Gaming Tom Clancy's - The Division | Division 2 announced

@Damien - Fancy a shot at Falcon Lost tonight, after the match? Kate should be on, so we'll need another. Don't reckon we'll finish it, but we can at least get a feel for it and try to formulate some kind of strategy.
@Damien - Fancy a shot at Falcon Lost tonight, after the match? Kate should be on, so we'll need another. Don't reckon we'll finish it, but we can at least get a feel for it and try to formulate some kind of strategy.
Yeah. Got the Striker's kneepads and about 60 PXC away from Striker's mask blueprint so will get that at some point in next few hours as the 20% extra armour damage will help in addition to the 34% I currently have.
Got my gear score up to 162. A guy accidently went rogue so I was a bastards and put him down. Got the high end vector off of him for his troubles! 5 gold gear pieces with just one purple left now
Was that in DZ06 about 20 minutes ago by any chance?

I teamed up with a randomer because it was rogue central in there and took him to DZ06 safehouse to show him where to but one of the gear sets. He accidentally shot some guy and instead of letting the timer run down the 4 of them gunned us down when it was clearly an accident. I had some high end gun that I lost, but never really got to see what.
Yeah. Got the Striker's kneepads and about 60 PXC away from Striker's mask blueprint so will get that at some point in next few hours as the 20% extra armour damage will help in addition to the 34% I currently have.
Sweet. I'll use my main character and rig him up for big heals, as much as I can. I'm guessing you're going for damage.
I think they have gotten the loot completely wrong. They have made greens, blues and now purples almost irrelevant. It takes no time at all to get to a stage where you have mainly purple gear with maybe an odd yellow, then to all yellow.

The progression from being excited to see a blue drop, to being disappointed with the yellow drop you have just received is way too fast.

I still like the game, but not sure how they can address the above - the horse having bolted and all that.

Also, the Level 160 split for the DZ is ridiculous - it should be more like 180 at a minimum. The difference between someone who has mainly level 30 gear and weapons (and is pushed into the 160+ range) to someone who is crafting the highest rated weapons and gear in the game is huge. Given that they have added additional layers of DZ levels, it doesn't make sense that they established such a low division between the levels.

For all the good they are trying to do, with constant maintenance, bringing out new stuff is good to see, but I agree with your points.
Why they have made HE stuff readily available is mind boggling so early in the game. I can only imagine it's peer pressure and they have succumbed to it.

Seeing that yellow glow was a great feeling, and when in your possession, was really careful. Now, If I die with HE stuff, I'm not at all bothered really.
Really taken away the excitement away from the DZ.

As for level caps, not really come across a rogue yet, I'm level 171, but I work the middle areas of the maps. It seems to me their are two types of rogues.
The wimps who hang around the early DZ spots for easy kills, or the good ones that actually battle it out in DZ06.
I don't really get hassled
I don't think the update is that great at all. The fact yellows are so easy to get is ridiculous, and gear score isn't really accurate either - I've got the worst DPS and health out of the 3 people I play with, yet the second highest gear score.

I also don't get that incursion that's coming soon - you need a minimum gear level of 220 (pretty much all yellows?), and the reward for completing it is a purple gear item :lol:?
Was that in DZ06 about 20 minutes ago by any chance?

I teamed up with a randomer because it was rogue central in there and took him to DZ06 safehouse to show him where to but one of the gear sets. He accidentally shot some guy and instead of letting the timer run down the 4 of them gunned us down when it was clearly an accident. I had some high end gun that I lost, but never really got to see what.

No unfortunately that wasn't me although it would have been hilarious to find out it was someone from the caf. I was on a lowly 90 gear score and the kill was there for the taking so had to be done.
No unfortunately that wasn't me although it would have been hilarious to find out it was someone from the caf. I was on a lowly 90 gear score and the kill was there for the taking so had to be done.
Bah! We could have become lifelong enemies. The first night me and my mate went into the DZ were set upon by a group of rogues lead by someone calling themselves DeclanMUFC. It felt like a betrayal, so I repeatedly hunted and shot him down. If I ever see him again I'll shoot him on sight too.

