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What talents has your g36 got, I rolled stable and got Deadly, so now it's Deadly, responsive & the bottom talent is on all G36. But mine is a 204

All the gear from the weekly HVT 268gs were loan star

Bet the 230+ DZ is a waste of time 35l golds, no chance for solo players

Provident and Meticulous. Not great but can always re-roll one I guess.

Tempted to pick this back up, once I have finished Witcher 3.

Having not played since before the second Incursion, it'll likely take me quite a while to catch up, I'm guessing.

You've got four(?) L30s. All you have to do is the 58 intel weekly HVT on them and you'll get a bunch of max score gear. Like me you'll still probably be pretty weak in terms of toughness but it is a start.
Provident and Meticulous. Not great but can always re-roll one I guess.

You've got four(?) L30s. All you have to do is the 58 intel weekly HVT on them and you'll get a bunch of max score gear. Like me you'll still probably be pretty weak in terms of toughness but it is a start.
Three and a level 19, or so.

What's an HVT?
Three and a level 19, or so.

What's an HVT?
High Value Target, stuff they've added for PvE as other options to get gear. You do stuff called "Search and Destroy" in safehouses to gather intel, or you can do what I do and go to Camp Hudson and LFG there as most people who LFG there do HVTs and you can get intel from completing them too. If you're lucky like I was you'll get the chance to do Eagle Squad (which gives you the bunch of 268/229 gear) there.
High Value Target, stuff they've added for PvE as other options to get gear. You do stuff called "Search and Destroy" in safehouses to gather intel, or you can do what I do and go to Camp Hudson and LFG there as most people who LFG there do HVTs and you can get intel from completing them too. If you're lucky like I was you'll get the chance to do Eagle Squad (which gives you the bunch of 268/229 gear) there.
Ah, so kinda like Nightfall. A once per week jobbie for good gear...?

Hmm. Sounds interesting. When's weekly reset?
Just noticed the 4th perk of the reclaimer gear set :o I wondered why all hell started :lol:

I think I've been really negative about this game in some aspects. I think its frustration more than anything.
If you could get a regular team to play at set times, and had a real good match of gears, the game could be so much fun
I changed my build up a bit last night and tried the Caduceus - really like it! I just did a couple of the Daily targets and the daily mission on hard, but it dealt a fair bit of damage just on its own. They key is that it replenishes your skill almost instantly if you get headshots. So I was able to keep my support station active pretty much 100% of the time and also firing loads of sticky bombs with very short intervals between them being ready.

I didn't add my best mods to the Caduceus either and yet it still performed very well. But it is still a 182 weapon. Having 4x Alpha Bridge items, and a good 229 Assault Rifle will mean I can use that as my primary weapon and still get the coolheaded benefits. Think that could be a really fun build to use. Will have to see if I go with 2x Lone Start for the extra ammo, or whether having the support station with ammo is enough. Ideally it would be great to have 2 x Tacticians for the 4000 skill points that would improve the effectiveness of the skills that I use.

I know everyone is all over the new G36 right now - but that is going to be nerfed anyway. Which other Assault Rifles do people recommend?
I changed my build up a bit last night and tried the Caduceus - really like it! I just did a couple of the Daily targets and the daily mission on hard, but it dealt a fair bit of damage just on its own. They key is that it replenishes your skill almost instantly if you get headshots. So I was able to keep my support station active pretty much 100% of the time and also firing loads of sticky bombs with very short intervals between them being ready.

I didn't add my best mods to the Caduceus either and yet it still performed very well. But it is still a 182 weapon. Having 4x Alpha Bridge items, and a good 229 Assault Rifle will mean I can use that as my primary weapon and still get the coolheaded benefits. Think that could be a really fun build to use. Will have to see if I go with 2x Lone Start for the extra ammo, or whether having the support station with ammo is enough. Ideally it would be great to have 2 x Tacticians for the 4000 skill points that would improve the effectiveness of the skills that I use.

I know everyone is all over the new G36 right now - but that is going to be nerfed anyway. Which other Assault Rifles do people recommend?
Just a heads up, you can equipt it before restocking, then take it back off again and still keep the extra ammo. That way you get the best of both worlds.
Just a heads up, you can equipt it before restocking, then take it back off again and still keep the extra ammo. That way you get the best of both worlds.
Yeah - I don't mind doing that before starting an Incursion, or something, but can't be arsed to keep doing it!

