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Minor thing I know but just watching NoC from last night, Goldust's face paint is awesome.
EDIT: How good is Ambrose? Scary the amount of talent on the roster at the moment (including NXT) - Ambrose, Rollins, Bryan, Cesaro, Neville, Zayn, Breeze, Itami, The Ascension. Then you have the likes of Lesnar, Cena, The Rhodes, The Usos. You'd like to hope that at some point over the next few years the stars will align and they will be able to fit all this talent constructively onto the main roster.
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Personally I don't think the Uso's have the gimmick to sustain crowd interest.

Again NXT seem to go down the path of athletic wrestlers. Remeber we still have Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Ziggeler and Miz who have not been able to remain in top card long. Then you have Sheamus and Cesaro who are brilliant, yet underutilized by Creative. They would be outstanding as a tag team, imo!

I think there is a huge potential for a stable here. Rock can come back with a Nation of Domination type stable with Reigns, Uso's and maybe Kofi, Zayn etc. Or Stone Cold with Ambrose, Sheamus, Neville and maybe Sheamus.
Right, a little complaint I have...As ok as Lesnar/Cena was last night there's things in there than are the perfect example of why people dislike/are bored of Cena, especially toward the end of the match. The final interchange, Cena is in the Kimura (sp) Lock for about 90 seconds, breaks the hold and uses the same arm to help deliver maybe the most powerful looking AA he has ever done, followed by an STF. An STF using the same arm that supposedly was on the brink of breaking just seconds before? Following the Rollins false-cash-in, Cena then sits there going "No! You Fool!". In this day and age who in the hell calls someone a fool, especially if they have just cost them a world title of some kind? This isn't some Laurel & Hardy film, surely by the end of a PPV (11pm US Time) they can use the words "asshole" or "bastard". Surely if it sounds to the viewer that Cena only cares enough to call Rollins a "fool" how are we meant to invest in how he is feeling? Because clearly he doesn't feel that bad.

I love Mizdow

Sandow is fantastic, a comedy character that's genuinely funny. A rarity in WWE.

As LeBar said, adults don't buy Cena merch because they dislike his character. If he turned heel then kids wouldn't buy his stuff but adults would all of a sudden. It would be swings and roundabouts.
Yeah, but an adult would buy a t-shirt, maybe a cap.

A kid will (have their parents) buy the cap, t-shirt, shorts, dogtags, wristbands, replica belt, toys, and everything else. I'd have to imagine merch money is much higher with kids.
Yeah, but an adult would buy a t-shirt, maybe a cap.

A kid will (have their parents) buy the cap, t-shirt, shorts, dogtags, wristbands, replica belt, toys, and everything else. I'd have to imagine merch money is much higher with kids.
Think when it comes to the Christmas holidays in a few months, is it more likely the adults go to their partners and ask for a john cena t shirt or will it be the kids pestering their parents for most of the merch on sale?

Goes to show how much is controlled by Vince, I mean if they script Cena to go heel then I'd guess merch sales would drop as kids love the good guy and a 'superhero or hero' type of figure.
I like RAW. Cena and Ambrose facing off against Rollins. The 'surprise' was so predictable and meh. I also like the cracks appearing within The Authority which if played right gives a new angle. Would not mind if Orton, Kane and Barista (on return) forming a seperate stable of their own against Rollins and HHH.

Nikki is not bad in the ring either, but there there was no change AJ would drop the belt. Still not that bad a bollocking she delivered out there. Much better than the usual histronics.

When are the going to do something interesting with Sheamus and Cesaro. Runining talent. And I'm really tired of Swagger, Rusev, Mark Henry and Bo Dallas. They can fill up time..but apart from that none impress or interest me.

And hope Adam Rose does not get stuck with the bunny gimmick and gets proper matches.
I like RAW. Cena and Ambrose facing off against Rollins. The 'surprise' was so predictable and meh. I also like the cracks appearing within The Authority which if played right gives a new angle. Would not mind if Orton, Kane and Barista (on return) forming a seperate stable of their own against Rollins and HHH.

Nikki is not bad in the ring either, but there there was no change AJ would drop the belt. Still not that bad a bollocking she delivered out there. Much better than the usual histronics.

When are the going to do something interesting with Sheamus and Cesaro. Runining talent. And I'm really tired of Swagger, Rusev, Mark Henry and Bo Dallas. They can fill up time..but apart from that none impress or interest me.

And hope Adam Rose does not get stuck with the bunny gimmick and gets proper matches.
Sandow is so funny it's unreal.

But this highlight doesn't take away from the fact that both the ppv and raw were abysmal.

Not even sure where to start, the quick intercontinental championship change and change back, the god awful rusev/Henry matches, the waste of time that is bo Dallas/swagger when swagger came away looking strong against rusev! The waste of time that has become cesaro, seriously why are they so reluctant to build the man? The lack of any real involvement of bray wyatt, the backing of Rollins into a corner so everybody, even the authority are starting to dislike him. Then there's wasting my time on the bella twins just to promote total twatting divas.