Anyone tried the Tenebrae sniper rifle? I'm very close to being able to afford it, but still a bit torn.
You on now? What's your gamer tag?
Bah! We could have become lifelong enemies. The first night me and my mate went into the DZ were set upon by a group of rogues lead by someone calling themselves DeclanMUFC. It felt like a betrayal, so I repeatedly hunted and shot him down. If I ever see him again I'll shoot him on sight too.

Anyone tried the Tenebrae sniper rifle? I'm very close to being able to afford it, but still a bit torn.
@Brocky tried it (he got the blueprint and crafted one a while back), he'll be able to give his view.
Better than most gamertags.
I suppose it is actual words.

I think the DZ has lost a lot of it's charm since the update. I used to be able to go in on my own, help some people out and they in turn wouldn't attack me. Usually. Now it's not a matter of if you will be attacked, it's when. There's no point in helping someone clear out a zone with a named guy just so you can get the phoenix credits and gold item as they are 9 times out of 10 going to attack you straight afterwards anyway. It's fine in a group but almost unplayable on your own now.
Accepted. I'll probably not be on again until after 10pm tonight. But invite me if you fancy teaming up whenever I'm on.

Yeah I won't be on till later now anyway. I got stuck trying to extract like 6 golds before and missed half an hour of the game! :mad:
Gear score of 177


Having quite a bit of fun in the DZ just matchmaking with randoms. Was just running around killing bosses yesterday and today and before I'd even noticed it I'd gained an extra 200 phoenix credits.
Had a good run today. Got a HE Vest from a Midtown chest with Reckless that with a recalibration put me from 130k DPS to 160K and also bumped my Skill 5k too. Picked up a Midas, Converted SMG-9 A2, and an Enhanced AUG A3P that all run 140-155K DPS with some good talents active. The Converted has 8.2k Damage with a 64 Clip, Accuracy increased by 45%, Crit Hit chance increased by 7.5% and Crit Hits heal the user 3% of damage dealt. Gonna have a play with this one.

Picked up a HE Hunting M4 which doesn't really give me Covert SRS marksman any competition so dropped it for a mate. Also got a HE AR which runs 120K DPS but not enough about it for me to drop my SMGs just yet.

Current Build

Primary : Vector 164k DPS
Secondary : Covert SRS 125K DPS

Health : 71K, Armor Mitigation 55%

Skill : 14,471

Just noticed the Special Vendor in BOO is offering a Blueprint for an Assault Rifle. Military SA-SB. Damage Range is 11829-12601 with a 39 Mag. Is that mag based on the extended mags ive got available or is that it's base mag size? Also seems pretty strong damage...might be the AR im after? Or anyone know of something else I should be looking out for?
Wish my Vector bullets wouldn't jam on the last one every time
I've just dropped my vector for a HE Aug which I've been wanting after using an Aug in the early rounds of the game. Desperately on the lookout for a HE sniper now as the one I'm currently using is purple and isnt strong enough to get the job done in dz06 really.
The Tenebrae isn't all I'd been hoping for. It doesn't hit very hard and it's recoil is a bit shit. It's still better than The Liberator I'd been using for longer range encounters, but I'm hoping to pick up a HE SRS or similar soon.
Wish my Vector bullets wouldn't jam on the last one every time

I've been noticing this :s I was in an incursion today and at 0 bullets it wouldn't reload for me, which put me down. Revived and reloaded...

As for the DZ, I feel like I'm getting a raw deal here. I expected all the better dropped loot comes from the higher end bosses. I just feel like everything that is dropping atm from DZ4+ is average pieces of equipment
I've been noticing this :s I was in an incursion today and at 0 bullets it wouldn't reload for me, which put me down. Revived and reloaded...

