I dont really get why Trips has this rep of burying people, honestly I don't!
The same Trips that is now giving time to The Shield, Wyatts, Cesaro etc? He is making the shield look like Legit top stars and deserving of their spot in the main event!
The same trips with a 8-9 record at WM, Biggest annual event each year meaning he puts guys over more. Most notable and damaging losses against Cena and Benoit where he tapped out to both!
For anyone who can be bothered to read it, it completely takes a big steaming dump over the idea of Triple H burying people... facts are facts! Guys Trips apparently "Buried" at WM have gone on to have better careers than before it! 3 guys being the exception to that ruling are Owen Hart, Foley and Lesnar... Hart passed away (we all know the sad situation there), Foley retired shortly after and Lesnar was only last year!
When people accuse trips of Burying talent, the names that are thrown around make me near wet myself... Umaga? ffs... was he really going to become World Champ? Chris Masters
Eugene? remember him... he went on to become Tag Champ and face Angle a year later at Summer Slam after blowing his knee out!
For me, the man who personifies burying is Hogan... this generations main culprit of Burying talent is Hogans equivelant... Cena!!!!