No Bryan, no punk, no top level face to step into cenas shoes, no decent booking, no creative, no direction, no point.

Terrible couple of shows.

EDIT: Special mention should go out to the tag title match and to the way they booked Cena vs Lesnar to be fair, they fecked the ending up big time but the booking and build up was very good.
Can somebody help me understand why they booked that NoC main event like that?

They've had Brock Lesnar on this huge run. Beating CM Punk, demolishing Big Show, conquering the undefeated streak of Undertaker at WM, squashing - yes squashing - John Cena at Summerslam.

They build him up to be this unbeatable machine. Then have him look insanely weak and beatable vs Cena. The build up all seems more pointless now.
Can somebody help me understand why they booked that NoC main event like that?

They've had Brock Lesnar on this huge run. Beating CM Punk, demolishing Big Show, conquering the undefeated streak of Undertaker at WM, squashing - yes squashing - John Cena at Summerslam.

They build him up to be this unbeatable machine. Then have him look insanely weak and beatable vs Cena. The build up all seems more pointless now.

Dude kicks out of four FUs and didnt tap out to the STFU. Thats looking weak?
Can somebody help me understand why they booked that NoC main event like that?

They've had Brock Lesnar on this huge run. Beating CM Punk, demolishing Big Show, conquering the undefeated streak of Undertaker at WM, squashing - yes squashing - John Cena at Summerslam.

They build him up to be this unbeatable machine. Then have him look insanely weak and beatable vs Cena. The build up all seems more pointless now.
Not sure they made him look weak to be honest, how many other guys have kicked out of FOUR fu's, withstood an stf and taken a curb stomp and still walk out at the end having delivered an f5 to cena?
Dude kicks out of four FUs and didnt tap out to the STFU. Thats looking weak?
He kicked out of 2 FU's.

He got covered after 4 and Seth Rollins had to essentially make the save. Guys who beat the Undertaker and Cena clean in the 2 biggest events of the year shouldn't be in a position where they need the save.

They should have kept him looking unbeatable then had someone beat him at WM (presumably Roman Reigns) which would have put him over big time. They ended NoC making Lesnar look very beatable.
He kicked out of 2 FU's.

He got covered after 4 and Seth Rollins had to essentially make the save. Guys who beat the Undertaker and Cena clean in the 2 biggest events of the year shouldn't be in a position where they need the save.

They should have kept him looking unbeatable then had someone beat him at WM (presumably Roman Reigns) which would have put him over big time. They ended NoC making Lesnar look very beatable.

He took four FUs and was kicking out of the last one when rollins interfere. On replay you can see his shoulder going up. Cena has been the litmus test for all the WWE guys and in two attempts couldnt beat him after throwing the kitchen sink at him.. What more do you want?

If he crushes cena twice, then logically no one in the WWE universe should be able to beat him.
Four AA's, quite a lengthy time in the STF, and still gets up to hit an F5 after a brief period of time. That's not weak.
They build him up to be this unbeatable machine. Then have him look insanely weak and beatable vs Cena. The build up all seems more pointless now.

Had he beaten Cena twice, it would have been the end of Cena and that not going to happen...seeing he is the leading merchandise revenue generator and Lesnar/Reigns not ready for a regular top spot.

He still came out tough. I think they toughened Cena up to his level.
The PPV was abysmal? Don't get that at all, wasn't a single bad match on the entire show. You must have ridiculous standards if you think that show was abysmal, even more so for a standard PPV that isn't one of the big one's.

I actually liked the Main Event finish too. Rollins is basically public enemy number one, loving the character. He's got the MITB and almost everybody now hunting him down. Ambrose out for his blood, he's now got Cena gunning for him and he tried to do Lesnar over too which you know is eventually going to come back to haunt him. It's a good mix at the top with both Reigns and Bryan to return soon as well. The only real worry is the lack of top faces to go against Lesnar for the time being, interested to see what they do over the next few months.
As LeBar said, adults don't buy Cena merch because they dislike his character. If he turned heel then kids wouldn't buy his stuff but adults would all of a sudden. It would be swings and roundabouts.

Did you see how many adults were wearing Cena shirts and caps on RAW this week? More than usual for sure. Saying that, I just received Cena's trainers for my 8 year old through the post today, so I agree parents probably do buy more for their kids. I always used to buy Mysterio shirts for my eldest lad when we went to see RAW at Butlins, but i'd say 99% of the people there used to have the merchandise on all weekend. I always felt like the odd one out for never buying one or wearing one myself. :lol:
The whole 'only kids buy Cena merch' is BS. Go to most shows in America and you'll see everyone (middle aged men included) buying more Cena merch than any other.
The whole 'only kids buy Cena merch' is BS. Go to most shows in America and you'll see everyone (middle aged men included) buying more Cena merch than any other.

