Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Has there ever been a celebrity appearance on Raw that wasn't terrible?

The Entourage guys were shit but still probably the best I can remember.
Wasn't that exactly what we said in convo that ROH needs right now. fantastic news!

Pretty much exactly what we mentioned, big risk going head to head with Lucha Underground and NXT but this is a huge deal for them, they're starting with some of the NJPW crossover shows I believe, which with match ups like Jushin Liger vs Dalton Castle should be at the very least hugely entertaining!

Awful. Terrible. Awful. That was Sandow as Magneto? Urghh.

Jon Stewart wasn't awful.

I vaguely remember the Muppets being more fun than I expected.

They should have left the Jon Stewart thing when Seth appeared in the Daily Show, that was cool. Him on Raw was pretty cack.
Rusev was GOAT you bunch of nuggets.

GODbrose is still god.
Creative (Vince) needs to change. Rusev, Bray both lost their momentum after losing to Cena (though rusev lost US title, lana, undefeated streak, WM match and even representing Russia, lol). Bray was on a down after the Cena loss and the Jericho loss pretty much put the flame out.

Ambrose is still liked but Im sure hes only won one PPV match since Shield broke up and that was just recent.
Only just started getting back into Wrestling lately as I was a huge fan from Hogan \ Warrior era all the way to WCW \ ECW and up until about 5 years ago, Then kind of lost interest as I didn't like the WWE roster at the time and the whole PG rating change thing. So can someone answer me a few questions?

- Does Chris Jericho still wrestle, If so why is he nowhere near the World Title?
- Why is ROH so highly regarded?
- With TNA why has it gone so bad, was it all just bad booking or inside stuff?
Only just started getting back into Wrestling lately as I was a huge fan from Hogan \ Warrior era all the way to WCW \ ECW and up until about 5 years ago, Then kind of lost interest as I didn't like the WWE roster at the time and the whole PG rating change thing. So can someone answer me a few questions?

- Does Chris Jericho still wrestle, If so why is he nowhere near the World Title?
- Why is ROH so highly regarded?
- With TNA why has it gone so bad, was it all just bad booking or inside stuff?
1, Semi-retired sadly, pops up for a month or two here and there.
2, High quality matches(wrestlers given way more freedom), and less bolloxing about.
3, Both.
Creative (Vince) needs to change. Rusev, Bray both lost their momentum after losing to Cena (though rusev lost US title, lana, undefeated streak, WM match and even representing Russia, lol). Bray was on a down after the Cena loss and the Jericho loss pretty much put the flame out.

Ambrose is still liked but Im sure hes only won one PPV match since Shield broke up and that was just recent.

Rusev lost his momentum because it's hard to care about the 934th reincarnation of USA vs far away country. USA will always come out on top. The gimmick itself is poor. The focus should be on the brute aspect, not on the country vs country.
@Zarlak Maybe, but it worked didnt it? And guy can go in the ring. Big wins over Show, Henry, Swagger helped and the feud with Cena has done absolutely nothing for him short term nor possibly long term.
@Zarlak Maybe, but it worked didnt it? And guy can go in the ring. Big wins over Show, Henry, Swagger helped and the feud with Cena has done absolutely nothing for him short term nor possibly long term.

It didn't really work. People like Rusev, they never really cared about the Russia thing. The crowd and announcers openly laugh at Lana when she pronounces Putin. The only thing great about the Russia thing was his entrance with a tank.

I like the fued with Cina. Long fueds trading wins are good. I don't want to see someone squash the 18th person in 18 weeks. That's piss poor and predictable. Likewise you don't need to crush the number one star in the business to have something done for you. Simply being in a title fued for so long with the companies top star does a lot for you.
It didn't really work. People like Rusev, they never really cared about the Russia thing. The crowd and announcers openly laugh at Lana when she pronounces Putin. The only thing great about the Russia thing was his entrance with a tank.