I still have the Police and Paramedic backpack for the same reason - but don't use them when equipping during a mission.

Would be much much easier if we could save specific loadouts...
Never really used skill points to be honest. Don't think I've ever gone above 18,000k, but what would I need to get this to make my skills stupidly powerful
I changed my build up a bit last night and tried the Caduceus - really like it! I just did a couple of the Daily targets and the daily mission on hard, but it dealt a fair bit of damage just on its own. They key is that it replenishes your skill almost instantly if you get headshots. So I was able to keep my support station active pretty much 100% of the time and also firing loads of sticky bombs with very short intervals between them being ready.

I didn't add my best mods to the Caduceus either and yet it still performed very well. But it is still a 182 weapon. Having 4x Alpha Bridge items, and a good 229 Assault Rifle will mean I can use that as my primary weapon and still get the coolheaded benefits. Think that could be a really fun build to use. Will have to see if I go with 2x Lone Start for the extra ammo, or whether having the support station with ammo is enough. Ideally it would be great to have 2 x Tacticians for the 4000 skill points that would improve the effectiveness of the skills that I use.

I know everyone is all over the new G36 right now - but that is going to be nerfed anyway. Which other Assault Rifles do people recommend?
Did you get the Alpha Bridge in DZ?
What mission did you get the Caduceus in, still not managed to find one
Did you get the Alpha Bridge in DZ?
What mission did you get the Caduceus in, still not managed to find one

I don't have any of the Alpha Bridge yet. You can get 268 items from the DZ or 240 items from Heroic missions. Since the PS4 does not have the other new gear sets until August, I would imagine you stand a pretty good chance of getting Alpha items right now.

I got the Caduceus from Domino on the General Assembly mission on hard. I have grinded this mission before in the hope of getting it, but with no luck. First time I did it after the patch (it was the daily mission) it dropped.

From reading other forums it seems as though quite a few people have gotten it post-patch - not sure if they adjusted the frequency?
Deserve a friggin medal tonight....
Joined a group in the high bracket DZ, picked up some nice things including the hungry hog....To be honest, I'd never use it, so losing it wasn't heart breaking, but I had a decent collection and them 3 decided to change server.... I was willing to go with them so waited a little for an invite and got nothing, so being a bit pee'd off, I went back in solo to collect my dropped loot.

I got all the way from DZ06 to the bottom of the map and quickly hooked my gear up to a group who was extracting, so I felt quite good. I wouldn't have been so bothered but I had a gear set sealed cache so I was determined.

Opened it and got a 268 Nomad vest. Not something I will use in the long run, but jesus, it pushes my toughness from 310 to 427k and with to gear mods to add to it, so I could easily hit around 500k with the mod slots


Really indecisive about what build to go with.
I really liked the firecast idea, and typically I've managed to pick up 3 pieces of 268 and 1 240, but I just feel the only good thing is the final talent but it'd mean remembering to use fire bullets always :lol:

Tactician is one that is really intriguing me. Never really put anything into skill, but it's a creative build with quite a lot of tempting possibilities.

Then there is the Nomad set. Not ever been interested in it, but with how powerful these DZ5/6 NPCs are having high toughness along with 20% health on kill plus another 20 or so from gear and a respawn as such every 10 minutes is also tempting.

I'd couple one of them 3 up with final measure for the 50% exotic buff as fire is such a killer on this game
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Yep, got one on the 2nd run of The General Assembly, Thanks
I'm actually surprised how effective the gun seems to be as it is - given its only a 182 weapon.

Am still going to try to get the Alpha Bridge items and have the Caduceus and a 229 G36 ideally, but it performs well on its own.

Granted, I have just been doing some daily HVTs and missions, but curious to see how it is in practice against my Aug. But having zero downtime on skills is so much fun!
Doesn't seem like anyone is playing this anymore - but if people are up for doing HVTs or DZ, then would be good to get a group of us together.
I still play but my finger is making things a pain with trying to shoot. Should be okay in a few weeks though.
Just a minor problem then?

