They aren't even remotely similar what so ever. Over the hill talent were using their political power backstage to dominate in WCW among some of the absolute horrendous booking that followed at one stage.
Not sure what keeps giving people the idea that the WWE still has the 'same old people' at the top. In the last year or two they've brought through Bryan, Punk, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt and to an extent Ziggler among a few others. They're then bringing through plenty on NXT that all have the potential to come through into the main scene over the next year. Who are the big guys at the top that have been there forever and are holding others down?
Brock is champion and could leave after WM, Cena is number one contender, McMahon in charge. Its like were in 2004 all over again
Im not talking about political power backstage, im talking about similarities based on what they say about WCW and what were seeing on TV in the product.
From the ones you mentioned, Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt, Ziggler, Rollins, who is an actual true main eventer from them?
-Rollins (along with J&J) got destroyed by Cena two nights in a row. The only crutch he has is the MITB (he will probably lose to Orton at WM)
-Bray lost in poor feud with Cena which killed his momentum so much they had to reintroduce the Wyatt Family and they arent in a better position at all.
-Ambrose is 0-5 at PPVs since the Shield breakup right? Theyve killed his momentum as well.
-Ziggler isnt but had his moment at Survivor Series so will be interesting to see where they go forward with him.
-Reigns it looks like theyre pushing to that spot so we shall see what comes from it
Cena is still the main event. I dont hate the guy and think when hes serious he has some of the best stuff in WWE (eg like with Edge and Punk and first feud with Rock)
But hes still the guy and the WWE gotoguy / crutch.
Given Authority are back (and look at last year of wrestling) looks like the show will be focused around HHH/Stephanie again.
Bryan only became champion because the crowds pretty much hijacked the shows by chanting his name so much they had no choice otherwise the original Batista/Orton feud would have main evented WM30 (werent they main eventers just less than 10 years ago as well)?
Theyve relied so much on Kane,Big Show, Cena, Orton, Jericho this year and from Rumble until he left Batista. and when hes appeared Brock. And of course the last few WMs (29 and 28) had The Rock.
Punk was hardly ever main event when he was champion lol (not to mention his momentum being killed for a Nash vs HHH vs text vs lockerroom walkout feud)
Hell wcw had built Goldberg in their latter years and destroyed his momentum by having Nash beat him and then the finger poke of doom to bring back nWo.
Yes they look to be integrating younger guys from NXT (development) then again heard the same about Shelton, Kennedy, MVP, Carlito, etc.
Hell weve seen whats happened to Bo Dallas :P
We shall see but there are so many similarities with the product on TV and some of their decisions.