I like the fued with Cina. Long fueds trading wins are good. I don't want to see someone squash the 18th person in 18 weeks. That's piss poor and predictable. Likewise you don't need to crush the number one star in the business to have something done for you. Simply being in a title fued for so long with the companies top star does a lot for you.
Aye, the tank was awesome, but otherwise the Russian shtick could have been skipped, and just let him be the Bulgarian brute, though any excuse for more Lana.
Except it didnt really do anything for Rusev did it? Much like Wyatt same time last year. Neither are better off because of the feud (nor even the same). Most people actually predicted this would happen to Rusev :/
Except it didnt really do anything for Rusev did it? Much like Wyatt same time last year. Neither are better off because of the feud (nor even the same). Most people actually predicted this would happen to Rusev :/

You seem to think something has happened to him? He's involved in a high profile fued, that's great for him. What do you want, for him to be on top crushing everyone in sight and winning every title like everybody seems to want for all their fan favourites? He's gone from NXT to a high profile fued with the number one guy in the business. What do you want to be done for him?
Well, we will see what happens with Rusev long term. Short term hes lost everything he had and is clearly not better from his feud with Cena. (and dont get me wrong, im not blaming Cena for this).
I just brought him up as a comparison to Bray though. After the feud, Bray got pushed down, put into a feud with Jericho, Ambrose then a match with Taker and now Ryback. As I said, same thing will happen to Rusev because theres history to compare it with. They have no idea what to do with Bray and Rusev will be stuck in the same position soon. Rusev has gone form US title to IC title (well now injured).

One of the two (Bray or Rusev) would have benefited from winning the feud with Cena. (Bray would have benefited from either beating Taker or Cena at WM). Id like to see WWE have the ability to make more than one star at a time (rather than luck into some)
Well, we will see what happens with Rusev long term. Short term hes lost everything he had and is clearly not better from his feud with Cena. (and dont get me wrong, im not blaming Cena for this).
I just brought him up as a comparison to Bray though. After the feud, Bray got pushed down, put into a feud with Jericho, Ambrose then a match with Taker and now Ryback. As I said, same thing will happen to Rusev because theres history to compare it with. They have no idea what to do with Bray and Rusev will be stuck in the same position soon. Rusev has gone form US title to IC title (well now injured).

One of the two (Bray or Rusev) would have benefited from winning the feud with Cena. (Bray would have benefited from either beating Taker or Cena at WM). Id like to see WWE have the ability to make more than one star at a time (rather than luck into some)

Creative has put itself in a position where it can look directionless or can branch to a number of good stories.

The Rollins vs Ambrose buildup is just piss poor. With all 3 Shield members in the limelight, the breaking up of Shield is never mentioned (except occasional references by Rollins). They are beefing up on the Lunatic Fringe thingy which cannot be hold up on its own. Give it a nice storyline and it becomes awesome.

After elimination chamber, we'll see a lot of open ends. Ambrose, Bray, Ryback, Rusev, Ziggler, Sheamus etc are all open and have no storylines.
Who's next for New Day in tag teams...Harper/Rowan?
Only just started getting back into Wrestling lately as I was a huge fan from Hogan \ Warrior era all the way to WCW \ ECW and up until about 5 years ago, Then kind of lost interest as I didn't like the WWE roster at the time and the whole PG rating change thing. So can someone answer me a few questions?

- Does Chris Jericho still wrestle, If so why is he nowhere near the World Title?
- Why is ROH so highly regarded?
- With TNA why has it gone so bad, was it all just bad booking or inside stuff?

1) He keeps leaving and returning, law of diminishing returns, he's garbage now.
2) It's all down to one man

3) It's just hit the point where nobody has any faith in them to not drop the ball any more, which is quite a depressing thought about how bad they are. Not just the booking but general stuff in the back too.
Well, we will see what happens with Rusev long term. Short term hes lost everything he had and is clearly not better from his feud with Cena. (and dont get me wrong, im not blaming Cena for this).
I just brought him up as a comparison to Bray though. After the feud, Bray got pushed down, put into a feud with Jericho, Ambrose then a match with Taker and now Ryback. As I said, same thing will happen to Rusev because theres history to compare it with. They have no idea what to do with Bray and Rusev will be stuck in the same position soon. Rusev has gone form US title to IC title (well now injured).

One of the two (Bray or Rusev) would have benefited from winning the feud with Cena. (Bray would have benefited from either beating Taker or Cena at WM). Id like to see WWE have the ability to make more than one star at a time (rather than luck into some)

I find the notion of a newbie beating a legend or the number one in the business to be utterly ridiculous. These should be big draws for those who have earned it. They're way further down your career exhibitions.
I find the notion of a newbie beating a legend or the number one in the business to be utterly ridiculous. These should be big draws for those who have earned it. They're way further down your career exhibitions.

