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Went on manhunt with a randomer. Safe to say I suck donkey balls in PvP. Rogue was 204gs and level 80 though, a few hits and we were down. Lost a lot of Xp but meh, had to give it a try
I bought the Aug for 814 Pheonix coins. Looks ok, but possibly my Midas is still better for my load out.
I've had the AUG when it came out and I am enjoying it, although I'd rather have a few different talents.
I've saved back up and can buy the M1A but I may just wait and see what comes next.

Was about to finish the Tunnel mission today and the group leader decided to kick us all....What benefit he gets from that I don't know
Still need another 230 PxC before I can buy mine...

I take it back, bit of altering and I now really like it. Much smoother with less rpm. Killed my first Rogue with it and I got a nomad mask off him to which I quickly extracted :lol:
Me and @Mr Anderson were absolutely lethal again tonight :lol: Nobody gets supply drops when we are about.... If we had another 2 in the team, it'd be crazy.
Reached 1000 phoenix tokens again, so I've wasted so many not being able to collect tonight.

Did an incursion today and finally got my 4th piece of striker gear. Unfortunately it doesn't really fit with my style, but with pulse and tactical link out, although highly unlikely, it get get up to 250k damage per bullet :lol:
Me and @Mr Anderson were absolutely lethal again tonight :lol: Nobody gets supply drops when we are about.... If we had another 2 in the team, it'd be crazy.
Reached 1000 phoenix tokens again, so I've wasted so many not being able to collect tonight.

Did an incursion today and finally got my 4th piece of striker gear. Unfortunately it doesn't really fit with my style, but with pulse and tactical link out, although highly unlikely, it get get up to 250k damage per bullet :lol:

Cleaned up tonight man. As you know, picked up my 4th nomad gearset from a boss at the library. Can save my dz credits for another day. Built up regular credits again as sold half of what I looted (163 gear mainly and a lot of magazines), might try recalibrate the 2 new nomad pieces tomorrow to increase my fire power or Armor mitigation.

I've fallen in love with the Aug from the special vendor. It's actually brilliant with the right balance. Less rpm and more bullets on the chamber, it just eats through anyone in my way.

But tonight was just class, levelled up from level 52 to 56 in no time.
I only ranked from high 67 to just passed 69.... Getting slow these days.
I recalibrated my striker gear. Drops my gear score from 195 to 191. Lose 40% ammo capacity which I'm not to please about to be honest. Stats atm

Primary: 204k - Health: 74k - Skill: 15k
Crit chance: 35.5% - Crit damage: 209% - Headshot damage: 48% - All weapon bonus: 13%
Dmg to elites: 7% - Health on kill: 22% - Enemy armor dmg: 20%
Armor mitigation: 50.6% (Would like to raise this but so hard to get better gear than I have right now...)
I take it back, bit of altering and I now really like it. Much smoother with less rpm. Killed my first Rogue with it and I got a nomad mask off him to which I quickly extracted :lol:

Got to 801 PxC last night - so will buy the Aug today.

I got a HE M1A from one of the bosses on General Assembly. It doesn't have Balanced, but it has Accuracy and Brutal plus one more. It's not quite as good as a Balanced, but if you can't have Balanced, then the Accuracy is the next best thing. Also it seems they are going to potentially nerf the Balanced talent, so am happy with this one for the time being :)

With my Sentry gear, my headshot damage is at 347% :drool:

I still have two Nomad items equipped - I have one Tactician piece, but don't have it equipped. So am looking for either Tactician or Striker items and will roll with 4 sentry, and 2 of one of the others.
I only ranked from high 67 to just passed 69.... Getting slow these days.
I recalibrated my striker gear. Drops my gear score from 195 to 191. Lose 40% ammo capacity which I'm not to please about to be honest. Stats atm

Primary: 204k - Health: 74k - Skill: 15k
Crit chance: 35.5% - Crit damage: 209% - Headshot damage: 48% - All weapon bonus: 13%
Dmg to elites: 7% - Health on kill: 22% - Enemy armor dmg: 20%
Armor mitigation: 50.6% (Would like to raise this but so hard to get better gear than I have right now...)

I had to recalibrate a lot of my gear to get the balance right for my Aug. Cost me like 500k! When I purchased the Aug, I had 229k dps and DMG was 11.7k on it. My health was 73k with mitigated Armor 53%. My stats are now:

Dps 169k Health 74K skill 18k
Aug DMG 11.1k
Crit chance 44%
Crit damage 144
Headshot 46%
Enemy Armor damage 27%
Armor Mit 59.7%
Health on kill 10%
Damage to elites (I think) 6%
All with a 195gs (3 striker gear pieces)

So my dps dropped 55k with all my recalibrations, but it plays out so much better for me this way. I take less damage and inflict more damage on others. You could see in the DZ last night when we downed a lot very quickly, usually I had to leave you clear a path and I cover behind as I was just about able to down 1 enemy with 1 full mag! I can now drop 2 per mag no probs, level 30 or 31.

I also changed my talents to include more damage from cover to cover, so it gives me that extra boost too.

I mainly concentrate on the DMG of my guns, mitigated Armor and health on kill. Get a reasonable roll/upgrade across all 3 and I'll upgrade to it, or else it's no good to me.

It's fun learning as you go, building a character to your style. Must have a look at my 4 piece nomad stuff later and See if it is any good to me.
@Mr Anderson What time are you on today? I'm off so I'll probably be in and out of the game a lot.
Also, @ravi2, if you ever see me in the DZ and want to join mine/our game, feel free. I notice you go in quite a bit late at night when I'm about off, but if you see us on, feel free
Set pieces are like buses, never got one in DZ before and picked up 2 in less the 1 hour, Nomad gloves (already got) and striker gloves now running with 4 striker and 2 sentry gear
Bought the AUG. Running 3 Striker, 2 Nomad and a Tactician at the moment.

