Television Top Gear

It's a lot more pc and a lot less entertaining. With that said I only ever really liked the specials anyway.
Seemed more contrived than ever. It was obviously going to be but they made even less effort to hide it than previous. Even the interviews (reasonably priced car thing) must be planned word for word to get the Porsche pics on the screen.

I thought they'd have made an effort to make it a bit different, at least change the studio. Screams of being scared to try anything too out there and losing what audience they have left.

Also the sound was terrible in the studio too. Did anyone else notice that? Despite them being in a warehouse type thing it shouldn't sound like they are.

As for Joey, I like him, but for someone who's supposed to be an actor you'd think he'd be able to read his lines without it sounding like he's reading lines.

Still, it's a bit of mindless entertainment if you're too hungover/tired to do anything else on a Sunday evening. That's all it ever was. Shame they've missed the opportunity to make it better though.
Forced conversation, rubbish jokes and staged stunts. Pretty much like the old show then...

It was the same standard show, mildly entertaining thought free entertainment.

Extra gear is a nice addition though I like these guys.
Just watching this now, think it may be a grower and needs a chance, the sound is a bit off with Evans having a lot of echo and yes it comes of as a contrived rip off of the Clarkson version but I feel given a chance it could come good - I wasn't totally put off by it, it takes time to build up the repertoire that Clarkson and co had.

Edit: by the end it was definitely better than the start. Sunday night trash TV at it's best.
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I only saw bit of it, but it was ok for the first ep, i dont know what people were really expecting with Evan and Le Blanc. I am sure they will iron things out. I expect one of the firstgear presenters to join them at a later date after audience reactions
LeBlanc was pretty good, Evans was awful which I thought was strange as I actually like Chris Evans. I preferred the guys on Extra Gear though. As said it will be a grower, once they've found their rythym I sure it will improve.
Just started watching and I cant wait for the Evans segment to stop. I'll give it a chance and watch a few eps, even if the cast is bad maybe the challenges and such will be good.
Feels horribly scripted, and the in studio parts is like mythbusters, eccentric Evans and slightly dull LeBlanc. But LeBlanc comes out better in this.

Oh and trying to imitate the old Top Gear is cringe. Should have just moved on, Clarkson was the immature one and not the show itself.
The only bit they didn't have to change (the lap) they did. Don't touch the fecking lap.

The rest is just poor impersonation of the old crew. fecking awful. Joey was ok-ish, could be fine with a different main host. Chris Evans makes me want to rip my eyes and ears off.
The only bit they didn't have to change (the lap) they did. Don't touch the fecking lap.

The rest is just poor impersonation of the old crew. fecking awful. Joey was ok-ish, could be fine with a different main host. Chris Evans makes me want to rip my eyes and ears off.

The new lap was one of the things I thought they did quite well (apart from Evan's "woo"ing on the water part).

Tend to agree with the general feeling that LeBlanc was OK, Evans was insufferable. It all seemed really wooden, contrived and scripted. One of the great things about the old crew was the way they bounced off one another - the dialogue seemed so natural. Everything Sabine said sounded like she was doing it at gun-point and it was the same for a lot of the rest of the presenters.
I havent seen it yet but do remember it took Clarkson and the gang a few years to gel etc. Not surprised at the comments in here and in the media about it being poor. The new crew were always on a hiding to nothing. Interesting the commentary everywhere is about the presenters etc and nothing about the cars. Maybe that side of things has been lost in the last few years?
The new lap was one of the things I thought they did quite well (apart from Evan's "woo"ing on the water part).

Tend to agree with the general feeling that LeBlanc was OK, Evans was insufferable. It all seemed really wooden, contrived and scripted. One of the great things about the old crew was the way they bounced off one another - the dialogue seemed so natural. Everything Sabine said sounded like she was doing it at gun-point and it was the same for a lot of the rest of the presenters.

Natural really? Their in studio stuff was dreadfully set up and delivered.
The chemistry did come out in some of their features but even 99% of that stuff was scripted and false.

