Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

That could be perfect for Ryback.

It'd work OK for Big E Langston as well, as it's sort of what he's like anyway.

Although they need to give him Monty Brown's old Pounce finisher. Better than the Big Ending.
They should use the ambulance to drive away the dead crowd.

You know, I think Rollins is actually the best on the mic in the WWE right now.
Seems a bit silly that he don't go for it there, with Lesnar and Cena smashed.

That's WWE for you.

I do wonder if they are going to have Cena win at the Rumble then have Rollins cash in to win it straight after, so Lesnar comes out of it a bit more credibly.

Maybe they will even go for the inevitable Shield Triple Threat as soon as Wrestlemania? Since Reigns is favourite for the Rumble.
Seems a bit silly that he don't go for it there, with Lesnar and Cena smashed.

Assuming you meant cashing in. Why would he do it then when he has a triple threat at the rumble? If he cashed in there and then Cena pins Brock at the rumble its been wasted, whereas now he has a much stronger chance of leaving the rumble as champ. Either he wins the triple threat, or he cashes in straight after the match on whoever won (assuming he isnt the one to get pinned) as they will be near enough destroyed anyway from the match.
Supposedly Cena has been advertised as WWE champ for a house show in March.
I'd rather Cena as champ after the Rumble than Lesnar. At least we'll get to see the belt.
How bad was Reigns' promo though?

And why does Cena have to jump when he's taking the Curb Stomp?

It's the most stupid sell of a move in wrestling today. It makes no fecking sense and makes you think "What the feck is doing?" ever time he takes the move.

On Reigns promo, I wouldn't pin the blame on him last night. He started off well but when he had to go into the Jack and the Beanstalk shite, it was cringey. The scripts he has to work with are atrocious.
Just signed up to the network. Meh. The back catalogue of PPVs is good but I really want old RAW and Smacking episodes.

Pays for itself between now and Mania though.
Just signed up to the network. Meh. The back catalogue of PPVs is good but I really want old RAW and Smacking episodes.

Pays for itself between now and Mania though.
Would recommend Legends of Wrestling, Monday Night Wars and Rivalries as good things to watch.
Monday Night Wars and Rivalries is good.

Cenas promo was bad though. He threatened the Authority by winning the title and not appearing on the show. How original :lol:
Bryan revealed he'd been injured since before 13 summerslam. He hurt himself in a match with Orton where he missed a sucide dive and hit the barrier. Then later on in the match, he did a drop kick off the top rope and lost all feeling in his arms. 13:40 in and you see the ref through up the X symbol

Watching it back now, its pretty horrific watching the next section of his match where his arms are limp down by his side
Yeah, I remember at the time, it looked like it was going to be a start of an unlikely push for Bryan. Remember reading Bryan was meant to win that match as well. They ended up have a rematch soon after and Bryan won that one.

I liked the feud between the two tbh, they had some really good matches, just think some of the finishes and booking was weird (though it worked in Bryans favour the way the crowd reacted to him)
Just signed up for the network, I literally have no idea where to start :lol:. I've settled on King Of The Ring 2001, 3 Kurt Angle matches seems fine
Just signed up for the network, I literally have no idea where to start :lol:. I've settled on King Of The Ring 2001, 3 Kurt Angle matches seems fine

The best one is against the guy that isn't actually a wrestler <_<.

I was considering trying to go chronologically through all the ECW, WCW and WWE PPVs. It's not so much the length of time it'd take that's an issue to me, as I want to try and watch as much stuff as possible, it's the issue that I find the older shows tough to get into.

I think I might just keep the list I found of all the PPVs, but just pick one at random and cross them off that way. Doing it out of context is fine, especially when they start bringing in the video packages.
Fancy a bit of the 2001 Rumble this week at some point...brilliant PPV.
lolzy at still being able to use the american sub though. €8.
Do you need a US PSN to get the American sub?
I signed up on with US address back before it was available here. Not tried the app, but presumably it'll be available on EU store now.
WWE (smackdown) commentary is soooo much better without JBL. Lawler on SD is fine with Cole and Byron. Kinda wish it was Phillips on SD instead of Cole (rather than Cole doing both shows)
Still don't have the network here in Australia so a question, are the Benoit matches/segments etc removed or still there?
Still don't have the network here in Australia so a question, are the Benoit matches/segments etc removed or still there?
Still there, but they're all unsearchable.
Got the trial yesterday. Watched an episode of RAW from 97 with the lads. It cut off before the end, right when Paul Bearer interrupted Undertaker as he was coming to the ring. An absolute joke that was.