The show itself is shit. They had a couple decent episodes before this finale, but everything around them was a disaster. So many questions and probably too many characters/links they don't fully explain which would have been interesting.
Jesus that was bad.
I had to take a break 3 times during the 90 minutes just out of pure notgivingafeckness.

The two episodes before were improved so I actually thought it might be good but no. It was shite.
Also I'm pretty disappointed that in 8 episodes of pretending she was about to get her boobs out, Kelly Reilly did not in fact, get her boobs out.
I liked that the actual 'true detective' moment again was a light bulb going on in Colin Farrells head from seemingly nowhere. "Wait there were 2 kids and the photographer on the set looked at her. Look they still even look the same."

No they don't Colin and your son is ginger.