Transfer Tweets - Summer 2015 | Stop Spamming - Discussion Should Relate to Tweets

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Would have announced Martial by now who must be on his way back to join the French national squad - still have a feeling there's a bigger one to be announced at the same time as Martial to deflect the headlines from Martial

Why would we want to deflect headlines away from him?

Some of the comments make it sound like they think the club are ashamed of signing him.
Would have announced Martial by now who must be on his way back to join the French national squad - still have a feeling there's a bigger one to be announced at the same time as Martial to deflect the headlines from Martial
Optimistic. It's probably not announced because we haven't dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's.
Perez is going to lose his job if this deal doesn't happen!

He's going to lose his job if it does happen, he'll probably lose the next election.

- Fans unhappy at Cassilas leaving (despite them booing him)
- Fans unahppy at treatment of Navas
- They don't want De Gea
- Ramos situation
- Bale
- Pissing off Ronaldo.
So you haven't watched him too? Yet criticising people who haven't watched him too.

Anyone can just type his name on YouTube, then see his free kicks and claim to be a expert on him. I rather people ask what type of player he is then claim to be football professors.

Besides Dortmund and Bayern, I rarely watch the bundersliga as the matches most the time clash with EPL games. It's mostly La Liga and Serie A for me as their games are on at later times.
agreed, we do seem to have a few football snobs around.
So you haven't watched him too? Yet criticising people who haven't watched him too.

Anyone can just type his name on YouTube, then see his free kicks and claim to be a expert on him. I rather people ask what type of player he is then claim to be football professors.

Besides Dortmund and Bayern, I rarely watch the bundersliga as the matches most the time clash with EPL games. It's mostly La Liga and Serie A for me as their games are on at later times.

Yeah because if I have watched him or not is what drives the transfers, right? I guess you want it that way idea who are players around but act as smart arse and look for chance to criticize manager.
And did I say I haven't watched? Read properly. There is a nice pool of young attacking players around and this guy is one of the names. If you know feck all, at least admit it.
Put that on the main page. At least something Woody and co. arent at fault for.
I think Real are at fault in this case. Just a pity they didn't stop posturing at each other earlier in the window to get it done. Now both clubs are left with two disgruntled goalies. One who doesn't want to be here and one who knows his club don't want him.
Can some kind people please post text transcript too along with the tweets. Twitter is blocked here. Thank you.
facts are facts and it's looking more and more like madrid didn't want de gea as much as he wants them.

Well at least we've apparently dodged having another player here who doesn't actually want to play for us.

If DDG is staying lets see just how professional he is. Meanwhile we can work on sounding out a decent keeper who would actually like to be a United player next season
Can all those having a go at us right now, especially those on here, just digest that news and stop acting like complete feckwits ta.
between this post and the post you did in 'Are united losing their identity' you are my new favourite poster.
Yeah because if I have watched him or not is what drives the transfers, right? I guess you want it that way idea who are players around but act as smart arse and look for chance to criticize manager.
And did I say I haven't watched? Read properly. There is a nice pool of young attacking players around and this guy is one of the names. If you know feck all, at least admit it.

What are you going on about?

I asked who before you went Mr Snobby on people asking who he was.

I've criticised the manager because the forward line is short even with Martial. I wanted to know what type of player he was and if it was someone that we needed like a forward player before you went Mr Snobby on everybody.
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