As for the DZ, I feel like I'm getting a raw deal here. I expected all the better dropped loot comes from the higher end bosses. I just feel like everything that is dropping atm from DZ4+ is average pieces of equipment
I've been getting the same with the DZ loot. Maybe one in 20 items is of any use to me and I don't think I got any of them from DZ06.

Today is the buggiest I've seen it. I couldn't revive people at one point, the sound was all over the place, medpacks weren't working a lot of the time, my DPS score was all over the place going up and down by 20k when I went in and out of my menu. At one point the emote menu popped up on the screen and wouldn't go away in the middle of combat. It felt sluggish and jerky in the DZ most of tonight. Dunno what the hell was going on with it.
Made it to wave 8 a few times. I'm sure we can make it further, just a case of being exhausted. Will try again tomorrow probably, good job @Brocky @paulscholes18
If you all die is it back to the very start or just the start of that wave?

Also are there named bosses in each wave for good loot. Or a case of if your not going to get to the end, don't bother as you won't get any gear to make you stronger?
If you all die is it back to the very start or just the start of that wave?

Also are there named bosses in each wave for good loot. Or a case of if your not going to get to the end, don't bother as you won't get any gear to make you stronger?

All the way back, no named bosses after each wave.

I had an instance where we were on wave 8 yesterday and i took us back to the start of wave 8. But when we died on wave 13 it took us back to the start.... so it's weird.
Maybe he found a nuke launcher?

What's the green stuff though? Isn't the standard green stuff a lighter shade of green usually?

That's the new gear sets. I managed to pick up one of them yesterday. They are being sold in DZ06
Pretty much tactics we used. Only difference is we would sometimes fall back to the very back of the room to deal with the rushers.
I just stayed at the bottom from start to wave 8 where we died the few times. Read the first half of the link and good to see that on the whole the tactics we came across naturally are seen as some of the better ones.

  1. Someone had a turret, tried it and just naturally saw it deal with the rushers on one side plus when closeish to the middle it has great height to deal with the drones too.
  2. @paulscholes18 and I had Survivor Link and kept using it when Brocky went on the bomb run.
  3. I originally had smart cover but quickly found that it is pretty much useless for the pit part so changed to the first aid overheal (had tactical pulse for other option from the start which was pretty much constantly up as Brocky used ammo bag).
  4. I did the double revive when I could too.
  5. On wave 8 on one run I was last person standing and managed to kill a bunch of rushers in time without dying which made me feel awesome.

Also for the people who mentioned about weapon jamming, that is a bug with the "One is None" talent at the moment so I suggest changing that out for the time being.
All the way back, no named bosses after each wave.

I had an instance where we were on wave 8 yesterday and i took us back to the start of wave 8. But when we died on wave 13 it took us back to the start.... so it's weird.
Ouch, sounds like I'll wait a bit an get a few more bits of gear and such before committing t giving it a shot.
What exactly is the double revive? An American was trying to tell another American about it on game chat one night and kept just saying "You double revive them. See?" with no real explanation, followed by repeatedly telling everyone to double revive.
Is there any point in keeping hold of campaign currency currently? I have like 600k built up and nothing worth buying with it. Was thinking to buy stuff to then just deconstruct them for parts.
What exactly is the double revive? An American was trying to tell another American about it on game chat one night and kept just saying "You double revive them. See?" with no real explanation, followed by repeatedly telling everyone to double revive.

You keep holding the revive button an extra second after reviving a downed man. It gives them another life.

So when they die again, they pop straight back up without needing a revive.

It's on YouTube if my explanation isn't good enough.
You keep holding the revive button an extra second after reviving a downed man. It gives them another life.

So when they die again, they pop straight back up without needing a revive.

It's on YouTube if my explanation isn't good enough.
Yep - you will see the text at the bottom of the screen "swoosh revived by x" appear twice if you have done it correctly / held the button long enough.