Hopefully loads will be on GTA on Tues eve for the new races - that should be fine for you because I don't think you use R2 in races.
G36 nerfed in the new patch?
15% base damage, way too much, others fixes

  • Reduced the base damage of all G36 Assault Rifles by 15%.
  • Fixed a bug where named weapons could not have their talents recalibrated.
  • Fixed a bug where the Megamap would not open for some players.
  • Fixed a bug where using the Evacuation Point in Underground before the new Objective Notification has appeared caused the mission UI to break.
  • Fixed a bug where the AlphaBridge Gloves could miss some of their attributes. Note: this change is retroactive, which means that all attributes on existing AlphaBridge Gloves will be rerolled.
  • Fixed a bug where the game music would stop completely when logging out while inside an Incursion.
  • Fixed a bug where recalibrating the last Talent on the PP-19 submachinegun would not yield a free Talent.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sentry Gear Set bonus would incorrectly apply when using The Showstopper automatic shotgun.
  • Fixed a bug where using a Signature Skill could cause the visual effect to be applied to all nearby players (not just group members).
  • Fixed a bug where weapon talents could stack indefinitely while using the Alpha-Bridge Gear Set 4-piece bonus.
  • Fixed a bug where recalibrating weapon talents would yield a random bonus, instead of the one selected in the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where players would die when returning to certain missions after respawning in a safe house.
  • Fixed a bug where PC players would be able to use multiple consumables at the same time.
Still haven't played this since 1.3 came out, looks like it will remain that way. Fun while it lasted, but I might as well wait until most of the nerfing is done - If I'll even bother to get back into it.
Still haven't played this since 1.3 came out, looks like it will remain that way. Fun while it lasted, but I might as well wait until most of the nerfing is done - If I'll even bother to get back into it.
Thing is I still really like the actual gameplay.

Plus, having switched to a new weapon / setup for the first time since the game came out has rekindled my enjoyment of it.
Thing is I still really like the actual gameplay.

Plus, having switched to a new weapon / setup for the first time since the game came out has rekindled my enjoyment of it.

I was away for 2 weeks - and in those 2 weeks the update 1.3 rolled out - they nerffed a few bits I use and I thought I'd wait it out to see what direction to go, and in the wait I've just lost a little interest!
For all it's faults I still enjoy the game a lot, It helps that I am playing with a few guys and 1 plays as tactician. He uses pulse and smart cover and it amplifies your damage massively, actually makes DZ6 fairly simple. Without them you sure notice the difference.


07.14.2016 09:00AM


We come to you today with news on a topic that has generated a lot of discussion in the community: the“monthly events for Season Pass owners”.

When we first announced the content of the Season Pass before the release of the game we wanted to give you visibility on what to expect. At the time we were working on a fun bonus on top of the other activities, a token of thanks for your loyalty and commitment to the future of the game. We soon realized however that the expectations far outreached what we had initially envisioned and quickly decided to work on a more developed version.

With update 1.3, we implemented the first version of the Season Pass events. Twice a month, Season Pass owners will see an exclusive supply chest drop outside of the Dark Zone in the streets of New York. Its location will be indicated on the map, and the chest will be protected by a group of level 32 NPCs. By opening the chest players will receive 3 items of High-End or Gear Set quality adapted to their Gear Score. A new chest will automatically drop and replace the old one on the 1st and 15th of each month, so make sure to claim yours before the next drop!

Update 1.4 will bring more variety to these exclusive drops with random locations, as well as increased frequency.

Once again we want to thank you for your loyalty, commitment and patience; working on The Division and its passionate community is an incredible learning experience for all of us!

The Division Team

The loot you receive is geared towards your gear score - it appears that if your score is over 220ish, then you will get 229 weapons or 268 gearset items.
Got 3 different builds to pick from

Damage build
220k DPS (4004 firearms) 280k toughness (2296 stamina/ 69k health) 18k skill power (1254 electronics)

Tanky build
142 DPS (2035 firearms) toughness 507k (4211 stamina 126k health) 14k Skill Power (1254 electronics)

Skill power
112k DPS (1903 firearms) 370k toughness (3067 stamina/ 92k health) 32k skill power (2392 electronics)
Let's me use my coolheaded caduceus gun, or I could have over 400k toughness and 100k health and no caduceus
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