They were their own parody by the end, you could argue it was fitting given the show
I havent seen it yet but do remember it took Clarkson and the gang a few years to gel etc. Not surprised at the comments in here and in the media about it being poor. The new crew were always on a hiding to nothing. Interesting the commentary everywhere is about the presenters etc and nothing about the cars. Maybe that side of things has been lost in the last few years?

Good point, I agree about the cars. The new Viper looks sublime, have always loved the shape of the dodge personally.
Top Gear has been scripted and contrived for years though?
Top Gear has been scripted and contrived for years though?
:lol: It is amazing that, since the change of crew, Top Gear has become this sacred cultural entity that was flawless from concept to execution.

Bring back setting people on fire with a flamethrower attached to a combine harvester and driving into a snow pile that turns out to have a car in the middle of it, I say.
Natural really? Their in studio stuff was dreadfully set up and delivered.
The chemistry did come out in some of their features but even 99% of that stuff was scripted and false.

They were their own parody by the end, you could argue it was fitting given the show

Obviously things were set up but to me it felt like you were watching 3 people who were mates with one another talk to one another like they would if the cameras weren't rolling... whereas tonight was a million miles away from that.
Personally don't think the 1 out of 5 stars as in the title is accurate, it at least deserved 3, much better than antiques roadshow et al which you'd get otherwise on a Sunday night.
Well, I'd hate to moan and this isn't the fault of the presenters as it was a problem I had with the last top gear but they've made the star in a reasonably priced rally car even shitter. 2 guests are fine when its two co-starring actors, two people who work together or have some kind chemistry/link but Jesse Eisenberg and Gordon Ramsay makes no sense.
It's just a more contrived version of exactly the same show, but I did think LeBlanc was actually really good.

Evans? Painfully bad. Hopefully he gets better.
I just don't understand why the sound was so bad.

I mean, evans voice was horribly monitor and squeeky, but the whole sound seemed wrong
Some of the criticisms in this thread are bizarre. If anyone hasn't watched it yet, give it a go. It was good in parts, poor in others, but generally decent enough and worth a watch on a Sunday night. I'm sure it'll get better too, especially when we see more of Evans with cars and less TFI-type presenting.
It was just like the old Top Gear. Not worthy of all the moaning. People have a weird connection to Clarkson. I don't get all the man crushes for him on here.
It's far to similar to the old one to be watchable. The new hosts can't compete and I doubt any other set of hosts would, with the old trio.

In order for the new Top Gear to be worth watching, they needed to completely revamp the show. Hearing Chris Evans try to do the "on this Episode of Top Gear...." is just cringe.
People liked the old Top Gear. It shouldn't be a problem.

Yeah, people liked the old Top Gear. They didn't like a pale imitation of the old Top Gear with less interesting hosts, Chris Evans doing a shouty Jeremy Clarkson impression, boring films, and two presenters with no chemistry.

It wasn't irredeemably awful, but if its going to become actually watchable it has to be brave enough to be different. Maybe not drastically different, but different enough so it doesn't just feel like a bunch of middle-aged men trying to make a fan tribute to the original.
Yeah, people liked the old Top Gear. They didn't like a pale imitation of the old Top Gear with less interesting hosts, Chris Evans doing a shouty Jeremy Clarkson impression, boring films, and two presenters with no chemistry.

It wasn't irredeemably awful, but if its going to become actually watchable it has to be brave enough to be different. Maybe not drastically different, but different enough so it doesn't just feel like a bunch of middle-aged men trying to make a fan tribute to the original.


Evans was way too over the top, the trip was boring and the star in a car was just made even worse if we ever thought that was possible.

It's not a disaster, but it's just a pale version of what was already a stale format. So far anyway.
I can't wait to hate this. Gooooo Clarkson, the Hamster and Captain Slow! Wooooo
I haven't seen it but it's terrible and Chris Evans must be destroyed.