251k DPS, 60k Health, 12k Skill.

Not sure on other stats off the top of my head.

I'll play about with it soon as I want health at 70k, Skill 15k and 225k DPS and im sure with some recalibrations I can do it.
Bought the AUG. Running 3 Striker, 2 Nomad and a Tactician at the moment.

251k DPS, 60k Health, 12k Skill.

Not sure on other stats off the top of my head.

I'll play about with it soon as I want health at 70k, Skill 15k and 225k DPS and im sure with some recalibrations I can do it.
Armor is more important then health, nearer to 65% defence you are the better.
Armor is more important then health, nearer to 65% defence you are the better.

I must be pretty high but I will check. My Teal Holster is 830 Armor and chest is 1260 plus a few other good pieces so must be high. Saying that, I got flattened on Lex challenging a few times and I used to walk them missions with 85k health and 150k DPS.
Armor is more important then health, nearer to 65% defence you are the better.

This. I don't really bother paying attention to dps and health scores Anymore, maybe as initial gauge but that's it. That with a health on kill talent on a gear of some sort and you are doing well to begin with for DZ4 up action. Look at DMG instead of dps too

My dps with Aug was 230k when I purchased it, recalibrated and dps dropped to 172k (DMG is only a difference of 500 on my primary) but with a much more balanced character I survive a lot more and can do better in higher DZ areas. I increased mitigated Armor to 59% also.

Dps is basically Of no use in terms of true value. Using the right talents as well is important.
Another week of Tactical ACR blueprints. Second weapon blueprint at the DZ03 vendor is Black Market M60 E6. So it looks like it's random, don't think they'd hand-pick the ACR two weeks in a row.
This. I don't really bother paying attention to dps and health scores Anymore, maybe as initial gauge but that's it. That with a health on kill talent on a gear of some sort and you are doing well to begin with for DZ4 up action. Look at DMG instead of dps too

My dps with Aug was 230k when I purchased it, recalibrated and dps dropped to 172k (DMG is only a difference of 500 on my primary) but with a much more balanced character I survive a lot more and can do better in higher DZ areas. I increased mitigated Armor to 59% also.

Dps is basically Of no use in terms of true value. Using the right talents as well is important.

Yeah, DPS should only be used as a guide. Generally if you are an offensive player, a higher DPS will mean you are likely maximising your damage output and if that suits your style of play, that is fine.

Just checked my stats:

Crit Hit Chance 55%
Crit Hit Damage +155%
Headshot Damage +113%
Enemy Armor Damage +40%
Armor Mitigates 58.12% Weapon Damage

But I'm taking huge damage because my healthy not entirely convinced on the Armor a it as mines not exactly low but I used to survive way longer with 80k+ and Purple Armor with low Armor scores (and so lower Mitigation). I will play about today and see what feels best.

With 13.1k Damage on the AUG and those Crit Scores I can solo The Pit and MidTown pretty quickly...if I get the first shot off!
Nice. You aren't too far away from a balanced character. You prob will sacrifice DMG a bit. As I said my Aug now does 11.2k and I can still do the pit with a little patience and timing. Health is 74k so you aren't too far off. Some form of stamina mod and a little recalibration and you'd be mid 70s
Anybody on ps4 want to do incursion? Tried it with randoms but they either leave/ don't have a mic / useless.
Anybody got any 204 items while in the DZ, just curious.
I'm away this weekend, so I turned the xbox on, ran to the DZ, killed a named person and ran back lol, didn't even check what the item was
A quickish Incursion run @Levo, get anything decent. Ended up with 114gs tactician vest and 191gs tactician backpack.
Got a sentry call vest which was of no use an a better strikers backpack to use.

Headed into the DZ after you went and got put as a manhunt! Ran round the whole DZ to escape everyone. The two you were with seem good lads.
How do you unlock the extra few weapon skins anyways? I've done challenging on Lexington, Russian Consulate and lincoln a few times and never got any weapon skin.
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Still haven't done Incursion although i'm only GS182

Whats the best method or can anyone show me a good youtube video?
Still haven't done Incursion although i'm only GS182

Whats the best method or can anyone show me a good youtube video?

It's actually quite easy. Jump down and make a run for it to the middle. There is a small underground part which can be defended quite easily.
If you have a team of 4 who do the same, as long as you have life support machines that you can throw out regular, it's pretty straight forward.

The big problem is when one team member decides to become a hero and leave the underground part
It's actually quite easy. Jump down and make a run for it to the middle. There is a small underground part which can be defended quite easily.
If you have a team of 4 who do the same, as long as you have life support machines that you can throw out regular, it's pretty straight forward.

The big problem is when one team member decides to become a hero and leave the underground part

Those underground ventilation points? The APC can't get you if you go under there? okay i'll try it out later on, thanks !
Those underground ventilation points? The APC can't get you if you go under there? okay i'll try it out later on, thanks !

They can get down there, but they tend not to, and if they do wander down, if two protect each side, you should kill them off quickly.
Be warned though, every so often one or two will jump down so if you don't watch the middle they can take you by surprise, but if life support machines are out most of the time, you can always revive yourself
Those underground ventilation points? The APC can't get you if you go under there? okay i'll try it out later on, thanks !
APC can't hit you but the NPCs will jump down the middle. There's a breakdown somewhere of what NPCs spawn on which waves. The shotgunners are the ones you want to watch out for as they do take you by surprise.
Died on wave 14 of challenging incursion. :(

Luck over skill to get that far and a fair amount of raping the signature skills. 2 of the team changed positions on the final wave to try and survive right by the switches. Idiots.