Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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There was a quote somewhere where Solskjær said it was a decision he happily made.
He has said it. I can understand in a way as we are just playing one actual striker, but you just know one of them was going to get injured. If one of them was a guaranteed 20 goal a season man, but it is a struggle for them to get to 15. The midfield and lack of creativity is a bigger issue.
He has said it. I can understand in a way as we are just playing one actual striker, but you just know one of them was going to get injured. If one of them was a guaranteed 20 goal a season man, but it is a struggle for them to get to 15. The midfield and lack of creativity is a bigger issue.
He made the decision and it was a stupid one. Tbh I think he's on deep water and far away from being able to do the job properly.
He made the decision and it was a stupid one. Tbh I think he's on deep water and far away from being able to do the job properly.
I think the problem with Ole is he believes in his players too much at times and shows too much trust. All three strikers are still learning. Martial picks up too many injuries, Rashford does not have a clinical finishing instinct and Greenwood is a kid, with far too many expectations being put on him. He needed to bring that experienced head in the summer. All the criticism is being piled on them, when they are getting no help from any other area of the pitch, except a young lad just brought in from the Championship.
@DomesticTadpole I agree. From Solskjærs pov it was naive and the blame is with him. They are all promising players and in a year or two they may be ready but it was borderline negligent to not sign a striker.
Journalists don’t get to write the headlines. I’m sure they’d like to. They get sensationalised by the publisher. I guarantee you Andy Mitten did not write the headline.

Again, there’s not one thing Andys written in the actual piece to suggest United are interested in Manduzkic. Just they want a striker, and Manduzkic was an option in the Summer gone who doesn’t fit into Olés style.
Mitten quite clearly alluded to a change of policy regarding the potential signing of Mandzukic. I'm not sure what you're failing to understand.
Mitten quite clearly alluded to a change of policy regarding the potential signing of Mandzukic. I'm not sure what you're failing to understand.
If it’s that clear, copy and paste the bit from the article that says we are interested in Mandzukic in January
If it’s that clear, copy and paste the bit from the article that says we are interested in Mandzukic in January
Even without using the headline it's pretty clear Mitten is saying our policy regards Mandzukic has changed. That's what desperation does.
@DomesticTadpole I agree. From Solskjærs pov it was naive and the blame is with him. They are all promising players and in a year or two they may be ready but it was borderline negligent to not sign a striker.

It may well be a killer blow to him, as there's every chance he isn't around in Jan to try and rectify it.
Always thought he'd finish his career in Munich, ala Lahm. It'll be strange seeing him play for another club. His career is a perfect example of unfulfilled potential.

Unfulfilled? Winning tonnes of titles and a world cup?
Unfulfilled? Winning tonnes of titles and a world cup?
Unfulfilled in terms of becoming the player we all thought he'd become after he burst onto the scene in 2009/2010, winning the golden boot and young player of the tournament at the world cup. He's had a fine career, he just never lived up to his own hype from the early days.
Unfulfilled in terms of becoming the player we all thought he'd become after he burst onto the scene in 2009/2010, winning the golden boot and young player of the tournament at the world cup. He's had a fine career, he just never lived up to his own hype from the early days.

Hum? You may have overrated him then. Mueller was never that talented. He's made it pretty far considering his abilities.
Muller at #10 instead of Lingard would be a big improvement.
Muller at #10 instead of Lingard would be a big improvement.
You reckon? Our main problem is a lack of creativity, Muller is (or rather used to be) a great second striker/finisher but he's never been a prolific creater of chances. Sure, he'd be an upgrade on Lingard, but that's not really saying much.
You reckon? Our main problem is a lack of creativity, Muller is (or rather used to be) a great second striker/finisher but he's never been a prolific creater of chances. Sure, he'd be an upgrade on Lingard, but that's not really saying much.

I think of all the chances, crosses etc that get put in the box. He'd of had a hatful of goals for us this season.

In the current squad actually I'd probably play him through the middle.
I think of all the chances, crosses etc that get put in the box. He'd of had a hatful of goals for us this season.

In the current squad actually I'd probably play him through the middle.
Agreed, he'd actually make a run to the near post or hit the box. He's a quietly effective player - would 100% have him the state we're in right now.
I didn't want Muller when we were originally linked and i definitely don't want him now. Those that do must have a gluttony for punishment or aren't taking in what's happened here over the last 6 years.
Why, might I ask? We are starved of experience and he's definitely an upgrade on anything we have.
I just don't like him as a player and think he'd only add to our issues. I imagine he'd be the next big flop.
Fair, I can see that happening as well. He can play on the right as well though, so I think his versatility would allow him to not be a huge flop.
Our transfer strategy should be signing world class/potential to be world class players in the 0-27ish age group who a)want to come here and b)fit whatever gameplan the manager has. Signing a 30 year old who's already achieved everything, is wanting to leave Bayern Munich and will be after one last big contract is deja vu.
A lamp with a shirt on would contribute as much as Lingard does.

I used to be a huge fan, I really loved watching him play and thought he was such an intelligent player. But it’s clear he’s been on a steep decline and given that fact, along with his age, he’s exactly the type of player we need to steer as clear as possible from.
Muller would probably be an alternative to Mandzuikic. Both are very intelligent players with Mandzuikic more physical than Muller.
Muller is younger too... 30 yrs vs 34 yrs.

Both of them seem past their best even if for different reasons - Mandzuikic due to his age and Muller for some other reason.

On top of their game I ll certainly would go for Muller though don't know what going on with him lately.
I assume price and salary would higher for Muller too
I would totally take Muller. It’s funny but as soon as a player is unfavored in any way, they are automatically, in the public mind, on a decline. Truth is, he was pretty good last year when he played and has lost none of his finishing and guile in the box. He was never fast and still isn’t.

just because he isn’t playing much at Bayern or for Germany, doesn’t mean he’s done for. He’s still a quality player and for a lower fee, he’d be a huge upgrade upfront or at no.10 for us.
Re Muller. Everyone is assuming Bayern will allow leave...which may not be the case
Muller would be a typical bad signing of the likes we have been making. Career has taken a nose dive in the past few years, doesn't score or create goals at any good level and is 30.
Over the hill player whos peak is way past him and who would demand big wages
Our transfer strategy should be signing world class/potential to be world class players in the 0-27ish age group who a)want to come here and b)fit whatever gameplan the manager has. Signing a 30 year old who's already achieved everything, is wanting to leave Bayern Munich and will be after one last big contract is deja vu.
But when half the current experienced players at United need shipping out because they don't perform - one should bring in some experienced players too. Muller would be a good buy for a reasonable fee. Transfermarkt say £31.5 m. But he's not scored a goal in the Bundesliga this season. So haggle.
But when half the current experienced players at United need shipping out because they don't perform - one should bring in some experienced players too. Muller would be a good buy for a reasonable fee. Transfermarkt say £31.5 m. But he's not scored a goal in the Bundesliga this season. So haggle.
He'll be looking a three year contract minimum - probably on about 200k/week. The only positive of the current threadbare squad is that we're in position to offer good incentives to the next big thing. Wasting that on signing another 30 year old on big wages is how we ended up with Sanchez. I don't think a 30 year old who's won almost everything in football is going to come here and run himself into the ground for fourth place.

It's a signing you make when fighting for the league and you need a bit more quality in depth. Not for a team that's trying to overhaul their squad to build for the future.
No thanks. His form has dropped off a cliff and like all players who’ve won everything at the highest level, I’d question his desire to do it for us, rather than just use us as a lucrative pension programme.
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