They are in a catch 22 with Cena though. He takes relentless shite for not being able to wrestle and yet he proved otherwise recently in the Cessaro matches. I think like most of the roster now, he is just far too predictable. The whole thing is getting like that tbh. Matches are too easy to call and even the surprises are actually no surprise to anyone. Was anyone shocked at Ambrose escaping on Monday?

Cena is just far too marketable as a face, and to be honest, I don't think anyone would believe if he turned heel anyway. What with his make a wish foundation dedication and all round good guy image outside the ring, I don't think it would work. Add to all that that since Rey has left, WWE have lost any real other hugely marketable star for kids. I think on a whole although the WWE has some impressive wrestlers, they don't have the calibre of years past. Not so much with the filler guys, but more with the top stars like The Rock, SCSA, Undertaker etc. I reckon that's why they are pushing the Patriotic angle so much. All the time they are promoting shite and instantly detestable new talent like that tosser Bolieve, unfortunately I can't see it improving quickly either.
unfortunately I can't see it improving quickly either.

Why? I think it'll just take 6 months max. Once Cena is gone to Bryan or Reigns will take over as face. Then you have Rollins, Wyatt as heels, Ambrose as wild card, Uso's vs Cosmic dust twins, wyatt bros etc, there is a balance between face and heels in coming generation and that's good for business.

All that is needed is to end the Cena / Lesnar and get both guys out of main roaster.
Why? I think it'll just take 6 months max. Once Cena is gone to Bryan or Reigns will take over as face. Then you have Rollins, Wyatt as heels, Ambrose as wild card, Uso's vs Cosmic dust twins, wyatt bros etc, there is a balance between face and heels in coming generation and that's good for business.

All that is needed is to end the Cena / Lesnar and get both guys out of main roaster.

I agree about the balance and agree that there are some exciting new wrestlers, but it's mainly tag teams. It also doesn't replace what they have lost in regards to the biggest draws, especially from the kids point of view. Rey Mysterio was universally loved and had huge merchandise sales, The Undertaker who had an unbelievable career was also a huge attraction, losing those two is a big loss and they have yet to be replaced. For that reason alone I can't see (no pun intended) Cena going anywhere any time soon. He is just on another level when it comes to selling tickets/tv revenue, raising the companies profile and obviously merchandise sales. I also think he is destined to break all the records, especially most crowned champ etc.

Although I don't like the YES bollocks, I agree Bryan is good for business, but he needs to get well and quickly. The loss of CM Punk is also huge and so apparent at the moment. But maybe that's just my opinion.
They are in a catch 22 with Cena though. He takes relentless shite for not being able to wrestle and yet he proved otherwise recently in the Cessaro matches. I think like most of the roster now, he is just far too predictable. The whole thing is getting like that tbh. Matches are too easy to call and even the surprises are actually no surprise to anyone. Was anyone shocked at Ambrose escaping on Monday?
Even the "wrestling gods" like Bryan have a pretty standard, predictable 5-8 move set now, I know it's for safety reasons and that.

I like that a few years ago, they'd go through lengths to come up with different set ups for Orton's rope hung DDT. Now he just doesn't give a feck, picks 'em up in the middle of the ring, and horses them through the ropes just to do it.
The PPV was good. Raw was decent too. I just hate PPV main events that end in DQ. I just wish they were more creative in having a win / loss on a PPV.

I would have hated had i paid for the network to get that (or paid PPV money for that). It would put me off watching further shows if I was on the fence about it.
NXT last night...

Devitt debuted last night on NXT, with a name change. He's now known as Finn Bálor. Could be worse, I suppose. The crowd took to it straight away though and started chanting "Finn! Finn! Finn!" so that's a good sign. Also, his entrance theme sounds great.

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I've already seen it and that, but why does the spoiler policy get ignored in here :(
I do like how they make the connection between their old name and new name though. Same with Kenta.

I agree, I really like his music. Sounds cool.
NXT last night...

Devitt debuted last night on NXT, with a name change. He's now known as Finn Bálor. Could be worse, I suppose. The crowd took to it straight away though and started chanting "Finn! Finn! Finn!" so that's a good sign. Also, his entrance theme sounds great.

Bayley and 'Lil Lexi Bliss give each other the big tens mid match and THIS is what you talk about? Sort your priorities out bro.

As for last week, Night of Champions was quite excellent. Haven't a clue about Raw but from what I hear it's heading in a very interesting manner considering the champion isn't booked.

Dean Ambrose may be the best character not just in wwe right now, but in the entire business. Him getting his hands on Rollins in a big match is going to be out of this world, and well worth the networks £6.66.
It's weird that they haven't been pushing the UK network launch isn't it? (It launches on Wednesday by the way) does anybody know if it will be £9.99 over here to or $ 9.99 which works out at just over £6?

I've had it for 3 months now using a VPN and it really is a quality product.