New Member
Attitude era had shit for the sake of it at times though, I don't think that can be argued. Hell in a kennel, ladder match for Terri Runnels, Big Show's daddy. feck me man, that while hugely entertaining at the time, you look back on and think...hang on a minute. Ruthless aggression began to move towards in ring action being what carried things and reduced a lot of gimmick matches. Then they lost their way again. I'd say the 2002 until it not being on Sky 1 anymore was some of the best.
The current product is much better in ring than it has been in recent years, it struggles in terms of giving stories to the undercard though. That is something the Attitude Era had in spades. The fact that any good comedy promo is on "the app" is a pain in the hole too.
Yeah, while we had hell in a kennel we we're given numerous great hell in a cell classics! For ridiculous ladder matches for Terri Runnels it evolved into TLC at WM! Just had to laugh that shite off and stick through it to the good stuff I suppose...
Agree with you though, midcard needs more attention... the IC title has lost all meaning now, used to mean the holder would be challenging for the World Title then within the year generally... it was the stepping stone up to the big players. Now it means nothing at all. Don't get me started on the US Title.