484 pages late on this but I've just clicked on this thread to work out that NXT is wrestling stuff these days.

Plus Bray losing two WMs in a row, against Cena then Taker. How can he really be taken seriously as a top guy? What better way to legitimize a guy then have him beat a top star? Plus they arent really newbies are they?

Del Rio beat Rey on his debut and people took notice. In fact he did well until he moved over to Raw (although he won the MITB and cashed in on Punk). Him losing the title a month later to Cena (despite Rodriguez help) made del Rio look like a joke.

Nexus pretty much bombed after they lost at Summerslam. I remember Edge and Jericho talking about it on their podcast. Cena basically is the one who thought him beaten Wade and Nexus would help Nexus, but then Cena later admitted it didnt. People who say Cena doesnt have a say need to listen to Jericho/Edge on that podcast.

Edit: It seems like im bashing Cena :lol: I actually think hes one of the best things on Raw with the US open challenge.
In what way does Brock Lesnar fit that mould?

In his first year, Brock beat both Hardy's in handicap matches several times, the Rock (who was champion and was the star of a film that was doing great at the box office at the time), the Undertaker (several times) and submitted Hulk Hogan, to name a few. Not bad for a newbie against some of the top stars.
In what way does Brock Lesnar fit that mould?

EDIT: Wait, are you talking about him beating The Rock or The Undertaker?

In his first year in WWE, Brock beat Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, The Undertaker and Kurt Angle, who were all either legends or main eventers.

Plus Bray losing two WMs in a row, against Cena then Taker. How can he really be taken seriously as a top guy? What better way to legitimize a guy then have him beat a top star? Plus they arent really newbies are they?

Del Rio beat Rey on his debut and people took notice. In fact he did well until he moved over to Raw (although he won the MITB and cashed in on Punk). Him losing the title a month later to Cena (despite Rodriguez help) made del Rio look like a joke.

Nexus pretty much bombed after they lost at Summerslam. I remember Edge and Jericho talking about it on their podcast. Cena basically is the one who thought him beaten Wade and Nexus would help Nexus, but then Cena later admitted it didnt. People who say Cena doesnt have a say need to listen to Jericho/Edge on that podcast.

Edit: It seems like im bashing Cena :lol: I actually think hes one of the best things on Raw with the US open challenge.

Don't take everything wrestlers say seriously, especially one as carny as Jericho.
In his first year, Brock beat both Hardy's in handicap matches several times, the Rock (who was champion and was the star of a film that was doing great at the box office at the time), the Undertaker (several times) and submitted Hulk Hogan, to name a few. Not bad for a newbie against some of the top stars.

Yep + RVD.

Also Angle was similar his first year culminating in him beating Rock for the title.
Don't take everything wrestlers say seriously, especially one as carny as Jericho.

Well obviously, but given it was Edge that said it (and given how it was actually reported around the time of the incident and people said nah its BS, wont buy that until one of the participants admits it) ill tend to believe that one.
The latest Lucha Underground episode is absolutely insane.

Just got to the main event. Mil Muertes' entrance made my jaw drop.

I still can't believe WWE dropped the ball on Catrina/Maxine.

EDIT: That main event was top notch story telling. The post credit scene was... Interesting.
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Just got to the main event. Mil Muertes' entrance made my jaw drop.

I still can't believe WWE dropped the ball on Catrina/Maxine.

EDIT: That main event was top notch story telling. The post credit scene was... Interesting.

A man died (I think)....feckING LOVE IT!!!!
he embarrassed El Jefe. Nobody embarrasses El Jefe

Some suggestions that Mil might have another skull-masked guy with him, due to Bael being dead now.

Main event was great for story-telling, but the title match was just a great match. Didn't know Hernandez had it in him!
In terms of how he won and stuff - Brock is the most dominant start ever.

Kurt had the triple crown + KOTR within a year though. But he didn't do a lot of "clean" winning and destroying like Brock.

Both deserved them pushes though, big time, for the efforts before WWE came calling. And they both easily translated into the "WWE way" perfectly. It's both a shame and brilliant they came at pretty much the same time, since we did get to see them feud, but talents like that are ultra rare.